Fictional characters you despise


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue

Never have I been as pleased with
the death of a fictional character like hers.

Eric cnuting Murphy. Hate every single aspect of this smug absolute wank stain of a man.


Horrible scum.


Every character he plays is an absolute twat. I cheered at his misfortunes in Entourage, Oz and The Wire.


Cold and mean.


Lying smug twat.


feck off with your annoying whiny tantrums.


Moralistic moron.

and finally


I could go on for ages about Heroes characters but decided to single her out. Not sure how many characters she ended up playing but I hated every one of them

Might do a movie list next...
It's all made up, let it go.
What do I recognise the woman in the first picture from?
You couldn't have called that one better, god why couldn't they just let her die.

Rajesh, Big Bang Theory. Can't talk to women without getting drunk, but when he does he is instantly a complete dickhead. Funny the first few times, old now. Annoys people like a 15 year old.

Howard, Big Bang Theory. Possibly the most annoying attitude towards women ever. It's not as if his character is even sexist he just treats women badly. Also he is horrible to everyone constantly putting them down.

Most of the Walking Dead charectors, but especially Shane. The most boring cnut ever.

I'll think of some more later.
By far the most annoying Heroes character


and I'm sorry, not even that hot, not when Kristen Bell is on the same show
Actually your both wrong the most annoying Heroes Character was:

Forget Season 1. Okay so you are a serial killer. Will you please stop whining about it. You have enough powers to make yourself a god, you can do whatever you want, have whatever you want, be whoever you want. I'm not even sure if it was established there was anything wrong with you mentally, obviously the temptation was there but you learnt to control it twice.

Constant whining all the time. Oh no you are really going to make everyone pay. For what? What did they even do to you. You have the powers to be Superman, to save the world and be adored by the world. Or you could conquer the world, rule it in fear and hate. But no, you act like a stupid spoilt child constantly crying.

Worst character development, ever.

Aww, the rugged badboy who we're supposed to dislike initially, then slowly come to appreciate more and more, as his miserly efforts at helping the strife for good are blown out of proportion.

Well, I stopped developing my feelings for him at the "dislike initially" part, and didn't like him for the rest of the 7, 8 or 9 seasons Lost went on for.

I'll spoiler the most revealing character development, so nobody who hasn't watched it 'til the end will feel aggrieved;

He's born a cnut, and stays a cnut. cnut.

Whilst his talent for acting is undeniable [he plays an incredibly convincing fat twat in both The Sopranos, and 24 amongst other things], his face just annoys me. And both his characters that I've seen are just boring people, whose only character trait is "fat".

Whilst his talent for acting is undeniable [he plays an incredibly convincing fat twat in both The Sopranos, and 24 amongst other things], his face just annoys me. And both his characters that I've seen are just boring people, whose only character trait is "fat".

The scene where he dies is incredibly sad though. Even got the rare honour of a silent clock.
Anyone from The Thick of It doesn't belong on here. :mad:
What do I recognise the woman in the first picture from?

Sopranos, most likely.


Steve Fleming from the Thick of It. On the right.

Thought it was a brilliant and very entertaining performance by the actor who played him.

The bloke on the left is in everything yet I can never recall his name.