Gaming FIFA 19

I can’t understand why they’ve set the Elite 1 requirements at 27 games. That’s 90% wins. Last year it was 34/40 = 85%, they should’ve stuck with that percentage and gone for 25 or 26 games. I used to make elite 1 in most weekends in 18, now I’m probably going to struggle.
I can’t understand why they’ve set the Elite 1 requirements at 27 games. That’s 90% wins. Last year it was 34/40 = 85%, they should’ve stuck with that percentage and gone for 25 or 26 games. I used to make elite 1 in most weekends in 18, now I’m probably going to struggle.

Probably want to increase the difficulty given the new way the rewards will work.
Played the demo non-stop with a friend. Must have played around 40 games. I hated it at the start but I'm starting to enjoy it now. The crossing is much better and the skills feel so smooth. The keepers still drop absolute clangers but I think this will be corrected when the actual game comes out.
Yeah much better way of doing it. Don't quite understand the monthly reward change though, if you can pick any player won't everyone just have the best players within a few weeks of the game coming out?

I dont think that if you finish gold or elite you will get the best. You can pick between a range of players the one you want, but i doubt that you will get the top dogs if you arent under the best. The best ones can chose the best players, while if you are average, you chose some players around between 81 and 83 or whatever. Unless they do it randomly, with percentages, so that the gold players can get one or two top players by chance, but not on regular basis.
So tempted to fall back into FIFA after quitting it last year. They've made some good improvements like reducing the fut weekend games down to 30. I'm tempted but in all honest with a kid on the way in November I just wont find the time. I wish I was 21! I'll still to the odd game of PUBG.
I wonder what the sponsored gamers and elite players think of it. There's some new changes to the game, surely they'll have to spend their time playing it non-stop to perfect it?
This reply happens every year too :smirk:

A very accurate post too if I might add.

99% of the people in this thread need to admit something to themselves....No matter what your issues are with it, you're going to buy it!

I for one admitted this problem years ago....Hasn't stuff my online rage but, alas...
Had bought Tomb Raider in the hope it would see me through till October and RDR2 avoiding the need to buy Fifa but blew through that in 2 days so yeah bring on Fifa 19. Will power of a nat.
I only buy FIFA to play with my friends, in person and with several beers. Ultimate Team, playing online, The Journey and all that means nothing. Game play, for me, improves every year, as do the graphics and it's always enjoyable to get the new kits and squads. We pay a tenner each and we'll do it every year. I've never once found a reason to complain about any edition of the game. Am I doing this wrong?
I only buy FIFA to play with my friends, in person and with several beers. Ultimate Team, playing online, The Journey and all that means nothing. Game play, for me, improves every year, as do the graphics and it's always enjoyable to get the new kits and squads. We pay a tenner each and we'll do it every year. I've never once found a reason to complain about any edition of the game. Am I doing this wrong?

Nope, you're doing it correctly.
It is what it is. It's an enjoyable game. Can't take FIFA seriously if you want to enjoy it. Simulation, it is not. Also, it's EA. It's not as if Madden or NHL are radically different games one year to the next. Can't expect EA to overhaul gameplay mechanics, and if you do, that's on you.
How are people opening packs already??
There’s a youtuber that’s spent over £6,000 on fifa points already.

Absolutely Disgusting
fecking ea won't send me my security code to log in.
There’s a youtuber that’s spent over £6,000 on fifa points already.

Absolutely Disgusting
Yes. It is like gambling but for kids, with their parents money and with no chance to actually win the money back. That's the sick part to me, it would be illegal if they could get their money back, wouldn't it? A bit nuts
I have the same problem? I can't get into my account at all and the email they have is wrong compared to the one I'm using...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

For me its not wrong the security code is just not arriving. I'll probably wake up to 50 emails tomorrow
Got IF Fraser in my loyalty packs. Much better than usual, probably nothing more than 10k but still a good start!
Not overly impressed with the game. It’s very close to last year for me.

Pace is better than I expected after hearing about the demo though.
Got zilch in my starter packs, just done the first couple of SBCs which have made it so I can make a gold french side for my starting squad.
Forgot about early access when I sold my Xbox for a PS4. It’s like renting the game for a week for £3.99.
Forgot about early access when I sold my Xbox for a PS4. It’s like renting the game for a week for £3.99.

I use it year round. Normally get last year's madden and NBA plus save money when buying FIFA.
If I've not got early access can I not use the web app either?
Was going to load points on tonight but not sure when’s best to do it.

@Eddy_JukeZ did you not say pack weights were much better on actual release day last year?
Was going to load points on tonight but not sure when’s best to do it.

@Eddy_JukeZ did you not say pack weights were much better on actual release day last year?

I believe they always are when the game is released worldwide versus early access release.

Still comes down to luck of the draw though.