Game goes into administration

I got it for 1.99.

I remember when it first came out, I paid 30 quid for it in Woolworths I think it was. Completed it in a couple of days, then traded it in to Gamestation for £35. Quids in! Traded that and Motorstorm and got myself COD4. Best, swap, ever.

I completed it in 3 hours, went to trade it in but it was one of the euro copies that no shop will accept, I think I still have it
Do you have Gamestop in the UK?


Would like to go in tomorrow but too busy unfortunately. There's a two Game shops within 2 minutes in my town centre, one of them has a Gamestation literally two shops down. Ridiculous really.
Just read the RAWK thread on this. Apparently they are trying to pass off Mass Effect 2 as 3 by putting the price up to £17.99 to fool people into thinking it's the new one. At least that's how the RAWK thread read to me. fecking scandalous if true.
I popped down yesterday and there were no spectacular deals that I could see, apart from a preowned Wii for £40, which made me chuckle. I imagine an N64 on ebay would be around thast price!

Are prices likely to fall tomorrow? Thinking about, most prices there were no cheaper than anywhere else when I looked.

Just read the RAWK thread on this. Apparently they are trying to pass off Mass Effect 2 as 3 by putting the price up to £17.99 to fool people into thinking it's the new one. At least that's how the RAWK thread read to me. fecking scandalous if true.

I just took a look at this and it's worse than thought. They are actually covering up the "2" with the price tag! :lol:

That is scandalous from them, talk about destroying public sympathy for a retail chain that is going bust.

As has been said their business plan for years has been flawed and that specific example is why there is very little in the way of customer loyalty for GAME - before they bought it out I always preferred Electronics Boutique.

EDIT: Having looked at the company history it all looks very murky (not in a 'bad' way) in terms of mergers and rebrandings and ties to GameStop in the US who they were owned by under the 'EB Games' name, and then under 'GAME' and then were independent of them but who they paid royalties to.

Their business model is much messier than I thought, not to mention how they have different online stores just for the UK.
Went to gamestation to use up my store credit and managed to pick up deux ex, madden 11, fight night 4 and force unleashed 2 for £40. Not too bad but I'll probably end up trading them all in.

I'll be disappointed if they close down gamestation. They usually had decent trade in deals and their staff were less cnutish than those at Game.
That is awfull to try and trick people into buying the old just to grab so cash for the sinking ship. No wonder people lose sympathy.

Apprently they are doing 75% store credit on trade ins. What use is this if it goes under?
Just been in my local GAME and they have lopped a fiver off their pre-owned titles. However, the same titles were 3 for 2 last week, so it's as-you-were really.

Syndicate is going for £39.99 and Gamestation round the corner has it for £7 cheaper. But you know what? No Mass Effect shenanigans! They're flogging the pre-owned copies for £19.99 but they didnt have a sticker covering the 2, nor was it anywhere near their chart. That photo might just have been an unscrupulous manager on the make.
I've tried to buy F1 2010 pre owned for £2.99 twice now in about 10 days online from gamestation, and both times they've cancelled my order with no explanation. The site says it's in stock, it's nothing to do with this is it?
I must have first bought a game in GAME over 20 years ago. Just shows how much business is moving away from the high street into supermarkets and online. The problem as I see it however is that supermarkets don't have a very good selection and tend to concentrate on the big sellers, meaning that niche title will not be easily available other than through online retailers.

They offer about the same choice as a supermarket now to be fair it used to be that actual gamers worked the stores and would give you an honest opinion now it's full of twats who tell you crazy frog racer is a must have (I actually heard a sales assistant in Harrogate say that to a confused mother)

Glad it's overpriced arse is dying to be fair.
Just announced that they are no longer accepting gift or points cards. If you havent already spent them, you've missed your chance.
Formally entered administration too so probably likely they will shut up shops, the websites are already down.
Walked though my local high street this afternoon, both Gamestation and Game were closed with handwriten signs thanking their customers over the years.

Pretty sad to see no computer game shops on the high street now.
Also no more pre orders are being taken, and no refunds for pre orders already taken. You can't trade games for cash either.
In an ironic sense they were pretty useful in forcing online retailers to drop their prices. I won't be surprised to see the likes of Steam increase their prices now that the competition has dwindled
Can't remember the last time I actually used them anyway. They're way over priced and you get better money for old games on eBay.
I have 20p left of my store-credit having spent the majority (£40) last week.

My cousin has £180 which he has now lost :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Essentially it was coming wasn't it? Apart from having the advantage of getting your game on the same day, you can just pre order a game and wait an extra day. It's usually cheaper online as well.
Essentially it was coming wasn't it? Apart from having the advantage of getting your game on the same day, you can just pre order a game and wait an extra day. It's usually cheaper online as well.

If you pre-order online you can expect it on release date or even before.
Put it this way its now the norm for people to bitch that their game hasn't arrived on a Thursday if its released on a Friday. ShopTo are currently the kings of early arrivals though and their pricing is pretty much the best too.
Like i said earlier in the thread it could never keep up with the online retailers. Yes you had the advantage of getting the game on release date but even if you ordered online and paid the extra for delivery it still worked out cheaper and some times you got it earlier.
Items that don't need testing/checking I always buy of the internet and have ever since the net had it's boom because it's so much easier and most of the time cheaper.

I used to tell my mates a lot of retailers would go bust or shut down because of the net but they never seemed to understand why.
What the whole of football has gone into administration? How did the FA let this happen and can we blame Chelsea for it?
I have 20p left of my store-credit having spent the majority (£40) last week.

My cousin has £180 which he has now lost :lol::lol::lol::lol:

He has had days to go and claim that, nobody to blame but himself
I find it strange how little I care that GAME is going. I'm more sad that it just means there wont be any high street computer game stores anymore. Their prices were always far higher than online, rarely any good deals to be had and never fantastically good service.

Gamestation are slightly better, but not by much really.

Someone should come in and try to set up a new chain of computer game stores with a totally different business model, to try to compete with the online ones now.
I find it strange how little I care that GAME is going. I'm more sad that it just means there wont be any high street computer game stores anymore. Their prices were always far higher than online, rarely any good deals to be had and never fantastically good service.

Gamestation are slightly better, but not by much really.

Someone should come in and try to set up a new chain of computer game stores with a totally different business model, to try to compete with the online ones now.

No chance, wouldn't be profitable.

HMV are likely to go the same way. Example: at Christmas I would looking for a dvd box set to buy someone (can't remember which). I looked in HMV and it was £40. FORTY QUID. On Play and Amazon? £12. TWELVE QUID.

Internet shopping is pretty much killing high street entertainment shops. It is a shame, but if you can save a few quid by ordering something online as opposed to paying over the odds to have it in your hand as soon as the purchase is made, I know which option I'd take.
Are all Gamestations closing down as well? Pretty fecked up really. There is definitely still a need for high street representation for the games industry. There are somethings which need to be tangibly looked at before I would purchase them.