Films you don't like, but most praise them, so you wouldn't want to admit it


Full Member
Sep 25, 2008
Friendzoning 'nice guys'
Exact opposite of my other thread.

Star Wars (I'm talking about the old ones here, most don't like the new ones)
Trainspotting (ok, but waaaay overhyped imo)

I'll think up some more in a bit
The Green Mile. People love that film.

I loved it! But fair enough.

I'm struggling to think of these. I'm afraid I usually seem to follow the general opinion and most films I don't like most people don't seem to like, but I'm sure several with present themselves to me soon.
Goldfinger - massively overrated, From Russia with Love and Thunderball are superior.

Indiana Jones - all four of them.
Critics absolutely loved the English Patient, but it bored the hell out of me. I was only a kid though, maybe I'd like it more now.

Wasn't a fan of the Matrix films either.
The Lord of the Rings films. Bore me to tears.

The Shawshank Redemption. Yeah, it's alright, it's not one of the greatest stories ever committed to film though.

A Clockwork Orange. Brilliant book, shit film.
Never really liked Fight Club. Or Pulp Fiction. I just find the style of them extremely irritating.
I must admit to not caring for No Country For Old Men either. Hard to get into a film when you do not care a bit for any of the characters. I'm a big Coen Brothers fan, but it just left me cold and underwhelmed.

Also: Donnie Darko.
Another vote for Lord of the Rings although I sort of liked the second one.
Gangs of New York
City of God - I think this is just because mt friend hyped it too much before I saw it.
I must admit to not caring for No Country for Old Men either. Hard to get into a film when you do not care a bit for any of the characters. I'm a big Coen Brothers fan, but it just left me cold and underwhelmed.

Do you think, though, that its very soullessness is part of the film's point? It reflects how empty Fairview is as a human being, tears for his 'lost' family aside...
I think I am the only person in my generation to not be truly in love with The Goonies.
The Game
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Alice in Wonderland (I guess I'm not too fond of Tim Burton)
The Blind Side
Saving Private Ryan
The Departed

With the last two, its not like I hate the films, I just don't like them as much as everyone else seems to. The Departed was hyped up to an impossible degree in my case, and I wish I would have went to watch it in the theater before everyone I knew told me how awesome it was
Avatar is the most overrated film ever - it's Pocahontas with CGI. Slumdog Millionaire was shit and The Hangover & Superbad were not as good as I expected.
Avatar is the most overrated film ever - it's Pocahontas with CGI. Slumdog Millionaire was shit and The Hangover & Superbad were not as good as I expected.

I have never seen The Hangover so cannot comment but I hadn't read up on Superbad or talk to people about it before I watched it and thought it was great.
Is The Lost Boys a well-liked film? Because I saw it for the first time recently and it was pretty terrible.
I have never seen The Hangover so cannot comment but I hadn't read up on Superbad or talk to people about it before I watched it and thought it was great.

I saw Superbad a few weeks after it was released and everyone I spoke to thought it was the greatest comedy ever. I guess my expectations were too high so in that respect I was disappointed. Same with The Hangover, both are solid comedies but I just expected a bit more after hearing others opinions on them.
Thinking about it, I have never been fond of any of the Terminator Films.
Oh my bad, I meant to place Raging Bull in this thread, not the other one.

I'll also add Requiem of a Dream.
Crash - Nothing but 'Racism is bad' preachy bullshit.

Harry Potter - Terrible Acting and Hollywood's 'improvments' of the novels were not needed.

Taxi Driver - Suprised it didn't kill Di Niro's career.
Resevoir Dogs.

Anchor Man.

The latest Harry Potter film.