Fred | no longer Fred the Red but now a Turkish delight

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That isn’t exactly what was said though.

I’m all for a good debate but don’t be disingenuous cause your one liner fell short.

The point made was that age plays a major factor, I gave an example, yes an outlier, that age isn’t something that automatically writes a player off.

Do better.

What? :lol: Of course age plays a major factor. So you've got some examples of players over 30 being sold for a big money. What is your point?
You're a season ticket holder but somehow you watch all of Brighton's games :lol:

How exactly are Fred and Caicedo incomparable? Your posts are just unreadable rambling. You don't even know what you're saying.

No PL team wants Fred because he is approaching 31 and on high wages. Why should a Premier League club go for him when they can get a younger, better option with less wages?

This might shock you, but it's possible to watch games....after they've happened. Also, did you know that Brighton and ourselves don't have all our games scheduled at the same time. Amazing I know, if you have time i can tell you about something called the internet, where media can be digested outside of the time it was broadcast.

My posts are unreadable rambling? With grammar and well made points, yet you just scream at everyone STATS and that's someone a coherent argument is it? You just can't take that you're flat out wrong and are throwing your toys out the pram going on childish attacks. I'll say it again, the fact that ONLY Fenerbache wants to sign him proves you wrong. There's no argument to be had here, the proof is literally in front of you.
Thanks for that :lol:

You showed how easy it was for that poster to do their homework. Funny thing is it wasn't even limited to that thread either.

Kanté was dreadful and riddled with injuries, while Fred was playing his best football at the time. No one is saying Fred is a better footballer in general, but over a period he certainly was. If you disagree, that's okay, but even Chelsea fans who were watching United would agree with this.

There was no need for that thread, though, as it is very clear Kanté is a superior player and midfielder than Fred. Acting like those posters were wrong and putting laughing emojis as if it's a ridiculous thing to say at the time is also a bit weird.
You're a season ticket holder but somehow you watch all of Brighton's games :lol:

How exactly are Fred and Caicedo incomparable? Your posts are just unreadable rambling. You don't even know what you're saying.

No PL team wants Fred because he is approaching 31 and on high wages. Why should a Premier League club go for him when they can get a younger, better option with less wages?
Fenerbahce be aware Liverpool’s might hijack their move and offer us 50m for Fred, since Fred is only an older and “slightly”worse version of Caicedo according to statistics…
If you're going to go by opinion by its definition, then no, your subjective claim that Fred is shit can't be proven right or wrong.
Let’s deal in facts then.

Fred was available for sale. Any team in Europe/the World could bid. He’s going to Turkey.

If you can point me to where I called Fred shit I’ll happily withdraw that statement.
This is not how football transfers work, though. You're assuming that if only one club are interested in a player, then he's not a good player. There is only one Saudi club interested in bringing in Verratti. We haven't even heard of any clubs linked to Neymar, despite PSG publically putting him out on the market. Kanté signed for a Saudi club, who was the only club showing interest. So, tell me something. Are these players shit?
You keep on trying equivocate this discussion instead of sticking to the player at hand. RvP, Verrati, Neymar & Kante all were/are better players than Fred - let’s not compare apples to oranges especially when the 3 above are all playing for oil clubs on kings ransoms.

Where am I assuming if one club is interested in a player they are ‘shit’? I’ve said if no club from a major league wants Fred then he’s not particularly good. Big difference.
Of course Fred doesn't fit into PL teams planning for the future, but that doesn't mean he has been shit throughout for us.
Again with the wildly hysterical claims. Where have I said he has been shit throughout for us?

Feel free to quote & I will of course withdraw.
And to add a note: Fulham were interested in signing Fred.
Yet with all that Premier League money he’s going to Turkey.

If it’s a game of X Club were interested we could be here all weekend on United alone.
You're so wound up by this, it's astounding!
One liner failed so let’s label a poster something. . .

Do better.
It's embarrassing. Imagine hating a player for not being a great midfielder, despite being one of the hardest workers in the team, never complaining and always ready to give his best. They genuinely get angry just by reading his name, and flip out when someone suggests he's had decent periods for us. Trash supporters.
No one hates Fred.

Read my post history, I’ve acknowledged his decent periods for us on multiple occasions. If you can provide an example of any of the bolded parts I’ll gladly retract those posts as it looks to me like you’ve brought a chip on your shoulder from a previous poster cause I’ve said nothing of the sort.
This might shock you, but it's possible to watch games....after they've happened. Also, did you know that Brighton and ourselves don't have all our games scheduled at the same time. Amazing I know, if you have time i can tell you about something called the internet, where media can be digested outside of the time it was broadcast.

Well, yes, but why are you watching every Brighton game? Let me guess, your brother-in-law is a huge Brighton fan so you watch them together.

Fred is not a great midfielder, but he has had decent spells for us, and performances where he absolutely ran the show against PSG and City's midfield. Let's not act like he's a trash player. Maybe not United quality, but he was part of a midfield that ended up 3rd twice and 2nd once.
You keep on trying equivocate this discussion instead of sticking to the player at hand. RvP, Verrati, Neymar & Kante all were/are better players than Fred - let’s not compare apples to oranges especially when the 3 above are all playing for oil clubs on kings ransoms.

Where am I assuming if one club is interested in a player they are ‘shit’? I’ve said if no club from a major league wants Fred then he’s not particularly good. Big difference.

Yes, they are better players, which makes it even stranger. Why aren't other clubs in for them?

We've yet to see a club from a major league looking to sign Neymar or Verratti, so why is that? According to what you just said, that means they're not particularly good.
One liner failed so let’s label a poster something. . .

Do better.

Failed at what?

I literally just explained why your example of Harry Kane was a terrible one.

Fred is a good football player. The stats prove it and dramatically supercede the fact that you don't put value on a players age, length of contract and wages when assessing a players transfer value.

Do far better.
Kanté was dreadful and riddled with injuries, while Fred was playing his best football at the time. No one is saying Fred is a better footballer in general, but over a period he certainly was. If you disagree, that's okay, but even Chelsea fans who were watching United would agree with this.

There was no need for that thread, though, as it is very clear Kanté is a superior player and midfielder than Fred. Acting like those posters were wrong and putting laughing emojis as if it's a ridiculous thing to say at the time is also a bit weird.
It was a ridiculous thing to say and still is. Fred is two levels below Kante so if Fred is playing better for a few months due to Kante having injuries then what sense does it make comparing them. His injuries stopped the following year and he was Chelsea's best player in their CL win. It deserved to be laughed at because it was a silly thing to say.
He may not have been our greatest midfielder, but he's always been a likeable fellow.

He always gave his best, which wasn't always good enough but you couldn't fault his work rate or commitment.

Yeah absolutely put his heart and soul into it
Best of luck to him. For all his faults Fred was a very likeable player and did possess some good traits. Hope he does well in Turkey.
thanks for everything Fred! you always gave it your all and I will forever respect that!
Quite sad. Fair play to him for making me care after some lean years for the club. He was fun, he was committed when it was in short supply.
He lacked composure but you could never fault his effort and heart. Hope he has a nice time in Turkey and its good we are also moving on.
Eriksen is there just for passing purposes now and we lack quality on the ball

We look like getting overrun every time he plays. His quality on the ball, particularly from deeper areas, isn't good enough to make up for that IMO. Completely just drifts out of games.

Consistency has always been Fred's biggest issue, but I thought we played our best football last season with him alongside Casemiro. Is a much more useful squad player in my mind.
I wish him the best of luck for the future. He's a very likeable guy and his heart and effort was always in the right place. Think he'll do well at his new club.
We look like getting overrun every time he plays. His quality on the ball, particularly from deeper areas, isn't good enough to make up for that IMO. Completely just drifts out of games.

Consistency has always been Fred's biggest issue, but I thought we played our best football last season with him alongside Casemiro. Is a much more useful squad player in my mind.

Don't panic he won't play so much with Mount now here and we will sign a Casemiro partner
Good luck to the fella, always gave his all just wasn’t good enough.

Right decision by the club though, as the alternatives we’re losing him on a free or offering a multi-year contract.
Some of the passes and vision on here are seriously world class. Some great goals as well. Good luck Fred!

Since he signed, he's been one of my favourite, and least favourite players. There was rarely middle ground in his performances. He either bossed it, or looked hopeless. Infuriatingly inconsistent, and a joy to watch watch when he was on it. Love him, and glad we're moving on.
Always gave it his all. Not quite good enough in the end unfortunately but a very likeable guy. Good luck to him.
but I hardly see Scott's passing being labelled diabolical and a disgrace.
It should be though.

I'll miss good Fred. Bad Fred... well we have more than enough players who can replace Bad Fred's "contributions".
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