Wizard Keyaz
Caf's Confucious
Can I come visit you when she is there?k-standred said:Not yet, I've spoke too her on the phone. She sounded quite fit. Also, I've been told southern birds are easy.
Can I come visit you when she is there?k-standred said:Not yet, I've spoke too her on the phone. She sounded quite fit. Also, I've been told southern birds are easy.
sweeeeeeeeeeet said:this thread will live on long after the likes of you and me are gone chap, such is the power of it
Nice onek-standred said:Of course. If she's fit ill plant a hidden webcam in her room.
Do you know which pages it was the more violent ones?Slabber said:It's got the bitch fight in it. It would be a shame to lose that. Most of it is fecking bollocks though.
Slabber said:It's got the bitch fight in it. It would be a shame to lose that. Most of it is fecking bollocks though.
Wizard Keyaz said:Do you know which pages it was the more violent ones?
If you are trying to imply something, then I don't mind losing my post count from the fecking bollocks thread!SmashedHombre said:Does everyon lose their post counts from the thread if it gets deleted?
SmashedHombre said:Does everyon lose their post counts from the thread if it gets deleted?
It wasn't that bad SlabbsSlabber said:It kicks off around page 3 I think.
Wizard Keyaz said:It wasn't that bad Slabbs
Slabber said:It kicks off around page 3 I think.
Well we all have a small idea why we haven't seen her pic, I think it is because Laura posted her pic thats why.k-standred said:I enjoyed the bitch fight, read up to page 12. Disappointed I didn't get to see that GG picture though![]()
Come on it doesn't require a rocket sceintist to work that one out mate.k-standred said:why?
You should be working for NASAk-standred said:because she's fat, ugly and has small breasts?
Ouuuch that hurt man!k-standred said:Well you posted a pic of your bird so I didn't think it mattered.![]()
Which one?k-standred said:Sorry...where is this picture anyway?
I wouldn't go there, look for the post Caf Members, it's on there!k-standred said:The one Plech is going on about...
Unless you're willing to post another, preferably with her cans out?
jasonrh said:Or like the clap.
Hey Sarni, poor for you, you haven't posted much fecking bollocks latelySarni said:Hello WK.