Fictional characters you despise

Which series are they showing?

I was always a Helen Stewart fan. Thought it got a bit ludicrous later on, though I never really watched beyond 3.

It was quite gritty in parts though, if you watch some of the first few episodes you can see why it was an 18!

They've been showing every series on a loop every week night at 10pm. I only noticed it when it was at some time in Series 2 I think so I didn't see the first ones, although I read the summary of the 1st episode on IMDB last night and it doesn't sound pretty!
AJ Soprano
Screech from Saved by the Bell
The mum from Fresh Prince of Bel Air
All of Bill Cosby's kids in the Cosby Show
Mickey Mouse
Scrappy Do
Jar Jar Binks
Young Anakin Skywalker
Teenage moody emo Anakin Skywalker
All the women from Sex and the City
Any of the robots in the Transformers movies that were supposed to be funny.
The little Chinese kid in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Short round?)

Those twin robots... /facepalm
VIM - Grandpa Simpson? What in the name of feck?

He's so frikkin winy and boring! His voice is boring and the stuff he says is boring, as soon as he's on screen I'm just waiting for him to bugger off.
Also, everyone from Terranova, Tracy Jordan - 30 Rock, Lindsay Weir - Freaks and Geeks (though oddly I still enjoy the show regardless)...

What?! I think all the 30 Rock characters are ace, but he's one of the best! The actor does seem like a bit of a prick though.

So bloody sanctimonious! And clearly we're all meant to love him despite his constant condescension and boring stories about his time in Africa.

The worst was when he was going out with that Thandie Newton character and they smugly rode round on their high horses together.
Hes basically playing himself isnt he? Not a terrible character, but probably my least favorite as well from 30 Rock. They have really good characters overall though, so I still like him.

I think it's meant to be a parody of himself, yeah. I haven't seen him in anything else to know how close the parody is though.

I think as a character he's brilliant, one of my favourites. It's the likes of Pete or Frank that I could probably do without. I did think those comments the actor who plays Tracy (Tracy Morgan) made about gay people though in one of his routines was a bit off. You could laugh it off as him just pushing the boundaries perhaps, but the fact all the 30 rock cast, including Tina Fey, reacted so badly to it makes me think it was more than just him just performing a tongue in cheek routine.
I think it's meant to be a parody of himself, yeah. I haven't seen him in anything else to know how close the parody is though.

I think as a character he's brilliant, one of my favourites. It's the likes of Pete or Frank that I could probably do without. I did think those comments the actor who plays Tracy (Tracy Morgan) made about gay people though in one of his routines was a bit off. You could laugh it off as him just pushing the boundaries perhaps, but the fact all the 30 rock cast, including Tina Fey, reacted so badly to it makes me think it was more than just him just performing a tongue in cheek routine.

Tracy Morgan is mental. Not silly or slighty whacky, he is full on crazy. His act is about saying the most ridiculous, silly, mad thing that comes into his head.

He was performing at a show and on the subject of his son being gay he said "I'd stab that little n*gger". It was at one of his shows, not a TV interview, not a live TV/radio show.

The Tina Fey went down in my estimation when she reacted to it, she should have said "you went to a Tracy Morgan show, what did you expect?".
Kenneth is the only character who I really can't stand on 30 Rock. Tina Fey and especially Alec Baldwin pretty much carries that show on their own though imo and are the only reasons I still watch it.
Tracy Morgan is mental. Not silly or slighty whacky, he is full on crazy. His act is about saying the most ridiculous, silly, mad thing that comes into his head.

He was performing at a show and on the subject of his son being gay he said "I'd stab that little n*gger". It was at one of his shows, not a TV interview, not a live TV/radio show.

The Tina Fey went down in my estimation when she reacted to it, she should have said "you went to a Tracy Morgan show, what did you expect?".

Yeah that bit about stabbing his son was the bit that put me off him. I read a quote from Tina Fey which said the opposite though. She said she was really disturbed by it and also said:

“I’m glad to hear that Tracy apologized for his comments. Stand-up comics may have the right to ‘work out’ their material in its ugliest and rawest form in front of an audience, but the violent imagery of Tracy’s rant was disturbing to me at a time when homophobic hate crimes continue to be a life-threatening issue for the GLBT Community. It also doesn’t line up with the Tracy Morgan I know, who is not a hateful man and is generally much too sleepy and self-centered to ever hurt another person.
Fey continued: “I hope for his sake that Tracy’s apology will be accepted as sincere by his gay and lesbian coworkers at 30 Rock, without whom Tracy would not have lines to say, clothes to wear, sets to stand on, scene partners to act with, or a printed-out paycheck from accounting to put in his pocket. The other producers and I pride ourselves on 30 Rock being a diverse, safe, and fair workplace.”

I don't know enough about him to comment on the whole 'he's mental' thing. I know that's the image that is obviously played upon with the Tracy Jordan character, but in the tv show it is done in quite a lovable way rather than just 'he's a prick and he's fecking mental'.
So bloody sanctimonious! And clearly we're all meant to love him despite his constant condescension and boring stories about his time in Africa.

The worst was when he was going out with that Thandie Newton character and they smugly rode round on their high horses together.

His random african stories was a bit weird, but it made a break from the usual ER. I actually thought ER was the most artistic at that time, even if it wasn't most entertaining. ER in general was a very depressing program, if brilliant.
His random african stories was a bit weird, but it made a break from the usual ER. I actually thought ER was the most artistic at that time, even if it wasn't most entertaining. ER in general was a very depressing program, if brilliant.

Yeah, it was actually a great show. I didn't really mind the Africa stuff in general, it was more just the whole preaching side of it that Carter was always stringing out. Yes Carter, we know there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime...

I liked the depressing stuff otherwise though. Luka was a brilliant character as he could carry the heavy stuff off a bit better I think.
Fey continued: "I hope for his sake that Tracy’s apology will be accepted as sincere by his gay and lesbian coworkers at 30 Rock, without whom Tracy would not have lines to say, clothes to wear, sets to stand on, scene partners to act with, or a printed-out paycheck from accounting to put in his pocket."

:lol: Love it.
What?! I think all the 30 Rock characters are ace, but he's one of the best! The actor does seem like a bit of a prick though.

He use to be fine... but nowadays I would say he's barely even a character anymore, rather just a caricature... and a really annoying caricature at that!
Nah, he's always been completely fecking shit. He's not funny, and he's a boring one note character. Everything else about 30 Rock is great though.
Ah well, I still reckon he's a good character. It isn't a show where there are any characters I don't like though really. Could perhaps do without Pete, Frank etc. but they're needed for filler and aren't bad characters in themselves.