Gabriel Obertan | 2010/11 Performances

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But you can see why people think he might be best there, despite ultimately disagreeing?

He's very good for a ball carrier in knowing when to release the ball with either foot, and he has shown an ability to manipulate the ball well in central areas, which combined can be quite a useful attacking outlet.

Yes, his pass selection is pretty good. But ultimately I dont feel he has the right kind of game to excel in the hole, over on the wing where I think he'll play most of his matches. To me its more or less the same as those suggesting Valencia can play the same role. He could, he's played centrally for his country and has some skills that would be useful in the role. But there's no reason to think he'd be better there than on the wing, where he can get to full speed time and again.

As a winger I've been expecting Obertan to bring the challenge to Valencia and Nani. If either one is off their game, I'm sure Obertan will be looking to step up to the plate.
With Giggs, Nani, Valencia and Park already on the wings there is no pressure for Obertan to be an instant success.

He's got a lot to learn, but perhaps SAF's talk about playing Obertan down the middle is an indication that he is trying to find playing time wherever he can for him.
With Giggs, Nani, Valencia and Park already on the wings there is no pressure for Obertan to be an instant success.

He's got a lot to learn, but perhaps SAF's talk about playing Obertan down the middle is an indication that he is trying to find playing time wherever he can for him.

Agree. There's no pressure on the lad, which will allow him the luxury of bring brought along slowly, with increasing minutes when Nani is injured or rested.
You disagree that Ozil has phenomenal off the ball movement for someoen who is only 21?

I disagree with your comparisons of two very different players.

Ozil is a smart young player, but I wouldn't use him as the idol to which all other players are judged.
I disagree with your comparisons of two very different players.

Ozil is a smart young player, but I wouldn't use him as the idol to which all other players are judged.

I am not using it to compare his overall play. There is talk in this thread of him being played in an attacking midfield role, exactly the position Ozil was playing this world cup. Given that they are pretty much the same age, and given that off the ball movement is important for an attacking midfielder, I don't think there is anything wrong in comparing one specific aspect of his play with Ozil's. Would you rather I compared him to iniesta? That doesn't make much sense does it given that Iniesta is vastly more experienced, better to make comparisons among players who are at equal stages in their career.
I am not using it to compare his overall play. There is talk in this thread of him being played in an attacking midfield role, exactly the position Ozil was playing this world cup. Given that they are pretty much the same age, and given that off the ball movement is important for an attacking midfielder, I don't think there is anything wrong in comparing one specific aspect of his play with Ozil's. Would you rather I compared him to iniesta? That doesn't make much sense does it given that Iniesta is vastly more experienced, better to make comparisons among players who are at equal stages in their career.

How are Ozil and Obertan at the same stage in their career? Ozil played in a world cup where was nominated for the golden ball. He's made over 100 appearances Bremen since signing with them two years ago. Obertan is considerably behind him in pretty much all aspects of their "stages of their career".

Why would you compare him to Iniesta either?

Thats like me saying Obertan is skillful, but not as skillful as Ronaldo
How are Ozil and Obertan at the same stage in their career? Ozil played in a world cup where was nominated for the golden ball. He's made over 100 appearances Bremen since signing with them two years ago. Obertan is considerably behind him in pretty much all aspects of their "stages of their career".

Why would you compare him to Iniesta either?

Thats like me saying Obertan is skillful, but not as skillful as Ronaldo

They are both 21 years old, still beginning their careers. Ozil may have accomplished more but that doesn't deny the fact that he is still of the same age group. I compared Obertan to Ozil for this reason. Ozil is clearly one of the brightest talent in his age group so it makes sense to use him as the yardstick to compare other players.
there's much room for improvement... he needs to work out his finish and passing...
He seems to do the difficult things like dribbling, tricks and getting passed his man well but the simple things like passing and shooting poorly.
If Obertan can steady his mind enough to focus on the basics, he could easily become one of the best players in the PL within 2 seasons.

If he can't do that, though, he won't succeed at United.

Overall, a very positive analysis!
If Obertan can steady his mind enough to focus on the basics, he could easily become one of the best players in the PL within 2 seasons.

If he can't do that, though, he won't succeed at United.

Overall, a very positive analysis!

Or he can be an ok player doing fairly well for United.
Or he can be an ok player doing fairly well for United.

Nah, he's too bright a talent to do "ok". He'll either succeed massively or flop massively. An all or nothing player.

I'm leaning toward him succeeding because I think he's an intelligent enough lad to understand that all he has to do is nail the basics.

I remember watching him play through the middle against Liverpool reserves last season and just being blown away.
Obertan could be a star at United. He's got all the tools, he just needs to learn how to use them. I wouldn't say this season is make or break for him but I can see him featuring a lot more

I was impressed with him v Celtic t'other night.
They are both 21 years old, still beginning their careers. Ozil may have accomplished more but that doesn't deny the fact that he is still of the same age group. I compared Obertan to Ozil for this reason. Ozil is clearly one of the brightest talent in his age group so it makes sense to use him as the yardstick to compare other players.

Just because they're the same age doesn't mean they are at the same stages of development. Ozil drives to practice in the morning knowing that he's going to be one of the first names on the team sheet. Obertan is our fourth (or fifth) choice winger who made seven Premier League appearances. I understand what you are trying to say, but I just feel differently about it.

Like Ronaldo or Messi when they were eighteen years old. They were so far advanced and had already reached superstar status that it wasn't very productive comparing other youngsters to them.

That said, I'm confident enough in Obertan. We don't have to put all our faith in him because we have a surplus of wingers, but he could be a useful tool to bring off the bench and run at tired defenders. I'm really excited to see what he brings to the table this season.
Nah, he's too bright a talent to do "ok". He'll either succeed massively or flop massively. An all or nothing player.

I'm leaning toward him succeeding because I think he's an intelligent enough lad to understand that all he has to do is nail the basics.

I remember watching him play through the middle against Liverpool reserves last season and just being blown away.

With all due respect, I think it's a retarded view.
There's been plenty of players in the same mold of Obertan in France (Ben Arfa,Menez ...),who have become "ok" players and not either great or rubbish.
These players even had bigger reputation and talent than him so yeah there is no way to say he'll either flop and succeed (with a favoritism for success)
With all due respect, I think it's a retarded view.
There's been plenty of players in the same mold of Obertan in France (Ben Arfa,Menez ...),who have become "ok" players and not either great or rubbish.
These players even had bigger reputation and talent than him so yeah there is no way to say he'll either flop and succeed (with a favoritism for success)

None of those players played at United though. We're an all or nothing club when it comes to flair players. It's never enough for a flair player to be 'ok' at Old Trafford, the club is too big.

Look at Nani - no one was happy with him until he put ALL the pieces together last season.
so its looking likely fergie is going after a 433?

excelllentttt :devil:
None of those players played at United though. We're an all or nothing club when it comes to flair players. It's never enough for a flair player to be 'ok' at Old Trafford, the club is too big.

Look at Nani - no one was happy with him until he put ALL the pieces together last season.

Whatever happens ,if say Obertan is sold in the next 2 season will you see that as a failure ? I know I won't.
Needs to work on his crossing and being less selfish. He started off looking to always find someone else but, a few times he's decided to do to much on his own now rather than look for someone else.

A lot of the faults I see are similar to the ones Nani had, too heads down, not good enough on the crosses. With games and proper encouragement he well could be a very good player - the skills/ability seems to be there.

Hope to see more of him in the pre-season.
This season is do or die for him (and some others i think..Gibson, Anderson)

He's only been at the club for a season! Do or die seems a bit dramatic
there was a time where fletcher was referred to as "the scottish player"...

seriously, I m not a fan of those who like to bash the younger players. I think it's counter-productive. younger players needs support not bashing

Even Ronaldo in his earlier days used to get lot of stick. He was accused of ball-watching and one-trick pony. I m glad he proved them wrong
Tosic was stuck in the reserves forever making only a couple of appearances. While Obertan have played more than him in shorter period of time.
Tosic was stuck in the reserves forever making only a couple of appearances. While Obertan have played more than him in shorter period of time.

That's true and it seems that fergie preferred him to Tosic for sure.

However, having watched the highlights of the game vs celtic, i did not see any noticeable improvement over last year. He seems to be making the same mistakes over and over again.

Don't get me wrong, i hope he ll make it one day but tbh i expected something more from him. who knows, maybe in the next games he ll prove me wrong
None of those players played at United though. We're an all or nothing club when it comes to flair players. It's never enough for a flair player to be 'ok' at Old Trafford, the club is too big.

Look at Nani - no one was happy with him until he put ALL the pieces together last season.

Agree, I can't see him making his big break through this season, IMO he's even more raw than Nani when he arrived. A lot of potential there though and he must surely be the fastest winger at the club.
However, having watched the highlights of the game vs celtic, i did not see any noticeable improvement over last year.

That is false. Aside from his still lacking shooting abilities, I thought he preformed very well.
That is false. Aside from his still lacking shooting abilities, I thought he preformed very well.

have to agree. First off its the first pre-season game and I wasnt expecting too much but he looked full of direct running, some nice dribbling and some fancy footwork.

Should have passed it a few times rather that shoot but nothing was worrying. How you can say he hasnt progressed from a full season by watching one pre-season game against celtic in another country is silly.

look at Nani, it wasnt until the second half where he found his feet and picked it up. It could happen at any moment for Obertan but the potential is there.
...and, very important thing - most of his passing mistakes and bad decisions came in first 15mins of the game. He is that kind of player, needs a time to adapt to the tempo of the match... We have noticed that on many occasions during last season.
have to agree. First off its the first pre-season game and I wasnt expecting too much but he looked full of direct running, some nice dribbling and some fancy footwork.

Should have passed it a few times rather that shoot but nothing was worrying. How you can say he hasnt progressed from a full season by watching one pre-season game against celtic in another country is silly.

look at Nani, it wasnt until the second half where he found his feet and picked it up. It could happen at any moment for Obertan but the potential is there.

Quite clearly. Once he sharpens up his crossing and learns how to harness his shooting ability, he could be devastating. We should be patient and have faith in him because there's not a lot missing from his game right now.

In a way it's good that we haven't bought another wide man. The departure of Tosic and less reliance on Giggs has opened a route for him to reach the first team more often. Providing we stay in all competitions for a prolonged period of time there will be plenty of games to go around. I expect to see him given opportunities as the season goes on and our regulars get injured/need rest. Luckily for him you can tell Fergie really believes in his talent and is never afraid to throw into action, unlike Tosic. That alone bodes well for his future here.
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