Gaming Fortnite .

This is the most fun multiplayer game I've played in years. Bit addicted atm.
Yeah, it's fecking class when you have a team that work together. Great crossing the map with 10 or so others and finding another team.
I went all Daequan in Tilted yesterday when I only found a pump tac with 8 bullets and pumped 5 straight headshots on 5 different guys, then trapped up a wall and got knocked. As the storm came in, the trap got both the guy who knocked me and another dude and we all just huddled together waiting to die in the storm. It reminded me of the ending of Halo 1 on legendary when the trooper hugs the covenant as they both realise they are dead :)

7 kills from a tac with 8 bullets and a trap. I'll take that :lol: This 20 mode is great!
My experience of this has been,

Land, fail to find gun, get killed in the first minute.

Or, land, find crap gun. Get killed two seconds after finding gun.

Or, land, find crap gun. Shoot at dude jumping all over the place, hit him once in the body, go to reload and get one shotted by his shotgun.

Basically I'm crap at it and will stick to the pve game I've been playing for months
My experience of this has been,

Land, fail to find gun, get killed in the first minute.

Or, land, find crap gun. Get killed two seconds after finding gun.

Or, land, find crap gun. Shoot at dude jumping all over the place, hit him once in the body, go to reload and get one shotted by his shotgun.

Basically I'm crap at it and will stick to the pve game I've been playing for months
I think everybody starts like this, it’s a lot easier to get through this period when you’re playing with a party, as it can be a bit of a laugh.

In terms of what helped me;
Learning that the pump shotgun is a lot better than the tactical.
Headshots, go for them as much as possible.
Get used to the build mechanics.
Crouch when using AR. - increases accuracy.
I also learned the more aggressive player will almost always win a gunfight in this game.
Won 3 squad games in a row last night,
I think everybody starts like this, it’s a lot easier to get through this period when you’re playing with a party, as it can be a bit of a laugh.

In terms of what helped me;
Learning that the pump shotgun is a lot better than the tactical.
Headshots, go for them as much as possible.
Get used to the build mechanics.
Crouch when using AR. - increases accuracy.
I also learned the more aggressive player will almost always win a gunfight in this game.
Debatable. while the pump is very good if you can be accurate, most people in shotgun wars "bounce" and make it difficult to get a clean shot on the head, the tac's much faster fire rate and larger mag soon means you'll win if they don't kill you with the first shot. I'm talking about PS4 here though, PC may be easier.
Won 3 squad games in a row last night,

Debatable. while the pump is very good if you can be accurate, most people in shotgun wars "bounce" and make it difficult to get a clean shot on the head, the tac's much faster fire rate and larger mag soon means you'll win if they don't kill you with the first shot. I'm talking about PS4 here though, PC may be easier.

Pump is far stronger, but since the nerf, the tac is more viable of you aren't so good at aiming. Up until my post above, I was pretty trash with both and preferred the smg tac for close range or the silenced Pistol.

I think everybody starts like this, it’s a lot easier to get through this period when you’re playing with a party, as it can be a bit of a laugh.

In terms of what helped me;
Learning that the pump shotgun is a lot better than the tactical.
Headshots, go for them as much as possible.
Get used to the build mechanics.
Crouch when using AR. - increases accuracy.
I also learned the more aggressive player will almost always win a gunfight in this game.

There is a lot of truth in this, and thank feck, because the camping kids (mostly coming from pubg I'd imagine...lolzy) don't have it so easy. Besides the Fortnite community largely takes kills over wins as a test of ability now, which helps against the sweaty try hards ;)
Pump is far stronger, but since the nerf, the tac is more viable of you aren't so good at aiming. Up until my post above, I was pretty trash with both and preferred the smg tac for close range or the silenced Pistol.
Oh yeah if you can get a clean head shot then they're down in 1, but most good players can anticipate that coming and dodge it.
Won 3 squad games in a row last night,

Debatable. while the pump is very good if you can be accurate, most people in shotgun wars "bounce" and make it difficult to get a clean shot on the head, the tac's much faster fire rate and larger mag soon means you'll win if they don't kill you with the first shot. I'm talking about PS4 here though, PC may be easier.

My main problem was that I was outgunning people or getting the first shot off and losing the gunfight. I think the pump has helped with damage plus knowing that I can’t afford to miss.

Also run the pump and tact when I can.

The burst assault doesn’t get enough love in this game.

My main problem was that I was outgunning people or getting the first shot off and losing the gunfight. I think the pump has helped with damage plus knowing that I can’t afford to miss.

Also run the pump and tact when I can.

The burst assault doesn’t get enough love in this game.
Yeah both shotty's are pretty good you can't really go wrong. My favourite gun is the surpressed sub machine gun though, it's really accurate and fast/powerful. The blue 1 in close quarters absolutely wrecks.

Bursty's are fantastic at range, the damage drop off is minimal and you can be very accurate with them, but once you're in close quarters the normal AR/subs take over, it just can't handle the slow fire rate unless you get headshots.
So, apparently Ninja is meant to duo with Drake some time soon, and the latter followed the former on social media, too.

My main problem was that I was outgunning people or getting the first shot off and losing the gunfight. I think the pump has helped with damage plus knowing that I can’t afford to miss.

Also run the pump and tact when I can.

The burst assault doesn’t get enough love in this game.

Yeah I'm insane with the burst rifle. Shame it only goes up to rare though. Difficult to justify carrying it when you get towards the end and have a choice of weapons.

What would people's ideal choice of weapons be? I find it relatively straight forward in games apart from when I get a rocket launcher and then find it very hard to work out what I should take.
Yeah I'm insane with the burst rifle. Shame it only goes up to rare though. Difficult to justify carrying it when you get towards the end and have a choice of weapons.

What would people's ideal choice of weapons be? I find it relatively straight forward in games apart from when I get a rocket launcher and then find it very hard to work out what I should take.
Scar/grenade launcher/sniper/shotgun and a medpack... you're ready to go in any instances.

I prefer the grenade launcher as it's harder to dodge than the RPG, and it's a really good suppressant, you have no choice but to run or die, and that gives your squad the advantage to get closer.
Scar/grenade launcher/sniper/shotgun and a medpack... you're ready to go in any instances.

I prefer the grenade launcher as it's harder to dodge than the RPG, and it's a really good suppressant, you have no choice but to run or die, and that gives your squad the advantage to get closer.

I think I always am conflicted between wanting to take both potions and a medpack and then having to pick between guns. Probably over cautious.

My only issue with the grande launcher is that it seems to have a lack of range when compared to the RPG. Nothing more annoying than having someone with seemingly infinite rocket ammo spamming rockets at your base from across the circle.

I'm also quite a fan of the scoped AR, but you definitely end up outgunned with it if the other person is actually good with the sniper.
I cant shoot for shit in this game
I have no problem being stealthy getting guns/potions etc and getting to the last 15 almost everytime I try but as soon as I get in a gun fight its done before I even land a hit
I have no idea what im doing wrong with the aiming
So is the gameplay like TF2? Or something else?
It’s like PUBG but for kids.
I cant shoot for shit in this game
I have no problem being stealthy getting guns/potions etc and getting to the last 15 almost everytime I try but as soon as I get in a gun fight its done before I even land a hit
I have no idea what im doing wrong with the aiming

For a start, stop worrying about getting to the last 15 or whatever, that's irrelevant.

The guns in this are a little weird thanks to both the bloom (unlike recoil in something like pubg where the gun nozzle jumps around, this for some reason makes the bullets randomly miss sometimes) and the fact that the snipers are projectile based (so have bullet drop which is fine in itself, but is completely different to how the other guns work so is a bit jarring). So you just need to practice your aim and patience, and when using rifles don't hold the trigger down fire in small bursts.

But like in any game you need to just practice your shooting, you need to drop Tilted and get into plenty of fights and get your butt whooped in most of them. Get a feel for the guns and how they handle, it won't take you long to know what to use in what situation.
Cross progression is now live.. just logged onto the PC with my X1 character.

I thought it already was? Or was that just cross play?

BTW one thing this game nails is the mouse vs controller. It feels like the controller aim and bloom is easier on it so the difference to mouse isn't as much as any other game I've played on both. Building is still a pain in the arse on console though, but for straight out fighting I don't think the gap is huge at all.
Just played my first game. Managed to get a kill surprisingly but then someone knocked me out with bullets and then pummeled with an axe. Feelsbadman.

Definitely need a group of people playing together I think. No co-ordination in my "squad" as I jumped out of my glider way earlier than my squadmates and ended up landing far away from them(my bad).
Just played my first game. Managed to get a kill surprisingly but then someone knocked me out with bullets and then pummeled with an axe. Feelsbadman.

Definitely need a group of people playing together I think. No co-ordination in my "squad" as I jumped out of my glider way earlier than my squadmates and ended up landing far away from them(my bad).

It really gets under rated as a solo game I think. But yeah, a good squad is a lot of fun :)

I'd recommend watching a few videos, especially on building from the likes of MonsterDFace on youtube, you'll be throwing up planks in no time. It's really not that hard a game to get into once you can pick up the basics and get your game sense flowing.
Calling it PubG for kids is the common saying for players of the former who can't handle the higher skill level needed to really get good at the latter though. And are butthurt that there's a much bigger game now.
Hehe! ; )
Listen to yourself. Why would I be butthurt if a game was more popular? I'm not going to be really good at either. I can't afford to spent 8 hours a day. Shock horror free game has more players than one that costs 30 quid and is abailable on limited platforms. Suprised I didn't over take sooner.

And you said I was the fan boy. :lol:. Muah x
Listen to yourself. Why would I be butthurt if a game was more popular? I'm not going to be really good at either. I can't afford to spent 8 hours a day.

And you said I was the fan boy. :lol:

If you aren't a Pubg fanboy, then why respond exactly like them? Why bother to respond at all if you don't play them? Busted. Fool.
Again hehe! ; ) Cheap white text I know, but hey, it's still working after all these years!
If you aren't a Pubg fanboy, then why respond exactly like them? Why bother to respond at all if you don't play them? Busted. Fool.
Again hehe! ; ) Cheap white text I know, but hey, it's still working after all these years!

The white text doesn't work. We can all see through your fanboyism.

The white text doesn't work. We can all see through your fanboyism.

It did the first time sonny, don't you lie now! ;)

You know the sad thing? I've always been a gamer and have played shooters for 20-odd years and through CS, through Halo and all that to the latest shite Cod, I've slayed and slayed hard. But one day I get cocky and I introduce my 9 and 7 year old sons to Fortnite and now they are outplaying me way too much, so I think feck that kids game I'm going to show them Pubg, and the eldest fecks me at it too. I'm done man, bejeysus.

And I too dream to be able to play either 8 hours a day and earn money from it!