Favourite TV Characters

The biggest asshole on TV. Dr Christian Troy


Second biggest asshole on TV. Hank Moody


And then there is the usual suspects. Spike, Mal Reynolds, Barney Stinson. House.
The biggest asshole on TV. Dr Christian Troy


Second biggest asshole on TV. Hank Moody


And then there is the usual suspects. Spike, Mal Reynolds, Barney Stinson. House.

The funny thing is that they are fairly similar type characters. Self-destructive, womanizers, alcoholics....
There are too many:
Michael Kyle
Vic Mackey
Antwon Mitchell
John Kavanaugh
Anthony Soprano
Phil Leotardo
Christopher Moltisanti
Johnny Sack
Marlo Stanfield
Avon Barksdale
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell
Hank Moody
Jack Bauer
Malcolm Tucker, No.10 Downing Street Director of Communications

maurice - northern exposure

eddie clocherty and Miss toner - tutti frutti
There are too many:
Michael Kyle
Vic Mackey
Antwon Mitchell
John Kavanaugh
Anthony Soprano
Phil Leotardo
Christopher Moltisanti
Johnny Sack
Marlo Stanfield
Avon Barksdale
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell
Hank Moody
Jack Bauer
"There's no scraps in my scrapbook"
Harry Pearce, Head of Section D - Counter Terrorism - The Security Service

The cast of the best British sitcom of all time in my opinion.

Dr. Christian Troy is the man. I would. Seriously.

Deborah Morgan

Probably not that many female TV characters who I think are genuinely well thoughout but I have to give Dexter's sister a mention as I think shes one of the best characters I've seen on screen for quite sometime.

Very un-stereotypical and realistic at the sametime. One of the best things about the show.
I'd dont know if he has been mentioned well u have but Christopher Moltasanti and PAULIE were top notch
Corrado/Junior is also an awesome character.