fecking bollocks thread

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Richter said:
Well the only thing that is on telly is the Olympics, a Friends rerun.Scrubs and some yank reality show.
I have the Friends re-run. Series 1
I'd rather have an endless diarrhoea than watch every episode of BB.
very Ruud said:
I blame someone from sweden and possible norway.
I blame Gerrard and Alonso for giving them an example.
Can someone please tell me is 'diarrhoea' a right word to name the state in which you have to let your shit go out all the time?
Sarni said:
Can someone please tell me is 'diarrhoea' a right word to name the state in which you have to let your shit go out all the time?

Yes something like that.
Richter said:
Simpsons wanco would watch Desperate Housew though.

Desperate Hosewives is ace


Nothing for a "guy" like Richter though
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