fecking bollocks thread

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It's got the bitch fight in it. It would be a shame to lose that. Most of it is fecking bollocks though.
Slabber said:
It's got the bitch fight in it. It would be a shame to lose that. Most of it is fecking bollocks though.

Does everyon lose their post counts from the thread if it gets deleted?
SmashedHombre said:
Does everyon lose their post counts from the thread if it gets deleted?
If you are trying to imply something, then I don't mind losing my post count from the fecking bollocks thread!
I enjoyed the bitch fight, read up to page 12. Disappointed I didn't get to see that GG picture though :(
k-standred said:
I enjoyed the bitch fight, read up to page 12. Disappointed I didn't get to see that GG picture though :(
Well we all have a small idea why we haven't seen her pic, I think it is because Laura posted her pic thats why.
because she's fat, ugly and has small breasts?

sorry GG, i'm sure you're lovely, not that it matters.
The one Plech is going on about...

Unless you're willing to post another, preferably with her cans out?
I promise I will to improve my record of fecking bullshit soon.
I have to get rid of all my guests and then I will be free to post some fecking bollocks.
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