Frankie Boyle


Full Member
Nov 30, 2006
Hunting The Hunter !
OUTRAGEOUS Scots comic Frankie Boyle last night confessed to an 11-year drink and drugs binge that threatened to wreck his skyrocketing TV career.

The Mock The Week star was once crippled by shyness and turned to booze, cannabis, ecstasy and LSD for help.

It will stun the BBC2 show’s four million fans who only know him as the fearless joker taking on politicians, terrorists — and even the Queen’s naughty bits.

Frankie, 36, admitted: “Everybody in Scotland f***ing drinks and it’s hard to tell when you’ve got a problem. By the time I was a student I was trying to get p***ed five or six days a week, drinking up to ten pints a night. I knew I was an alcoholic.”

And he laid into critics who blasted a shock joke he made about the Queen — broadcast by the BBC just as the furore exploded over filthy on-air phone calls by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.

In a Mock The Week segment titled ‘Things she would NOT say in her Christmas speech’ Frankie quipped: “I’ve had a few medical issues this year — I am now so old that my p***y is haunted.”

The show was cited as another example of the Beeb’s failure to restrain artists. But Frankie refused to apologise and declared: “What are we going to do, ban humour? I have two words for the people who complained: ‘F*** off!’”

And it’s below-the-belt one-liners like that have propelled the now-sober dad-of-two to fame — a skill he honed at times in his life when things weren’t always so funny. At 15, ginger-haired Frankie got his first taste of booze. “I remember sneaking a bottle of vodka from my parents,” he said.

“I must have downed half in one day and got absolutely steaming. And from then on I realised drinking was an easy way to forget my problems and have a good time.“

Heavy boozing was the norm in Glasgow, where Frankie grew up in a tenement block with labourer dad and school dinnerlady mum. “I had a pretty grim childhood,” he said. “There was nothing to do so me and my friends started drinking whenever we could.”

Things got more serious when Frankie went to university to do an English degree in Brighton, and teacher training in Edinburgh.

He said: “Ten pints of fizzy lager made me funny. I’d sing Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’ in a French accent and scare the new students. I’d drink until I vomited or passed out somewhere.

“The most I had in one go was about 20 pints. One time I woke at a friend’s in a panic because I couldn’t see. I eventually realised I didn’t have my glasses on. I looked everywhere for them until I noticed they’d fallen out the window and were lying in a pool of vomit from the night before. I carried on like that for years. It didn’t bother my friends or family — in Scotland everyone is f***ed.

“I was 26 when I had my last drink. I had a drinking competition with three Romanians. My last memory is one guy saying, ‘Okay, let’s call it a draw’ before he passed out. I drank them all under the table. I knew it was time to quit. I was bored and ready to do something different with my life. Work became my addiction.”

Even though Frankie quit drinking, he still carried on using drugs for another three years.

He said: “I’d do anything I could get — a lot of weed, ecstasy and acid but never cocaine. That’s an idiot’s drug. But it’s been years now since I’ve done anything.”

Divorcee Frankie — now with a long-term girlfriend — found fame in the mid-90s with an open mike award at the Edinburgh Fringe.

Now he is the dark soul of Mock The Week and guests on 8 Out Of 10 Cats and Would I Lie To You? His current tour, Frankie Boyle Live, began a year ago, with him performing for over 100,000 fans so far.

Recalling the royal controversy he said: “I don’t think we should worry about hurting the Queen’s feelings. She’s got a lot of money. Satire is talking about the people who wield power.”

Turning his venom on Westminster, he added: “If we were a band of survivors do you think we’d elect Gordon Brown to lead us? He’d be like the village idiot. And if David Cameron hadn’t gone to Eton? He’d be managing a Pizza Hut. The minute I get cancer I’m killing all of Britain’s politicians.”

FRANKIE’S new stand-up DVD Frankie Boyle Live, including uncut footage too harsh for TV, is released tomorrow by 4DVD at £19.99.

This guy is an absolute legend. You have to admire how brutally honest he is about everything. Easily IMHO the best comedian out there at the moment.

Will definately be getting a look at his new stand-up routine.

This is the line that caused "controversy" from the PC spackers. I thought it was funny !

:lol: Says exactly what a lot of us want to say to the complainers.
He's right, whoever complained to that is pretty stupid. Surely they would know what to expect from him, and the only person that could possibly complain would be the Queen herself, who I doubt watched it.
He said: “I’d do anything I could get — a lot of weed, ecstasy and acid but never cocaine. That’s an idiot’s drug. But it’s been years now since I’ve done anything.”

So ecstacy isn't and idiots drug then :lol:,Might have take some more and feel like shit for three days after again.
the torrent for the dvd is definitely NOT out
and it isnt called Frankie.Boyle.Live.DVDRip.XviD-HAGGiS
a search for the same would be pointless
I would be utterly disgusted if this were to become available. Thankfully if it does most of the trackers would require registration, which would restrict the scoundrels that might want to steal this man's intellectual property. Hopefully the scumbags who might want to steal this, if it were ever to become available, wouldn't download a torrent from The Pirate Bay which may have a tracker that didn't require registration. I feel sick at the very thought.
He's a funny fella a bit too wild at times but its still funny.

He's always taking the piss out of Scotland.
To be honest never understood why the spackers complained about the "pussy" comment. That is actually quite soft compared to some of the other comments Boyle makes. Also I am absolutely disgusted that you can get his dvd on torrent, and I despise anyone who downloads it.
Frankie Boyle's column n the daily record is legendary. I suggest everyone bookmark it. Heres an excert from when Barack Obama won Presidency
Who'll have the last laugh over Barack?

Nov 8 2008 Frankie Boyle

I NEVER thought I'd live to see a black man in the White House. It just shows that it's true what they say about the American dream, that anyone really can grow up to be president, if they've got Û800million.

Did you notice the bullet-proof glass at Obama's victory speech? Just because he's black doesn't mean he's going to shoot the crowd! Racism is obviously still alive and well.

Barack's win has been hailed as an "inspiration". Mainly to assassins nationwide.

The question people are asking: "Do you remember what you were doing when Obama was elected?"

For a lot of Texans, the answer will be "reloading".

Alot of white Americans do seem to have voted for Obama. Mainly because they thought he was TigerWoods.

It was great when he came to Berlin and got a standing ovation from 20,000 people.

Although let's not forget that the last man to get a standing ovation from 20,000 people in Berlin was the most evil man in history. David Hasselhoff.

President Bush is supposed to leave the White House on January 20. Realistically, by the time he manages to dress himself and work out how to open the door, it'll be nearer the 23rd.

Bush says when he retires he will make his living from speaking. Yes, play to your strengths George. That's like Abu Hamza having a career doing shadow puppets.

During John McCain's concession speech, you could see Sarah Palin holding back tears - as she realised she was going back to that desolate sh****** Alaska for another four years.

What will happen to all those clothes they bought her? They'll look a little out of place in Alaska's only nightspot, TheWebfooted Lumberjack Bar and Grill.

Politicians are desperate to be associated with Obama.

Alex Salmond latched on to his "Scottish" ancestry. Perhaps Barack does have the Scottish gene as, like thousands of his countrymen in gutters worldwide, he, too, is seeking change.

Apparently, his ancestry can be traced back to a 13th century Scottish King.

It's all pretty vague, but more than enough to get him into our football team.

Sadly, Barack Obama's grandmother passed away the day before the election. Cynics say it may have notched up a few extra sympathy votes.

Are you listening David Cameron? You know how to secure my vote at the next election. Twenty-four hours before polling, die.

During Prime Minister's Questions, Gordon Brown and David Cameron tried to align Obama to their own parties' policies. Brown claimed they shared values. Cameron claimed they shared the will for change.

Lib Demleader Nick Clegg misjudged the mood somewhat by blacking up and singing all four verses of SoulMan.


Some newer stuff as well

Lorry laugh

Nov 8 2008 Frankie Boyle

JEREMY Clarkson sparked controversy on Top Gear by joking about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes. It's time the BBC did something to stop presenters making these offensive statements. Not all the women murdered by lorry drivers are prostitutes.

I don't think Jeremy Clarkson has done anything wrong, but if it helps him get the sack, then who am I not to complain? The man is an annoying tit.

A suspension isn't enough this time: print his home address on Yorkie bars.

See you Trumpy, top hair

Nov 8 2008 Frankie Boyle

DONALD Trump has finally got permission to build his golf course near Aberdeen.

How can anyone say he doesn't respect sand dunes when he wears one on his head?

The only reason Donald Trump likes coming to Scotland is because he can save money on CUJimmy wigs.

Trump will spend more than £1billion on this course.

This project isn't just for rich jet setters. Oh no. The people of Aberdeen will get to see the course, too, when they cut the grass and pick up the rubbish for minimum wage. Only kidding, those jobs will provide a much needed boost to the local economy, of Poland.

It'll be great for the population of Aberdeenshire to be able to have something like this right on their doorstep, right behind a 10ft-high electrified fence. The dunes will still be protected - from poor people, by security guards.

A billion pounds? For that money, you could buy Scotland and turn it into a golf course.

There are at least 18 holes.

Glenrothes, Aviemore, Dingwall...

:lol::lol: Its pretty good
I'm sure I heard him say once that because he adlibs quite a lot he can't help pissing himself as he hears the joke for the first time.

He really is about the funniest stand-up on the circuit at the moment.
It was an enjoyable DVD, but out of the 90 minutes I would say at least an hour was previous material from Mock the Week, the best part was when he did Q&A with the audience because it seemed ad libbed.
I've watched the DVD, it is as funny and as raw as a comedian can get. There are quite alot of old material in there, but also some pretty funny new material as well. He delivers it all pretty well. His Q&A with the audience is definately the best. Just rips them to shreds.
his column is just hilarious

A mad mad world north of the border

Nov 15 2008 Frankie Boyle

A GREAT thing about writing this column has been that while I'm touring England I've had an excuse to immerse myself in Scottish news ...and its sheer mentalness.

A businessman has been found guilty of defrauding a company of 24 tonnes of cheese and grating it by the time police got there.

I think it was the 70ft baked potato that gave him away.

Alot of people hearing that story on the news must have thought they were watching The Two Ronnies.

In Beijing, Andy Roddick challenged Andy Murray to see how long they could stay in an ice bath, and lost. Obviously, Roddick forgot Murray is Scottish. Between October and March, this whole country is basically one giant ice bath. At one point, Murray actually broke into a sweat. If he'd challenged Murray to sit in a hot tub, he'd probably have killed him.

Apparently, it's a macho thing.

Considering their willies must have ended up looking like Tic Tacs, I fail to see anything macho about it. It all sounds a bit homo-erotic.

What's his next challenge going to be? Nude wrestling in a bath of jelly? Later, Murray thrashed Roddick for 90 minutes. Then they played tennis.

Meanwhile, the Rowett Institute in Aberdeen has invented wholemeal bread that can combat diabetes, tomatoes that prevent heart disease and blackcurrants that reduce Alzheimer's.

What they haven't invented is a Scotsman who eats any of these.

Stick a piece of fruit down the average Scottish person's throat and the only thing you'll get is toxic shock syndrome. If they'd come up with a sausage roll that prevents cancer or a Silk Cut that cures motor neurone disease, I might have been impressed.

Apparently, the recession could mean that in a year the centre of most Scots towns could resemble a post-apocalyptic wasteland. So at least there will be improvements. I was talking to a bunch of Scots at a show and spent ages trying to see who would win in S**tTown Top Trumps. In the end, Coatbridge won, largely due to my memory of it having one Chinese takeaway, called Bon Appetit.

We've been to some shocking towns on tour. Port Talbot in Wales is like Blade Runner without special effects. We later heard scientists had discovered cave paintings nearby dating back to the Seventies.

It's a funny old world. Didier Drogba was criticised for throwing a50p piece into the Burnley crowd.

If he'd thrown a 50p piece into the fans at Motherwell, they would have built a statue of him.

The SFA is refusing to take part in the 2012 British Olympic football team. England stars like Rooney and Gerrard are devastated by this.

They were hoping to finally have players on the team uglier than them

Organ donation in Scotland

Nov 22 2008 Frankie Boyle

TURNS out there are problems with organ donation in Scotland. Lots of people die young, but they've all got the internal organs of a 90-year-old.

I want my organs to be of use after I die, which is why I'm getting them embalmed and put in jars in the burial chamber of my pyramid.

That won't be for a while, though, as I've got the body of a man half my age. In my fridge.

It can't hurt to keep a few spares handy. Seriously though, I don't want my organs going to waste, which is why I've told my family that after I die they should tuck in.

TV contests are a crying shame

Nov 22 2008 Frankie Boyle

EVERY year, it seems that one of the finalists on The X Factor has a mortally ill relative.

Simon will say, "Your wife/mother/dog would be very proud of you tonight," and they cry and get through to the next round.

They are not crying because they miss their relative, they are crying because they know Simon Cowell has a henchman ready to switch off the life-support machine should the show ratings start to slip.

Simon only has Eoghan in the competition now. Dermot always says how nervous Eoghan is backstage - that's not singing nerves, that's because he knows Simon is creeping up on his mother with a bolt gun.

Meanwhile, TimmyMallett joined I'mA Celebrity. Television has finally eaten itself. Mallett was famous for three seconds in the 1980s for battering kids with a hammer. Who's next in the jungle? Josef Fritzl?

We've actually run out of letters in the alphabet to describe the anonymity of this man. Dani Behr is a Z-list celebrity, but TimmyMallet means we need to start using the ancient Sumerian system of markings in wet clay.

His apparent "trademark" is his red glasses, the same colour as his eyes through years of sobbing at the aching pointlessness of his existence. Mallet will excel at the Bushtucker trials, as he's been living off grubs and insects since the work dried up in 1987.

lAN Arab Sheikh is suing Michael Jackson for nearly £5million as he claims he wrote many of Michael's recent songs.

I thought it was strange when Michael released: "Billy Jean's not my lover. Just a Western whore I had stoned to death."

Jackson is now so broke he's had to sell his beloved Neverland. This is where he wrote most of his biggest numbers - usually on cheques to the parents of eight-year-olds.

lTOMCruise's two-year-old daughter is top of the list of Hollywood's most powerful children. Give it another 13 years and she'll also be at the top of Hollywood's most mental teenagers.

i like frankie boyle on mock the week but didnt really enjoy his stand up dvd, quite a similar style to jimmy carr's just one line jokes mostly
I just watched the footage of Saddam's Hussein's execution...

It made me wonder if there is anything on the internet that I wouldn't masturbate to.
i like frankie boyle on mock the week but didnt really enjoy his stand up dvd, quite a similar style to jimmy carr's just one line jokes mostly

I thought the same, just couldn't get into the DVD so turned it off after a few minutes.
A mate of mine has a theory on this. On mock the week, etc, his style is so brilliant because these one liners are always set up for him, and put into a context. But live, he either has to set it up himself, which can be quite contrived for a one liner, or just deliver the line, which doesn't work as well out of context.
The DVD was great, what are you lot talking about? Favorite part was when he picked on that mobile phone box designer and his girlfriend :lol: