Favourite TV Characters


"feck you!"
Carlton (Fresh Prince)

Butters (South Park)

Ralph Wiggum (The Simpsons)

Dewey (Malcolm in the Middle)

Dougal (Father Ted)

Eddie and Richie (Bottom)

That Gasman scene is one of the funniest things ever
Ralphie Cifaretto (I couldn't get this username because of the character limit, so I chose Uncle Junior)

Christian Troy

Avon Barksdale

Eric Northman :drool:

Eric (from Entourage)

The whole cast of Arrested Development

Simon, Will, Jay and Neil from The Inbetweeners. Particuarly Neil and Will.


Nathan from Misfits.


Bryn from Gavin and Stacey.


Doris from Gavin and Stacey





and from the childhood




Barney Stinison


Everyone in this photo from 30 Rock


Arnold Rimmer


Jack Bauer



Too much character hatin' at the moment. Lets post some more of our favourites.

Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson


Richard Harrow

Josh Lyman, Toby Ziegler and Donna Moss

The West Wing

Greatest TV show of all time...
I'd have to add Pres Bartlet as well as Leo McGarry to that list...

Indeed it was - I added those names as they were in the clip - this clip I think was just as epic, the President receives a call from the secretary general of the UN.

President Bartlet, Leo McGarry, Charlie Young

The West Wing

:lol: the parking ticket rant is brilliant, all the mainstay character in that show are brilliant, and I agree it's the best show of all time.

Edit: can't go find the vid whilst on my phone but the monologue from Bartlett in 'two cathedrals' is truly outstanding.
In no particular order...off the top of my head....my list

Jack Bauer (24)
George Costanza (Seinfeld)
Newman (Seinfeld)
David Puddy (Seinfeld)
Vick Mackey (The Shield)
Ari Gold (Entourage)
Saul (Breaking Bad)
Phil Dunphy (Modern Family)
Hank Moody (Californication)
Coach Eric Taylor (Friday night Lights)
Buddy Garrity (Friday Night Lights)
Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights)
Becker (Becker)
Gregory House (House)
Jeff Bingham (Rules of Engagement)
David Brent (The Office, UK)
Abed (the Community)
Charlie Kelly (Its always sunny in philadelphia)
Alan Shore (Boston Legal)
Jack Donaghy (30 Rock)
President Bartlet (The West Wing)
Leo McGarry (The West Wing)
Josh Lyman (The West Wing)
Toby Ziegler (The West Wing)
Donna Moss (The West Wing)
CJ Cregg (The West Wing)
Jimmy McNulty (The Wire)

Im sure I've got a few I've missed out on!
Alan Partridge above all others basically. The rest, in no particular order

Principal Scudworth (Clone High)
Iqbal (Bromwell High)
Jack O'Neill (Stargate)
Colonel Young (Stargate Universe)
Alan Shore (Boston Legal)
Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)
Bernard Black (Black Books)
Rimmer (Red Dwarf)
Lister (Red Dwarf)
A quick list then:

Dexter Morgan (Dexter)
Theodore Bagwell (Prison Break)
John Locke (Lost)
Vince Masuka (Dexter)
Bernard Black (Black Books)
Ari Gold (Entourage)
Drama (Entourage)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Ari Gold and Drama (Entourage)
Don Draper (Mad Men)
Shane Botwin (Weeds)
Hank Moody (Californication)
Bret and Murray (Flights of the Concords)
dexter, Masuka, Doakes and Trinty (Arthur Mitchell) (Dexter)
Neil (Inbetweeners)
Charlie (Its always sunny in Philadelphia)
Phil Dumphy (Modern Family)
Moss (The IT Crowd)
Buster and Tobias (Arrested Development)
Dwight (Office US)
David Brent (Office Uk)
Abed (Community)
Kelso and Fez (That 70s Show)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z)
Having just chained the entire series in the last month after never seeing it before, I have to say:


is probably the funniest character I've ever seen in a TV show and:


Is also brilliant.