Films you don't like, but most praise them, so you wouldn't want to admit it

I'll lob up this grenade

Brokeback Mountain... ok, not because of its gay themes, and yes i understand the significance of breaking barriers and it being the first mainstream film to directly deal with many of these issues... but its boring as hell... one trick pony all the time

"boy meets boy, boy likes boy, boys have sex, and then... boys can't tell anyone about their "love" while they try and lead a normal life" dragged out over the final 3/4 of the film... boooooorrrrring
Top Gun, with it's totally unbelievable characters. Although the scene where they played volleyball, that seemed as if it had been recut to show them in perfect muscle-displaying positions did make me laugh aloud.
I'll lob up this grenade

Brokeback Mountain... ok, not because of its gay themes, and yes i understand the significance of breaking barriers and it being the first mainstream film to directly deal with many of these issues... but its boring as hell... one trick pony all the time

"boy meets boy, boy likes boy, boys have sex, and then... boys can't tell anyone about their "love" while they try and lead a normal life" dragged out over the final 3/4 of the film... boooooorrrrring

yeap perfect summery of the film.
yeap perfect summery of the film.

Agree with that. I originally said I didn't fancy going to the cinema to see it because if it were a melodramatic love story between a man and a woman I'd have had the exact same interest in watching it - none. I saw it on TV a couple of years after it came out. Nice scenery but boring.
The Shawshank Redemption. Yeah, it's alright, it's not one of the greatest stories ever committed to film though.

This. First one that came to mind. Everyone's always raving about it being one of the best films of all time, but I never understood it's greatness.

Crash - Nothing but 'Racism is bad' preachy bullshit.

YES. Spot on. Can't believe it won best film at the oscars. Clichéd as feck. Hated it.

Also, Slumdog Millionaire.
I haven't seen the following movies/franchises because I always thought they must be boring or not really attracted me to watch them till now.

Lord of the Rings
Pirates of the Carribean
Harry Potter ( just seen 1 part)
Gangs of New York
Star Wars
Indiana Jones

Have seen bits and parts of some when on TV.

Could have just said "Not interested in fantasy or scifi