Films you want to be made.


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Originals, sequals, comic book remakes, or just anything you think would be cool.

I'll start with Jurrasic Park 4.

Apparently they have a script together now and most of the original cast will be involved.

They've said it will be "like nothing you have ever seen before", and be the first of a second Jurrasic Park trilogy.
Originals, sequals, comic book remakes, or just anything you think would be cool.

I'll start with Jurrasic Park 4.

Apparently they have a script together now and most of the original cast will be involved.

They've said it will be "like nothing you have ever seen before", and be the first of a second Jurrasic Park trilogy.

"Extinction" - I thought that as soon as somebody mentioned Jurassic Park in the epic cinema films thread.

The original is the best of the trilogy for me, and as i said in the other thread, the effects are still good, and not aged badly, 17 years later.

I would be interested to see what they could do with moder technology.

There are a lot of "classics" that I feel would be great using modern technology - Jaws being a prime example.

One film I would LOVE to have seen made is a prequel to Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction that focus on the brothers Vic Vega (Madsen) and Vincent Vega (Travolta). Both actors are too old now to reprise the roles, and I'm not sure other actors could pull it off - saying that, I am sure Tarrantino could work some magic with his casting.

This was rumoured years ago, but has sadly yet to materialise.
From a childrens film perspective I've always wondered why they haven't made an Artemis Fowl film.
'Porno', the sequel to Trainspotting. Same cast, please.
Matrix 4 and 5. feck the rest of you.
The Devil in the White City. DiCaprio has bought the rights to it, and if he could get Fincher to direct it (even though I don't think he'll want to make another serial killer movie), it would be awesome. H. H. Holmes was one sick son of a bitch.

Rendezvous with Rama. Haven't read the novel, but I'd like to see Fincher try his hands on Sci-Fi again after the shitfest that was Alien3 (through little fault of his own though). Apparently they're working on a script with Fincher and Morgan Freeman in mind.

Oh, and Torso.
I'd like to see the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss turned into a film. Although I fear it already has and it was shit.
From what I know of this famed Jurassic Park 4 script (which isn't much)...It goes in a completely bonkers new direction

I'm pretty sure it was something about a secret government project to harness the intelligence of raptors to make an elite task foce unit out of them in order to carry out covert A-Team style missions ....I'm deadly fecking serious too.

Though this was about 4 years ago I read this
From what I know of this famed Jurassic Park 4 script (which isn't much)...It goes in a completely bonkers new direction

I'm pretty sure it was something about a secret government project to harness the intelligence of raptors to make an elite task foce unit out of them in order to carry out covert A-Team style missions ....I'm deadly fecking serious too.

Though this was about 4 years ago I read this


That is certainly a way to mess up the franchise, that said it isn't too far from the stroyline of 2 and 3.
Snakes on a train, on a plane - lets get a campaign going.

That is certainly a way to mess up the franchise, that said it isn't too far from the stroyline of 2 and 3.

Bat shit aint it? but I promise you I read a treatment about four years ago and that was the gist...Whether it was the treatment that's been going round Hollywood or merely something some nutter knocked up in his garage and put on the web...I dunno?

EDIT...Here it is for those that are interested: The gist, no actual big spoilers though if it IS somehow real.

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

The script starts at a Little League game somewhere in America, an idyllic scene that quickly goes bad when pterosaurs attack the kids and their parents. It’s a cool scene, and I couldn’t help but immediately anticipate what might lay ahead. Dinosaurs in America. All-out warfare on home soil. This should be fun. In a series of television clips, we learn that this is the first attack on North American ground following months of this sort of thing in Central America and Mexico. The UN has created a task force to exterminate the dinosaurs. Awesome, I thought. A bad-ass heavily-armed United Nations task force versus the dinosaurs. Bring it on! But then the script throws its first major curve ball, introducing Nick Harris, an unemployed soldier of fortune. Nick’s the lead in the movie. Not Alan Grant. Not Ian Malcolm. Despite all the rumors to the contrary, those characters are not back for this film. Instead, we meet Nick as he watches those same reports on TV that we are. He’s approached by an ex-commander of his and offered a meeting about a job. He’s warned that the guy he’d be working for is a little bit strange...

Nick goes to Isla Nublar, but he goes alone. He does indeed track down the shaving cream can that Nedry stole, but that’s a mere five pages later. And as soon as he finds it, he’s attacked not only by excavaraptors (think trapdoor spiders), but also by security rangers who work for Grendel Corporation, the mysterious Swiss holding company that took over Jurassic Park from Hammond. Seems they want those genetic samples for their own purposes... whatever those may be. Nick has to get off the island, evading his pursuers, human or otherwise. He manages to make it back to the mainland just long enough to hide the shaving cream can before the security team catches up with him and gasses him into unconsciousness.

All of that happens by page 39, at which point I realized I had no idea where this thing was going, and I quit trying to guess. It kept confounding my expectations. It certainly didn’t feel like it was just another rehash of the same formula. When Nick wakes up, he’s in the tower of a medieval castle in the Alps. Seriously. That’s the precise moment when the entire enterprise goes so over-the-top loony that you’ll either go along with it for the entire insane ride or reject it roundly as a big bag of ludicrous. Nick is introduced to Adrien Joyce, the major domo henchman of Baron von Drax, CEO of the Grendel Corporation. Joyce isn’t a moustache-twirling bad guy bent on torturing Nick into revealing where he hid the shaving cream can. Instead, he offers Nick a job, and in order to explain the job to him, he has to take him on a tour of the entire castle, which turns out to be a fairly sophisticated genetics lab where Grendel Corporation has been breeding some dinosaurs of their own design, cross-breeds that never existed in any era of nature with all sorts of custom modifications.

I want to tread lightly on what happens over the course of the rest of the film on the off chance that Mary Parent or someone at Universal is seriously going to make this thing. There’s the eight-year-old-boy side of me that thinks that a DIRTY DOZEN-style mercenary team of hyper-smart dinosaurs in body armor killing drug dealers and rescuing kidnapped children will be impossible to resist. And then there’s the side of me that says... WHAT THE feck ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Nick is put in charge of training these five dinosaurs, X1 through X5, and the first thing he does is name them. “Any soldier worth his pay has a name to answer to, not a number,” he says. So we are introduced to Achilles, Hector, Perseus, Orestes, and Spartacus, each of them a specially created deinonychus, which is sort of like a miniature T-rex. They have super-sensitive smell and hearing, incredible strength and speed and pack-hunting instincts, and they have modified forelegs, lengthened and topped with more dextrous fingers, as well as dog DNA for increased obedience and human DNA so they can solve problems well. All of this is topped off with a drug-regulating implant that can dose them with adrenaline or serotonin as the situation demands.

And go ahead. Look at the calendar. We’re a long, long way from April 1st right now.

By the end of the film, there are set pieces that are much, much bigger than anything we’ve seen in the other films, and much crazier. They’re all well-written, and there’s a glee to the bloodletting that you have to admire. There’s also a blatant set-up for a JURASSIC PARK 5 that is just too good for the studio to pass up. That is, of course, if they actually decide to make this one.
Bat shit aint it? but I promise you I read a treatment about four years ago and that was the gist...Whether it was the treatment that's been going round Hollywood or merely something some nutter knocked up in his garage and put on the web...I dunno?

There have been some very bad ideas for an Independence Day sequel in the last few years as well.
The DnD geek that resides in me, would love to see a Drizzt Do'urden film.
Great character, great nemesis in Artemis Entreri, set in a fantastic setting.
Bat shit aint it? but I promise you I read a treatment about four years ago and that was the gist...Whether it was the treatment that's been going round Hollywood or merely something some nutter knocked up in his garage and put on the web...I dunno?

EDIT...Here it is for those that are interested: The gist, no actual big spoilers though if it IS somehow real.

Make it, make it now.
i'm still waiting for Thundercats the Movie.
Wouldn't mind a Danger Mouse one or a modern He-Man.
Ghost Busters 3 they're remaking so that's good.
Drop Dead Fred 2, Bad Boys 3 and some new Chucky films
:lol:...It's the natural way to go...A rag tag bunch of loser dinosaurs who didn't quite make the A-Team cut and who - thanks to their dedicated renegade coach - pull together and win the championship whilst learning stuff about themselves...
To be fair I think it's a reasonable effort for 2 minutes.

Unfortunately in the intervening 12, I've failed to come up with anything better