Fifa 12: Redcafe XBOX club

That used to happen to me, did you do any editing? If so thats why... after you do a bit of editing on the players the game starts crashing. Just delete all your saved editing or something like that and it should work again. Or I think theirs one file that you have to delete to make it start crashing I don't remember what its called though.

Edit: I think it's the file called UGC data file 1, make a back up for it first then delete it I think should fix it. Make sure you make a back up just in case... Here is the guide on how to fix it

Yeh I made a team on creation centre. Pretty sure that's whats fecking it up.

If you're playing tommorow, I'll get it sorted out for then.
Yeh I'll have a game. Need to find out how to get it working first though. Keeps crashing, something about deleting a file, which I have no idea how to do.
I know, I was tempted to put that forever alone picture up. I had some games though. It was fun, 5+ people. We would of had a great time. Bastards.
Did you join? I ended up going offline. Are you already in the club if not I'll just add you to it if you want. Hopefully get some people on after the game tomorrow or something.
Anyone want to get this running again? I'm off school until september so I'll need something to do until then.