Fat Joe: '50 Cent is a has-been rapper'

A Thugs Prayer, I pray for the soul of my loved ones,
Life is knowledge but they don't know nuttin except how to bust guns,
and sling blades, we leave our mark on this earth with early graves,
early days turn to late nights, all we accomplished in the day is to live the same fight.
K-Murdock - We will be calling him the best producer of our generation in 10 years.
Access Immortal
New LMNO - 7th album released this year!
Apollo Brown's not too bad

Some Freddie Gibbs for my daily dose of that real ignorant shit

Some oldies - Roc Marciano, Representativz, Styles of Beyond, Bahamadia, Nick Wiz

The only one I've heard of, will check some of this out when I get home...
Did you just say 7 albums in one year Hectic?!

Oh yes, and he is well on course to drop is 10th by the end, which was his goal.

This is off his 7th album release this year.

No compromise.
The only one I've heard of, will check some of this out when I get home...

This is some Nick Wiz. The guy is a legend, everything he produced was beautiful. These are three tracks, he produced them.

Him and Roc are two of the illest. Bahamedia's work with Premo and 'Nuts is exceptional. She's the greatest female lyricist of all time.

A Thugs Prayer, I pray for the soul of my loved ones,
Life is knowledge but they don't know nuttin except how to bust guns,
and sling blades, we leave our mark on this earth with early graves,
early days turn to late nights, all we accomplished in the day is to live the same fight.

I'm fecking with this guy this holiday, you know I'm a sucker for multi Sylable raps
Which part, the video or the lyrics below?

Boss, if you liked that you will love this:

Yeah Marcberg. The most slept on. Who produced this shit? Marcberg.
Hectic I think we'll agree to disagree as we will never agree. Weird how we got this thread derailed.