Gaming FIFA 09 - PS3 Be A Pro Clan

What about if we have 17 players available for one game, which should be dropped out?
hmmm...didn't spot that rather obvious hurdle that needs to be cleared...

Well, we at least we have a few weeks to find a good solution!

Also the solution needs to be one that doesn't mean the manager has extra work to do!
I think we should merge Clan 1 & 2. I am sure after a week or so, it would be hard to get 10 players togather.
Yeah, i agree.

Also, i don't think the player selection really matters, as i read ALL players have the same attributes. So Ronaldo would be no different to O'Shea.
Yeah, i agree.

Also, i don't think the player selection really matters, as i read ALL players have the same attributes. So Ronaldo would be no different to O'Shea.

eh? :confused: Are you talking about in-game players or the gamers.
eh? :confused: Are you talking about in-game players or the gamers.
IGN: I hear that every player on the pitch in this mode (10v10) is set to the same attribute level. Why do this?

Rutter: Because it's a new concept and game mode, we didn't want to penalize people who supported lower tier clubs. We don't always want people to play as Barcelona or Real Madrid; sometimes we want them to play as Toronto FC. If Toronto FC had the same level of player attributes they I would be judged on my controller skills rather than the attributes of my virtual player on the pitch. So it is all about being a better player of the game then a better player in the game.
So it's less a case of which player you play with and more one of what position you like to play.

For the record - I'm happy with any of the 4 midfield slots (assuming we're playing 442).
IGN: I hear that every player on the pitch in this mode (10v10) is set to the same attribute level. Why do this?

Rutter: Because it's a new concept and game mode, we didn't want to penalize people who supported lower tier clubs. We don't always want people to play as Barcelona or Real Madrid; sometimes we want them to play as Toronto FC. If Toronto FC had the same level of player attributes they I would be judged on my controller skills rather than the attributes of my virtual player on the pitch. So it is all about being a better player of the game then a better player in the game.

Fair enough, it's a good concept that enhances the variety of clubs and players in FIFA. But to have Bramble as techniqually gifted as Ronaldo is somewhat weird to the game.
Maybe we have to create our own player appearance and then use the 'set amount' of attribute points how we like? (Shooting, passing, tacking ability etc..) that way everyone would have equal attributes.

Would be good.
Maybe we have to create our own player appearance and then use the 'set amount' of attribute points how we like? (Shooting, passing, tacking ability etc..) that way everyone would have equal attributes.

Would be good.

That's an idea.

Arghh can't get my head over what I've just heard.

Hyypiää running at Ronaldo's pace :rolleyes:
Maybe we have to create our own player appearance and then use the 'set amount' of attribute points how we like? (Shooting, passing, tacking ability etc..) that way everyone would have equal attributes.

Would be good.

I believe that's how it does work. Or something similar to that anyway.

edit: actually, that's just something i read on another forum, might not be true, but, i imagine everybody would have to create their own online Be A Pro player, that's the logical way for it to work anyway.
it's pointless having 2 clans,

What is FIFA 09 Clubs?

FIFA 09 Clubs is a mode designed for PS3 and 360 that enables gamers to form or join user-controlled 'clubs'. These clubs are ranked within divisions based on total points. Clubs will be relegated and promoted within divisions based on their points. If a club has more points than the second best club in their division and more points than the last club in the division above, they will move up a division and send the last placed squad down a division.

How will the best club be determined?

The best club will be the one with the most points. They will hold the Division 1 - Rank 1 position.

How many players can you recruit to your club?

FIFA 09 Clubs supports up to 50 players in each club. However, only ten players can play for the team during a match.

Who selects the team each game?

The Club Manager can change the club's team at any point. The team selected will not impact the playing field, since all teams and their players will be set to the same attribute levels. The outcome of the match will be based on the performance of the players on your team.

Will FIFA Clubs support substitutes?

The Captain can make substitutes as would be done in a normal match, but only the club members that started the match can play. So if the captain does a sub, the real world player will switch to that virtual player.

What happens to players who aren't selected for the first team or the substitute's bench? Do they watch the match in spectator mode?

Instead of limiting matches based on the availability of a few club members, a club can play a match as long as 3 members are present. A club can be playing several matches at once based on how many members are available. There is no club spectator mode in FIFA 09.

Can consumers join more than one club?

No you can only be in one club at a time.

Who's going to want to play left-back?

There are a lot of people who appreciate the importance of defence on a football team as well as midfield and attack. We hope that the kind of guys who are very good on defence and very disciplined on defence will become a commodity that teams will want to play with and suddenly they will become very valuable.

We envision a landscape where teams try to recruit the best players at each position to build their teams into the best in the world. If you want a good buzz in a 10 vs. 10 match you might not necessarily be involved in the action all of the time but for the shorter moments that a real footballer would be in a football match it takes on a whole different level of stress and excitement.

When you get your touches at left back, for example, you know you can't fail because you will be letting down nine human players on your team if you make a mistake. Every interaction takes on an exponentially greater significance. Instead of thinking as an individual you have to play and react as a team.

What happens if you have less than 10 players?

The CPU will control players if you have less than 10 players. If you have less than 10 players, say 7, than each user can choose the option of being fixed to a position or being able to switch between their position and the 3 CPU controlled positions.

The key is you have to make this decision before the game and choose to be able to swap between your player and CPU controlled players when you are setting up the game. So some users may choose to remain fixed to their player the entire game while others may choose to be able to swap between their player and the CPU controlled players.

What happens if you disconnect during a game?

If a user on your team quits mid-game or you disconnect than the CPU takes over that player. If you drop to less than 3 players in a match, the match will be forfeit.

If you get disconnected - can you rejoin your team after being reconnected?

No, there is no way to join a match that is already in progress. If you become disconnected then the CPU will take control of your player.

Will there be a fixed schedule? How will consumers schedule a game?

No, there is no fixed schedule. Matches can be held at any time. When there are enough players ready to play (minimum of 3) then they will be matched up against another club for competitive play.

Is there a tool for scheduling matches?

No see above.

How long is the FIFA Clubs season?

The season begins as soon as FIFA 09 hits shelves and ends after the FIFA 10 game releases Please check that this is correct and we will support FIFA09 club up until FIFA10 launches.

How can you recruit players to your club?

Managers can scout players based on position, rating, wins, losses and games played. Other detailed information can be reviewed such as shots on goal, passing, tackles, cards, fouls and offsides. When a manager sees a player that fits his or her requirements, they can invite them to join their club.

What stats will you keep?

Clubs will track stats for Wins, Losses, Ties and Total Points. Total points is the most important stat for your club.

How have you improved the online play?

The framework we established with FIFA 08 Be A Pro: Online Team Play (5 vs 5) is sound and supports 10 vs. 10. The challenge for us is to make sure those rare occasions where the game might go out of sync are eradicated. When you have one console versus one console it happens infrequently.

When you have 5 versus 5 the frequency is suddenly significantly more because now you have 10 consoles rather than two. When you look at 20 consoles connected online to each other suddenly the stability of the game and the rareness of the occasions when the game goes out of sync become more manifest so we have really needed to work hard on those issues. We have daily 10 vs 10 sessions in the studio and the game is very stable.

What's the future for Online Clubs?

We envision a time when you have managers, an economy system where players will be able to move clubs, where playing FIFA becomes an alternate reality to the real world of football. The day will come when there are virtual equivalents of Wayne Rooney or Ronaldinho, from different parts of the world, who are expert FIFA gamers and clubs are clamoring to recruit them to represent their side, just like the real world.

Ultimately our ambition is to have the best 11 English FIFA football players at each position playing against the best 11 American, German, or Italian FIFA football players at each position to actually stage a virtual world cup to earn the right to be the world's best FIFA football team.

Was it always in the plan to have 10 vs. 10 this year?

We established 5 v 5 last year and the plan has always been to create a virtual 11 vs 11 football game for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. While that has always been an ambitious project we felt this year we could push pretty hard to reach 10 vs 10. This is quite an achievement. It feels like FIFA 09 Clubs is the next great frontier in sports gaming.

Will the strength of the goalie be the same in all clubs?

Yes, all players are levelled to an 85 overall.

What kind of strength will the CPU controlled players have? Will a Rooney be stronger than a Pantelic or will all CPU players have the same strength?

All players are levelled to an 85 overall. The individual attributes have all been set to relative strengths of the player's preferred position. So all CBs will have the same set of stats and all RWs will have the same set of stats, but their attributes will be different based on the needs of their position. If a user moves a player out of their preferred position, their overall rating may drop.

So there you go. Consider yourself informed. Don't forget there's a demo doing the rounds on Xbox live and PSN. Shots below represent both versions, says EA.
What happens if you have less than 10 players?

The CPU will control players if you have less than 10 players. If you have less than 10 players, say 7, than each user can choose the option of being fixed to a position or being able to switch between their position and the 3 CPU controlled positions.
Hmmm, i don't like this.

I bet we'll get loads of teams with only 3-5 players, which isn't fair VS a team of 10 human players imo, as they have an advantage of the AI players getting into better positions when attacking and defending.

When i play 5v5 on 08 on, there's usually only 1 or 2 players (including me) that pick 'fixed' positions. The others just click the "ANY" button.
it's pointless having 2 clans,

How many players can you recruit to your club?

FIFA 09 Clubs supports up to 50 players in each club. However, only ten players can play for the team during a match.

Who selects the team each game?

The Club Manager can change the club's team at any point. The team selected will not impact the playing field, since all teams and their players will be set to the same attribute levels. The outcome of the match will be based on the performance of the players on your team.

Will FIFA Clubs support substitutes?

The Captain can make substitutes as would be done in a normal match, but only the club members that started the match can play. So if the captain does a sub, the real world player will switch to that virtual player.

What happens to players who aren't selected for the first team or the substitute's bench? Do they watch the match in spectator mode?

Instead of limiting matches based on the availability of a few club members, a club can play a match as long as 3 members are present. A club can be playing several matches at once based on how many members are available. There is no club spectator mode in FIFA 09.

Can consumers join more than one club?

No you can only be in one club at a time.

I think based on this that it would be best to have a singe Club. If we have 17 people online at the same time, then we can play 2 games simultaneously - with both matches affecting the standing of the Club as a whole.

I guess the decision is how do we choose who plays in what, but I think the best / fairest way is to rotate it / select them randomly, seeing as people can only be a member of one club.

Also, if people selected their preferred positions (which they have kinda done already) then this would also help with selecting a team.

Not quite sure how the club manager role works. Fair enough they select the team, but I cannot imagine that they are going to have to be online anytime the Club plays a game. So from that point of view I assume whoever selects to play a game at a particular point in time becomes the club manager - in the same way as the team captain in FIFA08 Be A Pro.

Anyway, will be good finding out!
What's the future for Online Clubs?

We envision a time when you have managers, an economy system where players will be able to move clubs, where playing FIFA becomes an alternate reality to the real world of football. The day will come when there are virtual equivalents of Wayne Rooney or Ronaldinho, from different parts of the world, who are expert FIFA gamers and clubs are clamoring to recruit them to represent their side, just like the real world.

Ultimately our ambition is to have the best 11 English FIFA football players at each position playing against the best 11 American, German, or Italian FIFA football players at each position to actually stage a virtual world cup to earn the right to be the world's best FIFA football team.


Would be extremely cool to have national teams and everybody playing for their countries

If everybody take this seriously we help eachother to have decent stats on the market.
Since i'm a nice guy, I'm gonna tell people the camera trick i use for playing as a striker on be a pro. If you press select on the pad (for Xbox at least anyway) the camera focuses on your player rather than the ball. This works amazingly for positioning and staying onside, as well as set pieces, rather than simply using the radar to look at the players position.

The only downside to this is that you don't know what's going on in your own box when the ball is there, an you only know you've conceded a goal by the sound, but i'm a striker and i usually don't give a shit.

Also, i've scored a few amazing screamers and i've never even seem them myself, which is quite unfortunate.
Since i'm a nice guy, I'm gonna tell people the camera trick i use for playing as a striker on be a pro. If you press select on the pad (for Xbox at least anyway) the camera focuses on your player rather than the ball. This works amazingly for positioning and staying onside, as well as set pieces, rather than simply using the radar to look at the players position.

The only downside to this is that you don't know what's going on in your own box when the ball is there, an you only know you've conceded a goal by the sound, but i'm a striker and i usually don't give a shit.

Also, i've scored a few amazing screamers and i've never even seem them myself, which is quite unfortunate.

I like to use the radar more, that way you know where your striker, marker and the ball is.
lol, okay, I thought I was the only idiot who used to use the BAP cam for it then I guess to make the experience more 'on the pitch' I guess..

Another thing, I think playing the offside trap, or holding your defensive line is going to be hard to co-ordinate in this 10 v 10 thingy since normally the computer does it.
Anyone up for some Be A Pro on FIFA 08 this week? Be good to get a few games in ahead of the 10 v 10...

I haven't tried setting up a custom game for BaP, but we should be able to get 10 people.

I'm online most evenings after 9ish.

Anyone up for it??
lol, okay, I thought I was the only idiot who used to use the BAP cam for it then I guess to make the experience more 'on the pitch' I guess..

Another thing, I think playing the offside trap, or holding your defensive line is going to be hard to co-ordinate in this 10 v 10 thingy since normally the computer does it.

Its going to make for epic matches between good teams...

If they can get the proposed world cup off the ground it will be insane...

I wouldnt be surprised to see people getting payed to play this sort of game in a few years.
Just got to know I'll be getting my new TV on the 6th of October, the Monday after the FIFA09 release weekend :(
Nope, have lived without a TV for about a year now. Only had one back home during the summer

wow how is the life without TV. What do you do to kill time, when you are not on redcafe.:)

Amazing you survived about an year. I know lot of people who wouldn't survive.
I mentioned earlier that ALL players will have the same attributes in 10v10: Clubs, i was slightly wrong.

Every player will have an overall of 85. But Defenders will have better tackling, strength, heading ability etc. than strikers. Strikers will have better shooting ability and shot power than defenders. Wingers will be faster than central midfielders. Midfielders will have better passing accuracy than strikers, and so on...

So, technically everyone has the same attribute points, but players in different positions have different strengths and weaknesses.
I mentioned earlier that ALL players will have the same attributes in 10v10: Clubs, i was slightly wrong.

Every player will have an overall of 85. But Defenders will have better tackling, strength, heading ability etc. than strikers. Strikers will have better shooting ability and shot power than defenders. Wingers will be faster than central midfielders. Midfielders will have better passing accuracy than strikers, and so on...

So, technically everyone has the same attribute points, but players in different positions have different strengths and weaknesses.

that makes more sense. Imagine Ferdinand as striker and Ronaldo as CB.:nervous:
Yeah, but the stats will only change in "10v10: Clubs". If you join a random 10v10 match online, the stats will be normal.

ahh sweet as. Thats good.

What would be sweet is if everyone can chose their own numbers (sasigned by the manager who has overuling power) that way opposition knows if they are playing the strongest team and its more personalised, more of a goal to get your desired number etc... also if usernames were on the back of jerseys :drool:
OK, so only a few days until FIFA is released (Thursday for me).

I will have a look at the Club option and post back on here on Thursday so we can decide on the best way to set it up.

If it looks as though it is just a case or entering people's PSN IDs, then I am more than happy to do this on Thursday. If people have to be invited, then I can also do that.

If anyone has any objections to this, then let us know.

I am v interested to find out how the club manager role works - whether or not it is only the club manager who can pick the team etc. If so, then we need to have agreement over who will be the club manager, so I will not set myself up in that role.

If it is the club manager who has to setup the club, then I will leave it for someone who wants to commit to doing it.

Anyway, will def be up for a few games on Friday when you guys get your hands on it!