Fictional characters you despise


Norris off Coronation Street
Lily in HIMYM.

La Guerta (or whatever) in Dexter.

Whittaker in The Shield.

Elisha Cuthbert in 24.

Sarah in Prison Break.

Jim Fenner - Bad Girls


Damien Trotter - Only Fools & Horses


Richy Aprile - The Soprano's


Ralph Cifaretto -The Soprano's


Grandpa Simpsons - The Simpsons
The Soprano's would have been a poorer tv show without some Ralphie time.
Ralphy was definitely a great character for the show, but I still despise him. :D

BTW I'm not finished with the whole series yet, so no spoilers in case you were about to... :nervous:

Phoebie Buffet - Friends

Good God I have a lot of hatred for this character, although I do like Friends!
AJ Soprano
Screech from Saved by the Bell
The mum from Fresh Prince of Bel Air
All of Bill Cosby's kids in the Cosby Show
Mickey Mouse
Scrappy Do
Jar Jar Binks
Young Anakin Skywalker
Teenage moody emo Anakin Skywalker
All the women from Sex and the City
Any of the robots in the Transformers movies that were supposed to be funny.
The little Chinese kid in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Short round?)
:lol: Fenner

What a brilliant show Bad Girls was (though I only ever watched the first 3 series)

Haven't admitted this to anyone yet but it's shown every night on CBS Drama (Sky channel 149). I've Sky+'d it and watched it for a month or two now. It was a great show I just remember it being on TV as a kid and my Mum not wanting me to watch it, but it was the night she'd go to Weightwatcher's so I'd sneak the odd episode now and then.

I'd probably think it's crap if I was allowed to watch it before, but I love it!
I only hate awfully acted and written characters.......not ones the write as perfect antagonists to the protagonist.

So yeah, basically most of the people in Prison Break season 1+2(expect Billy Fichtner), Two and a Half Men from the very little I have seen, Laguerta in Dexter, alot of the post season 4 characters in 24(Bill, Audrey, the presidents that weren't Palmer, the family Bauer etc), Buddy Garity in the tremendous Friday Night Lights, Tara in True Blood...

oh and Rashida Jones in Parks and Recs is pretty pointless, though I wouldn't say I hate her, just kind of a pointless character.
Haven't admitted this to anyone yet but it's shown every night on CBS Drama (Sky channel 149). I've Sky+'d it and watched it for a month or two now. It was a great show I just remember it being on TV as a kid and my Mum not wanting me to watch it, but it was the night she'd go to Weightwatcher's so I'd sneak the odd episode now and then.

I'd probably think it's crap if I was allowed to watch it before, but I love it!

Which series are they showing?

I was always a Helen Stewart fan. Thought it got a bit ludicrous later on, though I never really watched beyond 3.

It was quite gritty in parts though, if you watch some of the first few episodes you can see why it was an 18!
Characters I hate that you're not supposed to hate.

That Margaret Schroeder from Boardwalk Empire.
Bill Compton in True Blood.
Tara Thornton in True Blood
I assumed this thread was for listing characters you're meant to like but really really dislike, as opposed to what are well written antagonists

That's how I've looked at it too...

For me they would be


Laura Roslin -Battlestar Galactica (I'm not sure whether you weren't meant to like her at first, but I'm pretty sure you were meant to have empathy with her as the show went on... I just fecking hated her throughout)

and while were on Battlestar...


Starbuck annoyed the feck out of me...



Robin - HIMYM

She's hot... but that's about it. Her character is annoying and extremely unfunny.

Also, everyone from Terranova, Tracy Jordan - 30 Rock, Lindsay Weir - Freaks and Geeks (though oddly I still enjoy the show regardless)...
Paddy Hewes from Damages - one of the few shows where I somehow end up cheering for the bad guys