Gaming Football Manager 2025


it takes them a year to make relatively minor changes to the existing game, no wonder it's taken them far longer when it's an entirely new game - even taking into account the extra year they've had on it.
Don't make promises you can't keep.

it takes them a year to make relatively minor changes to the existing game, no wonder it's taken them far longer when it's an entirely new game - even taking into account the extra year they've had on it.

Everyone would have been far more understanding if they hadn't released FM24 (at full price), despite essentially advertising it as FM23 with a fresh coat of paint, and then excused the lack of new features with the promise - "FM25 is going to absolutely blow your bollocks off with how amazing it'll be". We're now a year down the line and they've announced more removed features than new ones, and have delayed the release of the game until almost halfway through season, having basically admitted that they're struggling to make the game playable.

If they needed an extra year again, they should have just said so and announced that FM25 was actually going to be a £10-15 update for FM24 while they tried to get FM26 ready on the new engine, rather than Miles constantly releasing "updates" in which he tells us how "people don't really use this feature and this one didn't even do anything, so we're getting rid, and I've had to bin a holiday so I hope you're all happy with yourselves".
Also, I don't think a lot of people realise that they're basically recreating the entire game. They can't just leave features as they are, as they won't work. It's not a copy and paste thing. That's why features have been cut. They haven't found the time to basically create them anew for FM25.
Sorry Miles
Also, I don't think a lot of people realise that they're basically recreating the entire game. They can't just leave features as they are, as they won't work. It's not a copy and paste thing. That's why features have been cut. They haven't found the time to basically create them anew for FM25.

If I was running a company that released annual editions of a game, I'd simply not promise that the next version was going to be amazing and packed full of great new features when I hadn't given myself enough time to even include all of the existing features.
If I was running a company that released annual editions of a game, I'd simply not promise that the next version was going to be amazing and packed full of great new features when I hadn't given myself enough time to even include all of the existing features.
But it's Miles though. He'd rather promise everything and then tell the world how he had to cancel his holiday because they can't get the game completed in time.
But it's Miles though. He'd rather promise everything and then tell the world how he had to cancel his holiday because they can't get the game completed in time.

Yeah, I know he's a prat. I don't understand why people are going to bat for him.

This was very easy for SI. Just come out at literally any point over the past six months and go, "Development hasn't gone as smoothly as planned, so we're pushing back the new engine stuff and aiming to have it ready for FM26. In the meantime, owners of FM24 will be able to purchase an official data update for [nominal fee], moving the game to the start of the 2024/25 season and reflecting all transfers, promotions, etc. Buyers of this DLC will also receive a winter update as usual."

Anyone pre-ordering this version is, frankly, an idiot.
Yeah, I know he's a prat. I don't understand why people are going to bat for him.

This was very easy for SI. Just come out at literally any point over the past six months and go, "Development hasn't gone as smoothly as planned, so we're pushing back the new engine stuff and aiming to have it ready for FM26. In the meantime, owners of FM24 will be able to purchase an official data update for [nominal fee], moving the game to the start of the 2024/25 season and reflecting all transfers, promotions, etc. Buyers of this DLC will also receive a winter update as usual."

Anyone pre-ordering this version is, frankly, an idiot.
I don’t think it’s possible to pre-order right now.
Why are people acting like it's getting cancelled? It's just a slight delay in the announcement. The drama over a video game..
Yeah, I know he's a prat. I don't understand why people are going to bat for him.

This was very easy for SI. Just come out at literally any point over the past six months and go, "Development hasn't gone as smoothly as planned, so we're pushing back the new engine stuff and aiming to have it ready for FM26. In the meantime, owners of FM24 will be able to purchase an official data update for [nominal fee], moving the game to the start of the 2024/25 season and reflecting all transfers, promotions, etc. Buyers of this DLC will also receive a winter update as usual."

Anyone pre-ordering this version is, frankly, an idiot.

i wouldn't call that 'very easy'. to essentially forego a year's worth of revenue and replace it with just a 'nominal fee' to upgrade would have been a massive call to make - and a massive financial hit to the company.

and yes, while it's true the delay is "until almost halfway through the season" it's usually only released early November anyway, so we're talking about a 3 week delay at the moment. it's significant but not ridiculous.

i definitely think Miles is a bit of a prat too, but I can see why they are doing everything they can to make sure this version gets released this year. however i agree they definitely should have foreseen the issues far earlier and announced some of the things being removed way earlier too - it would have come across a bit more professional than them announcing these things so late in the day.
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Yeah, but they released a shoddy game in FM24 and admitted it was because they were concentrating on FM25 only to then tell everyone that development for that game isn't going well. It's not like they haven't had the time to do it.
They have but lots of things go wrong in game development so not surprised. They set themselves a deadline they couldn't meet.
Yeah, I know he's a prat. I don't understand why people are going to bat for him.

This was very easy for SI. Just come out at literally any point over the past six months and go, "Development hasn't gone as smoothly as planned, so we're pushing back the new engine stuff and aiming to have it ready for FM26. In the meantime, owners of FM24 will be able to purchase an official data update for [nominal fee], moving the game to the start of the 2024/25 season and reflecting all transfers, promotions, etc. Buyers of this DLC will also receive a winter update as usual."

Anyone pre-ordering this version is, frankly, an idiot.
I'm not going to bat for him. I'm just able to understand what's happened and it's not made me angry. I don't really take promises like what they made as golden is probably helping my reaction here.

Besides better to have a playable improved game minus some features than keeping in features that need a complete overhaul to improve them and taking away resources that make 90% of the game great. Up to SI deliver on that 90% being great.
They have but lots of things go wrong in game development so not surprised. They set themselves a deadline they couldn't meet.
That's on them. I don't have a lot of sympathy for them, especially when their lead, Miles acts like a jackass and that he's better than the FM community and the fanbase. If he and they were less up themselves and more transparent in the first place, the disappointing announcements regarding FM25 perhaps wouldn't be seen with the same level of negativity and furore.

It's also damaging for the cohort of FM streamers/YouTubers they've built up who get a lot of their revenue during the first month or so of the game releasing. A release closer to December and the downturn in ad rev is not good for them.
Why are people acting like it's getting cancelled? It's just a slight delay in the announcement. The drama over a video game..
If anything, this might be one of the more civilised video game related threads on the caf. It's hardly full-on console wars.

The only two camps here are "Miles is a prat but..." and "Miles is a prat and..."
Cut Miles some slack. He was really looking forward to his holiday and he had to cancel it.
SI balls'd up FM24 with promises they couldn't keep (J league) which they then tried to hide before Miles had to apologise for it.

They fecked up the Inside forward role (FM22) and promised to fix it next patch but it took until FM23 for them to somewhat fix it.
Miles is one of the most obvious shite bastard bosses and clearly incompetent managers in all of gaming. He's awful to his customers, god knows how he is to staff.

FM25 is going to be a disaster when it first releases, I can't wait to see it. Not like previous FMs won't still be there to play if we want. Given newgen faces for the last 10+ years, we'll probably end up playing PS1 Spyro era graphics and be told to be grateful.
In this year's FM 2025, we've not only renovated the entire game from the ground up, but we've radically re-created the scouting system from scratch. Our new feature, LuckyScout, our revolutionary AI scouting system, now collates information from very well-known players and presents an almost endless supply of hindsight advice to delve into at your convenience.

In order to facilitate this new and ground-breaking feature, we have unfortunately had to remove the 3D match engine, at least for now.
In this year's FM 2025, we've not only renovated the entire game from the ground up, but we've radically re-created the scouting system from scratch. Our new feature, LuckyScout, our revolutionary AI scouting system, now collates information from very well-known players and presents an almost endless supply of hindsight advice to delve into at your convenience.

In order to facilitate this new and ground-breaking feature, we have unfortunately had to remove the 3D match engine, at least for now.
Can 2 negatives be a positive?