Films: Overused quotes, stereotypes and behaviour patterns

No one ever seems to use windows operating system in movies.
There are databases for pretty much everything. The last time you had a shit, yup, its on a database.
Uber Tough Guys, for example, Steven Seagal - ive seen plenty of his action movies where he is pretty much invincible. Goes through the whole movie beating everyone up, never gets hit, clothes all pristine throughout and he's supposed to be a fireman! :wenger:

When people enter their house and the lights are already on. Dont they turn them off when they leave?

Quotes like "I have a bad feeling about this" or in horror movies "Stay right here, i'll be right back" and they dont come back.

Now why are keys always left in the visor of a car? Thats just stupid.
When they use small, simple binoculars and can suddenly see the Moon in detail.
Also, when they go searching someone's house and no one's there, the 'spair' keys are always under the fecking mat, or behind the flower pot. I mean seriously, do people even do that???
The easiness of extracting information from a perspective snitch....generally 3 punches will do
Peter Stormare as all Russian / Eastern European characters.....If Peter Stormare is unavailable, choose Karel Roden
Priests. There's always a priest who will provide a hide out for our main character when he's being looked for (usually after being framed) This priest serves no purpose but to show that our hero has at some point done something incredibly nice and selfless for said priest in his past (which he doesn't wanna talk about cos he's a broody, dark and mysterious loner) this despite showing now signs of being religious in any way what so ever.

Sometimes the priest will help the plot along by relaying a vitally important piece of information...but most of the time he's a useless character employed to waste time and show what a really good guy our hero is
Ugly women don't exist, except for when they're standing in a crowd.

Or when they take off their glasses, dab on a bit of blush and slip into a backless dress, and then viola!

Who knew she could be so beautiful?!
The rough-hewn bloke who initially seems jaded and unfriendly. But wait! He's got a daughter!

Oooo bless him. He's an old softie really.
Every pub has a beautiful girl or a good natured man quietly sipping whiskey at the bar. If you sit next to them, and demonstrate body language that suggests you're fed-up, they WILL start a conversation, and then ultimately offer you either their home-spun wisdom, or sex.
Alien civilisations are always infinitely more advanced than humans, with weapons and technology that make ours look downright primitive. However, they're complete bottlers when it comes to war, and are defenceless against individual acts of heroism.
When faced by an assailant whose intentions seem to be evil, gunning him down in cold blood, or throwing him off the ledge of a tall building will not land you in jail. In fact, it won't even provoke a police enquiry.
In horror films, the expressionless kid with super pale skin who talks in monotone.

And no one ever bothers saying 'goodbye' at the end of a phone conversations. What's up with that?

Though not too long ago, I would've said, "a black President? really? no, really?"
Bursting frantically into a taxi and shouting 'follow that car!' will not arouse a surprised reaction from the driver.
When the good guy gets in a fight with a group of people, all these bad guys come at him one by one. The others just wait around for their turn and then get knocked down.
Alien civilisations are always infinitely more advanced than humans, with weapons and technology that make ours look downright primitive. However, they're complete bottlers when it comes to war, and are defenceless against individual acts of heroism.

Continuing this theme: Said Aliens have one fatal flaw. Water kills them. An advanced Alien race therefore decides to attack a planet, that is blue, blue because it is covered in water. Infact, if a complete idiot hadn't named the planet, this planet would infact, be named....water.
Whenever our hero is accompanied by a child, they will always leave said child alone, telling them "just stay right here, I'll be back", while they investigate/go after some one/do something possibly scary or dangerous. Sometimes they leave them in an unlocked car or in an allyway despite this being the last thing you would do if you where looking after a child.
A car chase unfolds as the protagonist chases the villain. In the process there are major traffic accidents with cars ploughing in to each other and buildings being damaged. Yet there is no mention of any harm done to civilians. Because we all walk out unscathed after major collisions?
"I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Usually said by a character about to do something that the audience knows is UTTER BOLLOCKS.