Gaming Fifa 2009

looks like its going to be hard to arrange practice session.

What about friday 11:30 pm - 1st session, and then saturday or sunday - 2nd session (whoever missed it)

as we have got 20 players its going to be hard to get all players anyways. so lets split into two.

Let me know who can make it Friday 11:30 pm
Just had a bizarre moment on the demo, the CPU goalkeeper wanted to roll the ball out to his defender, but his defender was standing in the goal for some reason, so the goalie just rolled it into the net :lol:
i had another bizzare movement, chelsea ha a corner i was leading 1-0 at 90 min, so cech came up for the corner , i got the ball and took a shot with rooney from 60 or 70 yrds, the ball went into the net, but it didn't count for some reason. nno idea, i am pretty sure the ref did not blow whistle when i had a shot.
Just played FIFA 08 for the last time.

Rubbish compared to the demo tbh :lol: Whoever said the graphics haven't improved is bonkers.

Scored an amazing goal with Scholes though
i know lot of people have not got fifa 09 over here, but has anyone uploaded any videos, my keeps on getting error saying ea server is down everytime. i dont know how to fix this.
i know lot of people have not got fifa 09 over here, but has anyone uploaded any videos, my keeps on getting error saying ea server is down everytime. i dont know how to fix this.

You can't fix it, it's up to EA, it probably isn't up because nobody should really have the game yet therefore there is no need for it to be up.
That's my problem, I'm not girlfriend free on friday :( Ignoring the shit out of her tomorrow if FIFA arrives though :D

Good thing is my gf is going to stay with her parents for the weekend, dropping her off tomorrow.:drool:

So i would sitting on my comfy couch and playing Fifa most of the time,
Friday 11:30 - Session 1

7 in.

Redcafe ID - PSN

hotshot2004 - United4ever7
Sam#1 - Sam_32
Ronaldo No.9 - TheGreatOne1988

redspoony - dowders
esmufc07 - JackBauer90
Ben United - seear
UberScholes -
My ID - Gamergrl13xxx

See you on there, cnuts
Friday 11:30 - Session 1

7 in.

Redcafe ID - PSN

hotshot2004 - United4ever7
Sam#1 - Sam_32
Ronaldo No.9 - TheGreatOne1988

redspoony - dowders
esmufc07 - JackBauer90
Ben United - seear
UberScholes -

And me
swooshboy - swooshboy

What's the plan for positions for the first match - would love a CM spot...

hotshot - good work on getting this together but I think we need to go with only one thread otherwise it could get confusing.

Should we create a new FIFA 09 Club thread? We could always merge the threads, but since the thread is going to be constantly updated and added to, then in my mind it makes sense to have a fresh thread. Thoughts?
I have figured out a way.

Everyone gets rotated every match. So the first 11 in, will select whatever position they want, then we will rotate from there on.

We have to try to set up a practice session with the first 11 players online and then go from there.

But lets just meet on 11;30. first for the practice then we will decide, what position and what formations.
I have figured out a way.

Everyone gets rotated every match. So the first 11 in, will select whatever position they want, then we will rotate from there on.

We have to try to set up a practice session with the first 11 players online and then go from there.

But lets just meet on 11;30. first for the practice then we will decide, what position and what formations.

I think that sounds fair - the only issue will be that some people will obviously be better at some positions than others.

But I guess this will come out in the practices so it may naturally evolve.
And me
swooshboy - swooshboy

What's the plan for positions for the first match - would love a CM spot...

hotshot - good work on getting this together but I think we need to go with only one thread otherwise it could get confusing.

Should we create a new FIFA 09 Club thread
? We could always merge the threads, but since the thread is going to be constantly updated and added to, then in my mind it makes sense to have a fresh thread. Thoughts?

What's the wait? Go ahead then.
Official Review:

Main Point's:

This has an overwhelmingly positive impact on how FIFA plays. More than any game in the series, FIFA 09 makes you think before you shoot. You're forced to craft goal scoring opportunities cautiously, eking out killer through balls only when defenders have been pulled out of position, or players have made penetrating runs (they now raise their hand when calling for a pass, Wayne Rooney style - a useful and realistic visual clue for when to hit through balls). At least that's how it plays out during the first hour or so of a match.

We had worried that FIFA 09 was going to end up like EURO 08 with a Premiership skin. Luckily for us, we were wrong. Like we said, the best FIFA game ever made. Over to you Konami.
And me! Actually had it a while now but for some reason i'm taking my time to play it. I even showered and had breakfast first, feck that!
:lol: I'm playing City and Neville is getting raped at Rb by Robinho's pace
I'm off work/uni until next week, so i'll be available for a practice session