Gaming Fifa 10

Just scored a stunning goal online with Barca against Chelsea. Was already 3-0 up and Iniesta took the ball past the halfway line on the counter before playing a ball to Ibrahimovic, who steps over the ball for Henry and first time plays it past the on-rushing defender back to Ibrahimovic who slotted it past the keeper :D The only problem was that the guy quit before I had a chance to see the replay :mad:
I was playing a mate of mine, was up 6-0 and he said "if you score one more i will quit as there is no point" so i though no worries he told me it doesnt bother me. I got the ball with rosicky, rounded the keeper and did a rainbow flick into the top corner :P I love stupid goals.
2010 FIFA World Cup game out April 30
By James Orry - 27/01/2010 - 8:26am GMT

Heading to Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PSP.
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa screenshot

EA Sports has announced the April 30 release of EA Sports 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PSP.

2010 FIFA World Cup will feature all 199 national teams that took part in qualification, all 10 stadiums to be used in South Africa and stadiums from each qualifying region. Gamers will be able to play as their home nation and attempt to guide them from qualification, right through to the FIFA World Cup Final.

The game also features a complete and authentic online World Cup tournament, allowing players to compete against fans from rival countries. EA also says the game will be packed with innovations designed to capture the journey from qualification to the final tournament, with home and away strategies for every nation, situational tactics in-game, and altitude effects that fatigue players faster and even impact the flight of the ball.

The Wii version will see players taking on all 32 nations competing in South Africa in head-to-head challenges in Zakumi’s Dream Team mode - Zakumi is the tournament mascot. Start out with random players, but along the way build a team by stealing an opposition player after each victory. It will also be possible to take your dream team to a friend's house on a Wii Remote.

2010 FIFA World Cup is scheduled for release throughout North America on April 27, 2010 and in stores throughout Asia and Europe beginning April 30, 2010.

i wont be buying that probably.
Anybody got a trick to earn easy freekicks? I've got 3 left (22/25) to score before unlocking +6 freekick.

is this in relation to that ?

Teen Stabs Father Following FIFA Fight

January 26, 2010 | 10:15 AM PST

There are parents who tend to be rather protective of their children. Overprotective, some might say.

One pair of Italian parents had bought FIFA 2009 for their son, Mario, as a birthday present "because we didn't want him playing violent games." And where did that get them?

Stabbed in the neck.

It is an unfortunate occurrence, as the father, a 46-year old storekeeper, was playing the game with his son. He offered advice on tactics for improving his in-game performance, but that apparently did not go over very well with the 16-year old youth, and an argument broke out.

Mario fetched a knife from the kitchen, and proceeded to stab his father in the neck. He then returned to the kitchen and washed the knife off before his mother in the sink, before leaving it to dry on the draining board. The mother had no idea what had happened until her husband stumbled in, clutching his neck.

"I saw Mario come back into the room, he seemed calm, he went to the sink and I noticed him washing a knife," Monica explained to the Italian daily newspaper Il Corriere della Sera. "Then my husband came into the room with a hand round his neck, dripping blood".

Police reported that Mario had shut himself in his room, and made no attempt to resist arrest. He had received the game only days earlier.

"Mario is obsessed. He's forever playing on his PlayStation," said the mother. suggest that "Who would have thought a guy named after a non-violent video game character would snap after playing a non-violent video game? It's almost like there isn't necessarily a link between violent games and acts of violence!"

Of course, an Italian being named after the world-famous plumber superhero seems unlikely to me. More to the point, one has to ask what other kinds of games he had played prior to his parents' non-violent offering.

I'm not saying violent games caused this, but that one should probably look at all the evidence that someone who was trying to find a correlation would before making such a statement.
source: Reuters, via

i don't know if i should but :lol:
My disc got a small crack right on the plastic ring in the middle. My PS3 won't read it anymore :(
Been using my Virtual Pro in the club team games, but we're all a fairly low level so usually end up getting beat despite outplaying the other team on most occassions.

Any tips on making the pro better other than obviously just playing shed loads?
Does anyone know the reliable controls for

a) Using the outside of the foot

b) Backheels (can sometimes get this, but it seems a bit hit n miss when i try)

Ideally with PS3 controls.
Does anyone know the reliable controls for

a) Using the outside of the foot

You need to hold down R1, L2, X and O while pressing [] seven times in 1.5 seconds. Nah, only some players [highly skilled ones] can do it, and only when they're seemingly approaching goal on the side of their strongest foot - just aim at the far corner.

b) Backheels (can sometimes get this, but it seems a bit hit n miss when i try)

It's just random I think. Generally more skillful players will attempt them, and more likely if you press pass quite quickly - a flick on for example.

On a completely different note, has anyone mastered the topspin free kick?

I only do curly ones or blasty curly ones, never really tried the topspin ones, but in some positions it seems they're the only scorable option.
Does anyone know the reliable controls for

a) Using the outside of the foot

b) Backheels (can sometimes get this, but it seems a bit hit n miss when i try)

Ideally with PS3 controls.

These are both traits unlockable for your Virtual Pro, assuming the backheels come with the 'Flair' trait. I'd imagine only some of the players are given these traits in the game.
On a completely different note, has anyone mastered the topspin free kick?

I only do curly ones or blasty curly ones, never really tried the topspin ones, but in some positions it seems they're the only scorable option.

Top spin ie Ronaldo style? If so, I have. I do that for all of my free kicks and usually score about 1 in 2 or 3 from anywhere around the box within 35 yards :devil:
I wish there were more options for fun multiplayer things to do - I mean the stuff I'm thinking of is able to be implemented manually, but is it really too much to give us the options to:

set a maximum amount of OVR points that a team can have and choose players on that basis (ie say an average of 75 across the team, for a total of 825 OVR points).

Or to pick our own 6 a side teams for Arena (doable, but its a pain in the ass and messes up your squads).

The fact it's a pain in the ass to set up little minigames if you will, like this really inhibit my enjoyment of FIFA in multiplayer.

On a completely different note, has anyone mastered the topspin free kick?

I only do curly ones or blasty curly ones, never really tried the topspin ones, but in some positions it seems they're the only scorable option.

I use them if I'm really close to the box but on the right hand side of it (ie don't have the broad side of the goal to aim at with my strongest taker Rooney), and I just pop it over the wall.
My fifa has frozen/disconnected online 4 times tonight after doing it once in 160~ games. fecking joke.

What is with people quitting after the final whistle? What is the point?
I just started my 4th season on Manager Mode and any new club I sign for or if I stay with my old one are suddenly £2,147,483,646 in debt, wtf? Piece of shit.
£3.99 on PS3 not so sure about 360.

I assume it's the same though.

It has had a bit of an over-haul from last years, it looks pretty fecking good.
Darren Fletcher is to be moved up to 83 OVR in the new update.

Someone working on the Update team told me :) happy times.

Transfer update is out on the 24th and Ultimate Team is out on the 25th.
Darren Fletcher is to be moved up to 83 OVR in the new update.

Someone working on the Update team told me :) happy times.

Transfer update is out on the 24th and Ultimate Team is out on the 25th.

Brilliant :D My midfield pairing when playing ranked is usually Ando and Fletcher.
i think i found the best possible formation that lests me twat opponents.


works really fantastic. i love the balance between attack and defense.

counter attacks , possesion play , it suits any playing style really.
How do you guys save formations and lineups so you don’t have to edit them every time you start a random game online?

You can't have your custom formation pre-loaded when you select a specific team online but if you save the custom formation you can just select it and then just need to swap your players around into their proper position and you're sorted.

There is no quicker way than loading custom formations and tactics and moving the players to how you want them.
Any of you thinking about buying the Ultimate Team mode? It's releasing in February.

I was so addicted to this in Fifa 09, last year's version was something new and bought a fresh air to online play and some new added excitement surrounding this game.

Trailer of this year's version.

It's going to come out in a couple of weeks apparantly, anyone getting it?
I cannot believe they still haven't sorted the disconnect problem online. There is seriously no point in praising them for making a good game when I can't play it online without 'You haev lost yur connection 2 ea lol' during each game. Spastics.
I cannot believe they still haven't sorted the disconnect problem online. There is seriously no point in praising them for making a good game when I can't play it online without 'You haev lost yur connection 2 ea lol' during each game. Spastics.
I've disconnected 3 times, 2 of them yesterday, in about 200 online games
I disconnect once every 3 games roughly. Usually during the middle of really tense games where I'm winning.
Yeah because when I get back to the main menu I've been disconnected. I know I'm not the only one as well theres loads of people moaning about it on the ea forums. It's always me that gets these problems too.
I have to close all running programs on my laptop otherwise I get logged off PSN during matches.
The only time i ever get the 'disconnected from EA server' message is when the little shit down the other end turns his Xbox off.