Films: Overused quotes, stereotypes and behaviour patterns


(Sadly not) Banned
Dec 21, 2008
Van der Sar's saved it... United again!
One of the most overused movie lines ever:
"I'm getting too old for this."

Overused behaviour patterns:
When a woman and a man are shown in bed, the blanket always exposes the male breast, whilst the female breast is covered.

Overused stereotypes:
Rough exterior, but a heart of gold. I appreciate the effort to show different facets of a figure, but this stereotype is getting really shopworn.
One of the most overused movie lines ever:
"I'm getting too old for this."

Overused behaviour patterns:
When a woman and a man are shown in bed, the blanket always exposes the male breat, whilst the female breast is covered.

Overused stereotypes:
Rough exterior, but a heart of gold. I appreciate the effort to show different facets of a figure, but this stereotype is getting really shopworn.

They have special 'L' shaped sheets in Hollywood. ;)
The L-shaped sheet thing isn't that unreasonable, either. There's plenty of birds out there who cover themselves up after sex, just because it's the modest thing to do. Blokes don't have tits, so they don't have to have the sheet as high.
Girls being 'won round' by the bad boy/twat character after he's proves how strong and reckless he is in dangerous situations..

conversely, Girls being 'won round' by the geeky nice guy after finding out what a good person he is and how much he cares...
Black police chief. - Cunning way of avoiding having any decent roles for black people in your movie by casting the police chief/mayor/judge as black. He'll get to do feck all in the film but he's in a position of power, which will cover that up
conversely, Girls being 'won round' by the geeky nice guy after finding out what a good person he is and how much he cares...

I hate this scenario. It happens in about every second film love story. Unfortunately, it plays also a huge part in 'Forrest Gump', which is one of my favourite films of all-time.

Black police chief. - Cunning way of avoiding having any decent roles for black people in your movie by casting the police chief/mayor/judge as black. He'll get to do feck all in the film but he's in a position of power, which will cover that up

Good shout. Sometimes they don't even give them positions of power, seeing they often play secretaries, etc.
Perhaps more of a scenario, but people barely managing not to fall by hanging on to some ledge or someone's arm or something similar.
One of the most overused movie lines ever:
"I'm getting too old for this."

Overused behaviour patterns:
When a woman and a man are shown in bed, the blanket always exposes the male breat, whilst the female breast is covered.

Overused stereotypes:
Rough exterior, but a heart of gold. I appreciate the effort to show different facets of a figure, but this stereotype is getting really shopworn.

Ex sports star struggles to deal with adjusting to normal life. Loses girl. Tries to win girl back. Learns how to be a better person etc. Wins girl back. Read: Most Will Ferrell comedies of the last 5/6 years.

The fat, slightly unhinged, funny charachter. See most modern comedies.
In Robert McKee's book "Story", he writes that in most instances a writer's initial plot idea is subconscious cliche, and that the writer has to accept this and try to modify the original thought to make it more random and interesting.
The romantic comedy plot where couple meet, fall in love, break up over some petty squabble and then get back together in time for the end of the film which usually involves some overblown romantic gesture.

You've seen one, you've seen them all!
Ex sports star struggles to deal with adjusting to normal life. Loses girl. Tries to win girl back. Learns how to be a better person etc. Wins girl back. Read: Most Will Ferrell comedies of the last 5/6 years.

Person is the best at what he does. Person gets in some form of trouble that forces him to quit for a period of time. Person makes comback after learning to be a better man.

See: Anchorman, Talladega Nights, Blades of Glory

That being said, i really liked stranger than fiction.
Goody gets captured by baddie. Real life: baddie shoots him in the head three times. The end. Film life: baddie gloats and decides how to dispose of him and goody escapes. Goody comes back to sort him.
The L-shaped sheet thing isn't that unreasonable, either. There's plenty of birds out there who cover themselves up after sex, just because it's the modest thing to do. Blokes don't have tits, so they don't have to have the sheet as high.


Have sex with someone and then decide to be modest? Bit fecking weird if you ask me. Do they usually cry too?
People who get on least well at the beginning end up getting on like a house on fire by the end of it. Can apply to anytyhing from buddy movies about cops to conveyor belt rom coms. The more they snipe at each other in the beginning the more likely it is they'll be soul-mates by the end. As boring as it is predictable.
Not really something portrayed in the storyline, but every 'teen' is usually played by someone in their late 20's - early 30's.
English thespian in role of foreign baddie...hamming it up gloriously whilst squinting menacingly and/or shouting
Black guy meets White guy films.

This guy hit the nail on the head:

Hollywood: still out of ideas? How about another black-guy-meets-white-guy comedy?




Am I the only one who would rather be shot in the face than see another black-guy meets white-guy comedy? It seems like every other month Hollywood blows its load on another one of these black-meets-white crap-a-thons. The plot usually boils down to:

-There is a terrorist organization / Kingpin / Evil Rabbi who is planning to blow-up a yacht full of nuns / assassinate a congressman / conspire with aliens and the only people in the universe who can stop them are a rich, upper-class white cop and a sassy black detective with street smarts.

-They team up due to uncontrollable circumstances and find themselves in many awkward but hilarious situations. For example, there's always the scene where the two cops are in the same car and one of them starts to listen to either rap or country, and the other one has culture shock and acts as if they've never heard of AN ENTIRE GENRE OF POPULAR MUSIC BEFORE. They fiddle around with the radio back and forth and slap each others' hands like a couple of patsies until they finally either break the radio or turn it off

-There's always a solid 15 minutes devoted to what can best be described as cultural show-and-tell where the two cops teach each other how things are done their own respective ways. A typical scene would be to have the white guy trying to pick a lock and the black guy uses his street smarts to bust the door open. There's always some dumbass in the audience who laughs during this part which pisses me off.

-The chase scene where they come oh-so-close to capturing the bad guy, but conveniently lose him at the 40 minute mark so they have another 45 minutes to jerk us around with depressing filler about the characters' backgrounds. The black guy always has a girlfriend or wife who is killed, and then the audience is expected to overlook all the stereotypes built into the character and say "woah this character is pretty deep." The white guy gains a new perspective and respect for his urban partner.


-15 minutes left in the movie, they start to drop hints about where the final showdown will take place, which is unnecessary because it's always in an abandoned warehouse or a steel mill, or an abandoned warehouse inside a steel mill.

-Bad guy gets killed, but not before wounding the black cop in the shoulder and the white cop in the leg. Just as the bad guy has his dying breath, the entire police force / CIA / swat team arrives to clean up and "take over from here." With 5 minutes left in the movie, the two characters reflect on what a great team they make despite their obvious differences, and they end with some patronizing message about black people being able to get along with white people in typical GI Joe "today's-lesson" fashion. The movie fades as they show the white cop dancing to rap music to symbolize his new cultural understanding. I feel sorry for the actors who are all usually very talented, but somehow got sucked into doing another cliched cop movie.
the most overused behaviour pattern that is totally unrealistic in most of the films i watch is when he pulls out of her ass and then she lets him cum all over her if!
bad guys even if theres loads of them can't shoot the good guys no matter how many bullets, but the other way round the good guy will wipe out several of the bad guys. If however the good guy does get shot it'll be a flesh wound

When people are talking to eachother like an msn kind of thing it'll be set up as soon as they turn their macbook on, and the other person will be online and reply within less tha nhalf a second to each question. The writing is always huge too

Nutters can take as many hits or beatings but keep getting back up, the victim will often turn their back or drop the weapon

americans all live in big houses

People don't watch telly or films

Denzel Washington always does serious roles
War films:

The religious one.

The black one.

The funny one.

The dead one.
bad guys even if theres loads of them can't shoot the good guys no matter how many bullets, but the other way round the good guy will wipe out several of the bad guys. If however the good guy does get shot it'll be a flesh wound

When people are talking to eachother like an msn kind of thing it'll be set up as soon as they turn their macbook on, and the other person will be online and reply within less tha nhalf a second to each question. The writing is always huge too

Nutters can take as many hits or beatings but keep getting back up, the victim will often turn their back or drop the weapon

americans all live in big houses

People don't watch telly or films

Denzel Washington always does serious roles

Movies have a track record of getting computer stuff very badly wrong. It's probably only a couple of years since they stopped using green text on a black background and over-dubbing every keystroke with a beep.
Small/Odd/Excentric device (usually a weapon or scientific contraption) that is mocked and made fun of in the begining of the film when noticed by or introduced to the main character. It will then become vital in stopping the bad guy at the end of the movie..Conveniently
Overused quotes? how about these ones

"God help us all"


"My God"


"God speed son, god speed"
Also they never lock their homes or cars.

This drives me mad. I don't know why, but the whole not locking the car thing annoys me every single time. And yet, people always have to break into cars. Why bother, nobody seems to lock the bloody things?!?!
Also they never lock their homes or cars.

Yes, they jump out the car and slam the door then walk off. My house door doesn't need locking as it locks when you close it so that doesn't annoy me as much.

Oh yeah, all scenes in which it shows a hillbilly/pikey/poor family's home will have a discarded and possibly broken bicycle somewhere in shot.