Being watched; will learn to post in the correct f
Spammy84 - add me you bunch of dicktits
Spammy84 - add me you bunch of dicktits
I will when I get online you gimp.
So probably thursday.
PS3 or xbox pete?
PS3 - thisis_markus
I would mark a cut off point for entrants soon other wise it will become unmanageable.
Another suggestion would be to just offer up automatic 3-0 victories to those who don't play or come online at the agreed time. : )
Nah should be 2-0. When you get too many people sent off its an automatic 2-0 loss, through enforced forfeit
But it's marked as an automatic 3 - 0 for unforced forfeit's when quitting in league mode : )
NEVER !!![]()
Well then......
I Challenge You To A Duel!!!!!!
:Slaps stob with a glove:
I agree it should be 3-0
Where is our great organiser??
I'm on a good little run coming into this.
Won 9 out of my last 10 online.
I feel tight on everyone else if im allowed to play, i promise to go easy on you all, elvis what are we doing about the teams, i think maybe we should pick either 4 star or 4 and a half star teams, either that or everyone be man utd as already suggested. What do you think mr organiser sir?
i have lost 5 out of my first 5 so there!!
oh hang on a tick....
Still haven't played you yet but your on my friends list, i'll give you a message when I am on later.
I've just bought this. I intend to beat you lot without practicing at all.
Ivor Ballokov
- 13 there, 14 if Solius will play.
- Players will play each other twice, home and away.
- All players must play with Man Utd, as that's the only fair way I can think off.
- 10 minute games.
- Must post the result of your games in here.
That's all I can think off for now, have to go for college so will post more when I get back.
Also, we need a prize. How about everyone chucks a fiver in or something, and winner takes all?