Films you want to be made.

From a childrens film perspective I've always wondered why they haven't made an Artemis Fowl film.

There were plans long back. Miramax I think had bought the rights for the movie. Nothing's happened though :(
No way Matthew Fox should play Shepard. Shepard is a bad ass. He is as ruthless as he is inspiring and charismatic. He don't take no shit from no one and he is merciless to his enemies. He's a hard task master, but his men would follow him into hell and back armed with nowt but a snowball due to his determination to always be on the front line kicking ass. He's not afraid to make hard decisions and would sacrifice a hundred to save a million. He is no knight in shining armour, he is cold, callous and bloody brutal and I pity the fool who goes against him. You have to be able to carry all that on screen if you want Shepard to work.

So for me there is only one person who can play the role of Shepard and not anger millions of gamers everywhere;

Bill Murray.

Well, in some peoples games yes, in other he could be a complete mummies boy...I suppose the amount of choices you can make in the game means this won't see a film adaption as to some people Shepard could well be the oposite to how he is portrayed on screen