Films you want to be made.

Bat shit aint it? but I promise you I read a treatment about four years ago and that was the gist...Whether it was the treatment that's been going round Hollywood or merely something some nutter knocked up in his garage and put on the web...I dunno?

EDIT...Here it is for those that are interested: The gist, no actual big spoilers though if it IS somehow real.

It's like a prehistoric James Bond :lol:
A decent Wuthering Heights which actually follows the book. I would need final casting approval, though.

Little Shop Of Horrors, maybe.
'Porno', the sequel to Trainspotting. Same cast, please.

It's been rumoured for a while, but sounds like McGregor may be an issue:

'Danny Boyle has stated his wish to make a sequel to Trainspotting based on Porno which takes place nine years later. He is reportedly waiting until the original actors themselves age visibly enough to portray the same characters, ravaged by time; Boyle joked that the natural vanity of actors would make it a long wait.[1] On 10 September 2009, Robert Carlyle revealed that Boyle was "edging closer" to making Porno. Carlyle, who played Begbie in the film, said he would "jump through hoops of fire backwards" for the film-maker and would "do Porno tomorrow for nothing."

The film will pick up on the same characters 10 years later. But Ewan McGregor, who played anti-hero Renton, has said in interviews that a sequel would be a "terrible shame". Boyle and McGregor have not worked together since 1997's A Life Less Ordinary, when the pair famously fell out over Boyle's big screen adaptation of Alex Garland's novel, The Beach.[2]'
I would have liked to see an adaptation of Moore's 'The Killing Joke', it was rumoured that Burton wanted to make it but the studio thought it was too dark.

An adaptation of The Invisibles would be great, but probably more suited to a series.
Been in development for years, loads of setbacks due to money or something. It all depends on who they cast tbh, far more likely to flop then it is to succeed.

Yeah, it will probably flop. But I am still salivating at the notion...perhaps Nolan will direct it.
It's been rumoured for a while, but sounds like McGregor may be an issue:

'Danny Boyle has stated his wish to make a sequel to Trainspotting based on Porno which takes place nine years later. He is reportedly waiting until the original actors themselves age visibly enough to portray the same characters, ravaged by time; Boyle joked that the natural vanity of actors would make it a long wait.[1] On 10 September 2009, Robert Carlyle revealed that Boyle was "edging closer" to making Porno. Carlyle, who played Begbie in the film, said he would "jump through hoops of fire backwards" for the film-maker and would "do Porno tomorrow for nothing."

The film will pick up on the same characters 10 years later. But Ewan McGregor, who played anti-hero Renton, has said in interviews that a sequel would be a "terrible shame". Boyle and McGregor have not worked together since 1997's A Life Less Ordinary, when the pair famously fell out over Boyle's big screen adaptation of Alex Garland's novel, The Beach.[2]'

To be fair, so would I.
Batman Beyond :drool:
The Darkness
Castlevania: Symphony of The Night
Metal Gear Solid
Assassins Creed
Case Closed/Detective Conan
Lucky Luke (A proper one)

Pretty nerdy :D
i'm still waiting for Thundercats the Movie

Good shout!

Also how could I forget, Secret of Monkey Island! Now that would be something!

And while they're at it, how about a Grim Fandango one too?

Done in the same style of Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride.
I want a movie to be made about the experience of Ukrainians in the inter war period up to the end of World War 2 (and beyond)

If done right, could be a tragic film, but a hell of a movie.
It's been rumoured for a while, but sounds like McGregor may be an issue:

'Danny Boyle has stated his wish to make a sequel to Trainspotting based on Porno which takes place nine years later. He is reportedly waiting until the original actors themselves age visibly enough to portray the same characters, ravaged by time; Boyle joked that the natural vanity of actors would make it a long wait.[1] On 10 September 2009, Robert Carlyle revealed that Boyle was "edging closer" to making Porno. Carlyle, who played Begbie in the film, said he would "jump through hoops of fire backwards" for the film-maker and would "do Porno tomorrow for nothing."

The film will pick up on the same characters 10 years later. But Ewan McGregor, who played anti-hero Renton, has said in interviews that a sequel would be a "terrible shame". Boyle and McGregor have not worked together since 1997's A Life Less Ordinary, when the pair famously fell out over Boyle's big screen adaptation of Alex Garland's novel, The Beach.[2]'

I'd like to see that, I remember enjoying the book. Didn't Ewan get his knickers in a twist because Boyle cast Dicaprio in the lead for the Beach instead of McGregor?
The Odyssey (bigger budget than the one with Hercules dude)
Mirror's Edge (work on beefing up the story, and you've got a decent action flick)

It would be, they wouldn't even have to look very far for the actors, except for Shepherd.

How about the guy from Lost (Matthew Fox)? Assuming you're going for the default male Shephard, that is.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 3. Keanu wants to do it, we just need Aronofsky or Nolan to direct it.
I'd like them to erase the Golden Compass from existence, and have the Dark Materials trilogy done properly by a director with some talent.

Oh, and the Unbreakable sequel, preferably made by a pre-insanity Shyamalan.
Yep. It would need to have a big budget, be revolutionary and handled by a director who truly understands it. I dream of some 3 hour movies that blow everyone away with it's scale, Lord of the Rings style.

Would also need to be based more on the manga or the new Kai series rather than the cartoon or we'd get long periods of the film where all we'd see is scenery, birds singing and staredowns. They worked in the tv series but i'd say not so much on the big screen.
Not a bad shout, except his voice is a bit too whiney in my opinion and if he had to have that beard all i'd be hearing in my head is "We have to go back Kate!"

Definately agree there, his voice is the only thing that stops him being a 100% match for the role imo.

Incidently, Fox is doing a London play called 'In a Forest Dark and Deep' from March untill June.
A Half Life movie.

A Mirror's Edge movie.

An Assassin's Creed movie.
No way Matthew Fox should play Shepard. Shepard is a bad ass. He is as ruthless as he is inspiring and charismatic. He don't take no shit from no one and he is merciless to his enemies. He's a hard task master, but his men would follow him into hell and back armed with nowt but a snowball due to his determination to always be on the front line kicking ass. He's not afraid to make hard decisions and would sacrifice a hundred to save a million. He is no knight in shining armour, he is cold, callous and bloody brutal and I pity the fool who goes against him. You have to be able to carry all that on screen if you want Shepard to work.

So for me there is only one person who can play the role of Shepard and not anger millions of gamers everywhere;

Bill Murray.
If we're talking computer game films then I'd pick Uncharted 2, but without Marky Mark Wahlberg.