Films: Overused quotes, stereotypes and behaviour patterns

When it rains it really fecking lags it down, to the point where the character is soaked all the way through, from getting out of the car to their doorstep.

When the alarm clock goes off the character will bash it to make it turn off, or fling out a hand and knock it off the bedside table. These people must go through dozens of radio alarm clocks a month!

If they live in a big suburban house there's always a neighbour who is obsessed with mowing the lawn, usually when the character is trying to sleep after a heavy night out.
when people eat cereal they'll put about a spoonful of milk on, and there won't be any plastic bag inside the box either

:lol: How do you notice that? That's arcane.

Oh, and when I look through binocs, I don't see 2 circles.
The longest yard has almost all the stereotypes mentioned, albeit in a humorous way.
Priests. There's always a priest who will provide a hide out for our main character when he's being looked for (usually after being framed) This priest serves no purpose but to show that our hero has at some point done something incredibly nice and selfless for said priest in his past (which he doesn't wanna talk about cos he's a broody, dark and mysterious loner) this despite showing now signs of being religious in any way what so ever.

Or because he was buggered senseless by said priest as a kid and now has Stockholm Syndrome. Or was that just in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
People don't lose things enough and almost never ever go to the toilet. Usually even the roughest toughest thug is quite articulate and doesn't swear much. They also drink coffee from obviously empty cups or milk from obviously empty cartons. They also eat a great deal of Asian food from those cardboard cartons that almost guarantee that normal people spill sauce down themselves. But not in films.

In films people hold whole conversations while driving yet not looking at the road ahead and they only ever look in the mirror when there is something to see. Otherwise they never us any of their mirrors.
People in films never get calls from Indian call centres from a man called "Charles Smith" with a Bangalore accent.

They never get happy slapped either.

I think all films would be improved with at least one of the above, preferably numerous amounts of both.
American Sports are always won with a goal, touchdown, slam dunk, shot in the last tenth of a second of the game. And it's usually the team that was 50-0 or 10-0 down after the first half that goes on winnng.

American races are always won by the hero on the finish line against the bad guy after being lapped by him in the first half of the race.
I did a media writing course at college and we are actually taught to write around stereotypes. People indentify with them. It's also got to the point where there are no original ideas left. All forms of media are going to borrow from other sources in some way.
Spanish people (almost always women) talking to cops in American films never stop talking in Spanish despite it being quite clear the cop can't understand them. At no point does this phase them, nor do they stop for a minute to think of some elementary english....they just keep talking very loudly in Spanish until someone who speaks spanish can be found

They also may appear in hostage situations or 'people trapped together somewhere' films, usually to offer an idea or maybe ask an important question. They will of course do this completely in Spanish (or their native language) despite no one else ever giving any indication they understand it thus far....conveniently though, someone will know what they are saying
I get irritated by these dumb Hollywood stereotypes of England in movies.

Old Buses

You can guarantee they will always show the old Routemaster buses from 50 years ago. Why?! :mad: Show a current bus.



Old Cars

A rich English person driving a classic car. Always. Funny because we see rich people driving the one below.



Posh Accent

This get's done to death no matter what race of British people they are. I don't know anyone who speaks like that, do you? Us 'normal' people are not part of the aristocracy. I don't even want to get started on the tea, crumpets and scones references as well.
Alien civilisations are always infinitely more advanced than humans, with weapons and technology that make ours look downright primitive. However, they're complete bottlers when it comes to war, and are defenceless against individual acts of heroism.

They're also useless at creating an anti-virus for their computer.
You'd think there is only one shot of London, from Lambeth looking toward Parliament judging by Hollywood.
Having watched Die Hard 2 today...

The bad guy, or one henchman, having the perfect opportunity to kill the hero, but no, instead he will hold him at gunpoint, allow the hero to fight back and kill him.

Forward rolls whilst in a gun fight...just pull the trigger.
The good guys making a 'hilarious' comment while in the middle of a gunfight, or any action sequence for that matter, pisses me off
Alien civilisations are always infinitely more advanced than humans, with weapons and technology that make ours look downright primitive. However, they're complete bottlers when it comes to war, and are defenceless against individual acts of heroism.


The bad guy never kills the good guy when he has the upper hand, choosing to gloat or lecture him for 5 minutes, enough time for the good guy to disable him or for friends to kill him from the back
The good guys making a 'hilarious' comment while in the middle of a gunfight, or any action sequence for that matter, pisses me off

Good guys having a normal conversation/argument about something irrelevant in the middle of an action sequence.

The swordfight/marriage scene in the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie was possibly the most egregious offense there.
"There's a storm coming/brewing."

If I had a pound for every film in which this was used as a metaphor for dark days ahead I'd have about ten pounds. I wouldn't mind, but it's such a famous line from Terminator that I cringe with shame whenever I hear it elsewhere.
One thing I find funny - more on television than film, is when British actors/actresses playing Americans characters have to 'fake' British accents, but do it perfectly.
Animals are always quirky, loveable companions that do amazing things and behave themselves impeccably. In real life they shag your leg, fart or lick their own genitals constantly.
This get's done to death no matter what race of British people they are. I don't know anyone who speaks like that, do you? Us 'normal' people are not part of the aristocracy. I don't even want to get started on the tea, crumpets and scones references as well.

I had some scones yesterday with cream and jam, bloody lovely.

The bad guy never kills the good guy when he has the upper hand, choosing to gloat or lecture him for 5 minutes, enough time for the good guy to disable him or for friends to kill him from the back

Dick Dastardly likes this. Ever notice how he was always a mile ahead of the competition in wacky races yet decided not to win the race at a canter but create some elaborate trap and then wait to see if it worked.
When our hero/heroinne's car breaks down at midnight in the middle of thunderstorm, they always decide it's a really good idea to walk up to the really spooky looking run-down house that's in the middle of nowhere.
do lesbians really get off on sucking their dildoes before shoving it up their partners hole?

sucking a plastic cock when youre a lesbian makes no sense at all.
Sounds like you people watch a LOT of bad films.