FIFA 09 League

I think we should all just chose a 4 star team to play with, that would be fair i think. Would be boring doing United vs United.

Will be up for some warm up games later if anyone fancies
I'm shit too McCool. I'll play you in a bit if you're still on. Add me anyway. uae1606
Yeah that should be fine
Me and McCool are trying to get a game going. For some reason though, it keeps jamming or something when we try and choose teams. Won't let us choose teams, and eventually it says this game session is no longer available. Any ideas?
Someone explain this game to me.

I'm playing online, as Utd, and I'm losing. Always. It's now 5-0 against me.

The other guys players seem to be allowed to run faster than mine, so he can come tackle me wherever I am, and I can't tackle him?

What's that all about?
Are you pressing run McCool? R2
Don't want to steal anything from Elvis but I've created a RedCafe league for 16 participants, 3 games versus each opponent, 10 minute games.
Also before we join we need to see what elvis wants to do about what teams were being!
so what is happening with this then elvis? are we going to start or what?
The league is up and I'll send the invites anytime soon..

Problem is, I thought everybody would pick United, so I picked them.

Will have to re-create the league if you can't change team, but I'll have to know the CERTAIN rule for amount of stars for teams to pick.