Some feckin' jaysus session above in Portumna on Monday night, I'm still not right after it. The days where I could go on a right session, sleep in some hay shed get up as fresh as a daisy at 6 and thumb a lift to work and are long gone now I'm afraid. Reminds me of the time meself and Tom Poland god give him the bed of heaven decided to thumb a lift to Banagher one early one Sunday morning after Mass and have a few scoops in The Shannon hotel before heading up to Corrigans, 2 o'clock that night and not a taxi to be got we decided we'd cut it cross country and cross the fields back home which was around 13 miles away, 4 hours later and covered in shite from trying to jumping drains and stuff we finally saw telephone poles and heard cars driving along a road, not so fecking bad we said we're home, got an awful land when we jumped over the final ditch only to be met with a Welcome to Banagher please keep our town tidy sign though, we were back where we started. Mighty craic all the same!
Fair play to Portumna though and to any of ye that took my advice to put a few quid on them back in early November. What ya call him scored 10 points, damn all shure.....
Did you get a wee photo with Canning more like?