Fifa 12: Redcafe XBOX club

Got my position. why was you asking about any before is tha tbetter?
next game how do i get rid of my made up player hes shite and id rather be any if i can?
What do you mean by get rid of your made up player? In pro clubs you have to use your virtual pro or if your any he just takes up a position.
Sorry guys I really should have scored more than the one goal... had 5 clear cut chances ffs.
Our finishing is horrendous... We make a decent amount of chances but we always feck them up :lol:
Up to you. we have a decent amount now so it's fun for both. but when there's only 2 or 3 it's shit with the computer controlling them I think
Also howcomes the gameplay is proper amateurish. Really sloppy from the players.
Not avin it, keeps crashing when I click 'play a game' :-/

As you were lads
Is the team the proper united team? What are the rules for this.

Its just random fake players, all rated like 70 or something. The AI is on legendary though so their still good when the CPU controls them. Their finishing is worse than ours though :lol: they always miss the net.
Not avin it, keeps crashing when I click 'play a game' :-/

As you were lads

That used to happen to me, did you do any editing? If so thats why... after you do a bit of editing on the players the game starts crashing. Just delete all your saved editing or something like that and it should work again. Or I think theirs one file that you have to delete to make it start crashing I don't remember what its called though.

Edit: I think it's the file called UGC data file 1, make a back up for it first then delete it I think should fix it. Make sure you make a back up just in case... Here is the guide on how to fix it