fecking bollocks thread

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this must be the most used/posted in thread in message board history, that isnt a sticky...?
WelshRed said:
charming Andy, next you will be telling us you are pissing through your arse!

if it carries on like it is, I'll have to do sit down pisses, cos every time I relax me muscles, like you do when you piss, I get a twinge...and have to tense back up...
WelshRed said:
i will sleep better tonight knowing that.

just count sheep....

"had that one, Had that one, Had that one, Had that one, Had that one....etc"
Big Andy said:
I've got the shits...

Just shat out what can only be described as chocloate mousse...
I was playing football the other day and i relaxed my muscles and a bit of shit came out, i tried to carry on but i couldnt so i ran home and my arse just erupted thankfully i was on the thrown at the time. However upon inspecting my now dirty boxers they was some blood stains in there which worried me.
going to bed now...just incase I shit myself...you never seem to shit yourself in your sleep...you always wake up just in time to get to the toilet...
hi guys.

I'm listening to Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains.

Surely one of the most talented bands ever.

This thread is losing its "magic".

Maybe it should retire to the classics at 5000 posts.
This thread is going through a bit of a lull. It will come out of it and be all the stronger for it.
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