fecking bollocks thread

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jasonrh said:
Night spazzer.

Julissa says "go fist yourself".

PS. Not really, I thought I'd just throw that in.

Tell her I love her, and when you two get divorced we will be together (we as in me and her not me and you, gaylord).
Slabber said:
Tell her I love her, and when you two get divorced we will be together (we as in me and her not me and you, gaylord).

She'd rather elope with Big Andy's retarded heroin addicted midget.
T-Zolla said:

thats good news, when are you two running away together then? Leaving jason a broken man

Quite literally with a broken back.
Or at the very least slightly bent and constantly painful.

We should turn him into a real life Davros by combining him with one of his Daleks.

He should now copy and past Wellesly's "I'm sicker than you" rant to reasure me that I haven't upset him.
Wibble said:
Or at the very least slightly bent and constantly painful.

We should turn him into a real life Davros by combining him with one of his Daleks.

He should now copy and past Wellesly's "I'm sicker than you" rant to reasure me that I haven't upset him.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( I'm gonna break.
Wibble said:
Or at the very least slightly bent and constantly painful.

We should turn him into a real life Davros by combining him with one of his Daleks.

He should now copy and past Wellesly's "I'm sicker than you" rant to reasure me that I haven't upset him.
You have no idea of my condition, mr. wonderful. Guess you are a tough guy, eh? Take a look at the nature of the disease Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome by doing a google of RSDS. Then imagine yourself having severe degenerative disc disease, spinal arthritis and veinous stasis. Wimp? You have no concept of what pain is. God help me from pissing on your simplistic ignorance and lack of human compassion. I ask not that you pity me... frankly I could give a feck less whether you care about me or not. You are among the very dregs of human understanding and commanality. You likely could not last a single day with the pain I have endured for six years now. You would whine and slobber for pity if you realized what I go through all day every day. Think I'm a wimp, eh? You are ignorant and likely too young to realize what real pain is. You, frankly, are not worth the comments preceding... I just wanted to let you know that I could give a rat's ass what you think as you are inconsequential and unworthy of any reciprocative consideration. Piss on you. I don't require anyone's pity! I deal with my physical disabilities in a manly and personally indifferent manor when regarded in the manor you display. Perhaps one day you will know, God willing, what I go through daily. You are a certainly a cretin deserving of no less than scorn and pathos. You are indeed one sorry SOB in terms of decorum and compassion. Some liberal you are. You can kiss my royal Irish ass, you punk! There, now I have squandered all claim to reasonability and kindness. Given the opportunity I would gladly pit my courage and tenacity against your own by kicking your ass in public.

I blame these guys!

TomClare said:
I thought that this was her when I was photographing the CNN Tower in Toronto?
No, my sister's a mean old thing.

I never noticed how shapely the tower was before.

Horrible architecture at the top, but pretty nice as you go down.
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