Television Game of Thrones TV Series | Season 2 | NO book talk!!

What I never understood about the first season is the Dothraki (sp?) were supposed to be this honourable warrior people and yet they reneged on the deal they made originally to get the throne for the dragon born prince. Surely if there was any doubt that they'd carry out their end of the bargain he would never have sold his sister to them?

Spoiler: Speculation. Content: Possible reason why Dothraki didn't go to Westeros as part of the marriage arrangement.
It just occurred to me that maybe when Illyrio arranged Dany's marriage that he lied to Vicerys about Carl agreeing to take Westeros. He did give him a 'golden crown', though, perhaps to the Dothraki that's justice for a weak ruler.

I wonder if non readers have any clue how things are going to get turned the feck upside down. Assuming they are faithful to the adaptions.

Not trying to be a dick, but I don't appreciate that sort of comment, that's as much a spoiler in my mind as anything. I really don't know why I keep coming into the thread after all the spoilers I've seen.
<quote removed> -jv
How hard is it to follow the most basic of rules. Do not discuss anything that you would know from reading the books. It doesn't matter how small or trivial you think it is, there is no need to mention it, no-one wants to read it! Why do people struggle with something that is basically discussed on every page. You're getting Ned Starked.
Anyone here who likes Tywin Lannister? TBF I don't mind Jamie either. I think Tyrion is universally liked. Every other Lannister is a cnut.
Anyone here who likes Tywin Lannister? TBF I don't mind Jamie either. I think Tyrion is universally liked. Every other Lannister is a cnut.

Tywin is absolutely boss in season two in his scenes with Arya. It's obvious he knew she wasn't who she pretended to be, but yet it was hard to get a hold of what / how much he actually knew.

I hope he has a big role in the third season, and that he recognizes Joffrey is a shit and Tyrion is the shit. It was he that made Tyrion Hand after all, wasn't it?
Tywin is absolutely boss in season two in his scenes with Arya. It's obvious he knew she wasn't who she pretended to be, but yet it was hard to get a hold of what / how much he actually knew.

I hope he has a big role in the third season, and that he recognizes Joffrey is a shit and Tyrion is the shit. It was he that made Tyrion Hand after all, wasn't it?

Yes. Those exchanges were delightful! He probably knew he was a Stark since he correctly guesses she is a Northerner.

Hopefully he dethrones Joffrey and becomes the King for the time being.
I wonder if Littlefinger recognised Arya when he visited Harrrenhall to meet Tywin? He tries to make her out but I'm not sure if he actually saw who it was.

I don't think Tywin realised she was a Stark otherwise he would've taken her hostage, although it was clear he knew she was of a higher family than she claimed.

Apart from the assassin, the scenes between Arya and Tywin were my favourite from season 2 - I'd have liked to have seen more of them and less of Qarth.
Littlefinger is a master of the "game." Pretty sure he'd not put Arya's safety in jeopardy.

The Dothraki/Targareyn story-line is moving extremely slow though. FFS.
Littlefinger saw her. He's put that marker aside and will use it later. However, nows she's left and he won't know that yet.
Daenary's story was a massive waste of airtime which could've been used to either expand Ayra's story or Jon Snow's, two of the best POV characters.
Her story is all set up I think. Trying to develop her character plus keep her in your mind I guess. Had she had a story then went away for half a season or more it might be hard to bring her back in. It also helps she's easy on the eye....
My list of characters:

Badass: Tywin > Bronne > Kingslayer > Arya's friend who changed his face > Hound

Masterminds: Lord Varys > Littlefinger > The Imp

Bitches: Joffrey (I will make a party if he dies) > Daenery's brother > Sansa > Theon > Master Pycelle

Stupid: Catelyn > Robert > Catelyn's sister

Bound for honour: Stannis > Eddard> Master Aemon > Ser Barristan

Good ones: Snow > Arya > Bran > Robb


I want in season three more games from Varys and Littlefinger, both of them have been neglected in second season. And I liked Snow much more in first season than in second. Those two things I hope that will improve in the third season.

Finally, it's really a fantastic show. For me, it's the best ever after Galactica.
Kinell people.

Don't mention the books. AT ALL.

In this thread assume they don't exists. I suggest that if you have read them then don't post at all unless you want to risk being infracted because the evidence to date is that people who have read the books can't help but let details slip even with the best will in the world.

Speculation about anything else MUST be in spoiler tags.
We've been over this, but... what is the point of this thread? For everyone to go "grand episode", "right you are" after every new episode?

I know book people shouldn't discuss in this thread, but I mean for the rest of you. In what possible say is "I think X will do X", when said completely based on what they have seen in previous episodes, outside of the purview of this thread? Hell, it seems like the very point of it.

It seems like I am the only one who cares about this, though, and I don't even do my discussion in this thread (I have the other one ;)), so I guess I'll leave it.
The point is giving people choice. Choice to discuss genuine speculation (in spoiler tags) and choice not to read that speculation (by not clicking on the spoiler tag) if don't want to see it while discussing what has actually happened, all without having future enjoyment spoiled by people giving things away who have read the books or other book fact related stuff.

There have been dozens of examples of things that I have deleted that have contained information not readily obtainable by watching the TV series alone. Even forgetting the spoiling of my enjoyment what about the people who read the posts before I deleted them? TBH I don't really get why anyone who has read the books would feel the need to post anything regarding the future in this thread.
Its Khal Drogo people. Not Carl. "Khal" is a title, like King.

A little joke of mine, I don't know why it amuses me so much to call him Carl.

Littlefinger is a master of the "game." Pretty sure he'd not put Arya's safety in jeopardy.

Spoiler: Speculation. Content: Littlefinger's Tendencies re:Arya
That's a very good point about Littlefinger, while he seems like a complete cnut, he doesn't seem like he'd make a mistake out of cruelty or as a show of power by endangering Arya.
We've been over this, but... what is the point of this thread? For everyone to go "grand episode", "right you are" after every new episode?

I know book people shouldn't discuss in this thread, but I mean for the rest of you. In what possible way is "I think X will do X", when said completely based on what they have seen in previous episodes, outside of the purview of this thread? Hell, it seems like the very point of it.

It seems like I am the only one who cares about this, though, and I don't even do my discussion in this thread (I have the other one ;)), so I guess I'll leave it.

It's a fair point, but I agree also with Wibble, would you not have been annoyed if 1/3 of the way into Star Wars someone 'guessed' that Luke was Darth Vader's son, or something similar if that example doesn't do it for you?

It's annoying to have to spoiler speculation, but it's a really minor thing, less annoying than it would be for someone having a fantastic 'guess' turn out to be right about something crucial.

If they clicked the spoiler button they can't really complain, they were warned. But that's also why there should be a short description of the content, that almost no one seems to be including, so you know if it's the sort of speculation you might want to read or not.

Having another separate thread where speculation spoilers are allowed is tempting, but it would just split up the posters and make each thread more dull without as much interaction.
My list of characters:

Badass: Tywin > Bronne > Kingslayer > Arya's friend who changed his face > Hound

Masterminds: Lord Varys > Littlefinger > The Imp

Bitches: Joffrey (I will make a party if he dies) > Daenery's brother > Sansa > Theon > Master Pycelle

Stupid: Catelyn > Robert > Catelyn's sister

Bound for honour: Stannis > Nedden > Master Aemon > Ser Barristan

Good ones: Snow > Arya > Robb


I want in season three more games from Varys and Littlefinger, both of them have been neglected in second season. And I liked Snow much more in first season than in second. Those two things I hope that will improve in the third season.

Finally, it's really a fantastic show. For me, it's the best ever after Galactica.

Ser Jorah is pretty awesome. He needs to be in that list.
Bebe, don't tempt the gods!

Kinell people.

Don't mention the books. AT ALL.

In this thread assume they don't exists.
I suggest that if you have read them then don't post at all unless you want to risk being infracted because the evidence to date is that people who have read the books can't help but let details slip even with the best will in the world.

Speculation about anything else MUST be in spoiler tags.
I've started reading book 1, I'm halfway through, it's obviously not something one would call literature.

I don't know whether it qualifies as literature, but it's very well written. I read GOT when it was first published without fanfare in 1996, and thought immediately it was the best epic fantasy since Tolkien.

As the books appeared one after another I waited patiently for the series to catch fire. It was a bit of a slow burn but it finally happened.
My list of characters:

Badass: Tywin > Bronne > Kingslayer > Arya's friend who changed his face > Hound

Masterminds: Lord Varys > Littlefinger > The Imp

Bitches: Joffrey (I will make a party if he dies) > Daenery's brother > Sansa > Theon > Master Pycelle

Stupid: Catelyn > Robert > Catelyn's sister

Bound for honour: Stannis > Nedden > Master Aemon > Ser Barristan

Good ones: Snow > Arya > Bran > Robb


I want in season three more games from Varys and Littlefinger, both of them have been neglected in second season. And I liked Snow much more in first season than in second. Those two things I hope that will improve in the third season.

Finally, it's really a fantastic show. For me, it's the best ever after Galactica.

Who is Nedden?
Quick question. I'm currntly reading through the first book, I also got Clash of Kings, and also Storm Of Swords. Am I right that there are two parts to SOS?
Oops, my mistake. Eddard or Ned.

I thought maybe that was it, but then everyone else on the list was still alive, I think, at least when you wrote it, so I thought maybe he was someone small I missed.

I'm definitely looking forward to some serious sword fights when some of these best fighters hopefully match up!
NO BOOK TALK even if it doesn't give plot away.

How difficult is that? There is a book thread so use it if you want to discuss anything at all about the books.