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Clicker kid.
Nah, she was a good choice when you find out she only leads because her brother used to. She's a housewife thrust into a position she doesn't understand and focuses too much on one thing. She was out of her depth and the actress showed that perfectly.
I don't think this was the case. From the episode, and from what Mazin and Druckman said on the podcast, Kathleen was not out of her depth. She successfully led the overthrow of FEDRA and consolidated her power at the top. Her issue was her single-minded obsession with vengeance on all who were involved in the death of Michael. Even at the end she could have escaped but instead went after Henry. She was a dark and ruthless antagonist packaged in an unassuming and abnormal (for a vicious leader) person. I thought the casting and acting were absolutely brilliant. Part of what makes TLOU so enthralling is moments like this, you expect Immortan Joe but you get Kathleen.
edit: On second read I think we are mostly in agreement; I just don't think she did not understand how to lead. He bearded sidekick laid it out when he basically said that her brother didn't have what it took to defeat FEDRA, but she did, and that is why everyone followed her.