Books Fantasy Reads

The King's Blood - 7.5/10

Fully on board with the series now. Magic is well and truly in play and the world building with all the different races is very good.
I gave up on The Name of the Wind. It was reminding me too much of reading Musashi years ago where the main character is the bestest in the world at everything ever and all the women want him. It's well written and he does a great job of creating the world, but I just can't stand that kind of character.

Will probably reread The Last Wish as I don't feel like buying another book after wasting £6 on that one and Sharp Ends is coming out soon.
I gave up on The Name of the Wind. It was reminding me too much of reading Musashi years ago where the main character is the bestest in the world at everything ever and all the women want him. It's well written and he does a great job of creating the world, but I just can't stand that kind of character.

Will probably reread The Last Wish as I don't feel like buying another book after wasting £6 on that one and Sharp Ends is coming out soon.
That series has its fans but I don't think you're missing much. Name of the Wind is a pretty pacy fun read but the book after that isn't as good. Most annoying woman character ever after Aes Sedai women from Wheel of Time too.
Moral of the story: Art and Krovv are fools! Name of the Wind is amazing!
Not sure if anyone's seen this so going to put it here


Update: Wanted to share with you exciting news about The Wheel of Time. Legal issues have been resolved. The Wheel of Time will become a cutting edge TV series! I couldn’t be more pleased. Look for the official announcement coming soon from a major studio.

Oh my God, oh my God ...


Okay, wank is over.

I am delighted to hear these news. Hopefully, soon we will have a TV show, and hoping that it will be awesome. Not expecting it to be near as good as GoT (cause the material is a bit more juvenile), but it could be quite a good one.
The 'Major Studio' part is promising because you really are going to need a massive fecking budget if you want to do justice to the books and many of the bigger networks might not think it was worth their time or money. You're looking at potentially a seven season show with about 12-15 episodes each. An 8-figure deal with Sony is what the rumours say. Hopefully someone who understands and loves the series is part of the process. Can't have assholes like D&D ruin it. I might cry if they feck up Matt like they did with Stannnis.
As much as I would like to moan about Game of Thrones treatment, considering all things, I would be very happy if the Wheel of Time show would be as good as Game of Thrones. I think it is quite unlikely that it will happen.

On the other side, I think that might want to copy a bit of GoT, and make it more darker than the books, also in process killing some main characters.

On all those books, the only main character who died was Egwene, with the other relatively important characters dying being her husband and Siuan. And all of those deaths happened in the last book. A TV show might need some deaths faster, to put some tension to the viewers.
On the other side, I think that might want to copy a bit of GoT, and make it more darker than the books, also in process killing some main characters.

On all those books, the only main character who died was Egwene, with the other relatively important characters dying being her husband and Siuan. And all of those deaths happened in the last book. A TV show might need some deaths faster, to put some tension to the viewers.

I really hope not.

You don't need deaths for a good TV show. Copying anything from GoT is a terrible idea. It's a completely different series with a entirely different tone.
As much as I would like to moan about Game of Thrones treatment, considering all things, I would be very happy if the Wheel of Time show would be as good as Game of Thrones. I think it is quite unlikely that it will happen.

On the other side, I think that might want to copy a bit of GoT, and make it more darker than the books, also in process killing some main characters.

On all those books, the only main character who died was Egwene, with the other relatively important characters dying being her husband and Siuan. And all of those deaths happened in the last book. A TV show might need some deaths faster, to put some tension to the viewers.

Moiraine technically was a big least till she come back in the penultimate book. First big death when she vanished in the terangreal, I suppose.

For argument, who else can be killed or not:

If they even consider Mat, I'd burn down the studio.

Jokes apart, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne Aviendha, Nynaeve and Lan are central and tied to too many threads.
Min maybe? Or Thom?
Faile, Loial, Tam, Gawyn and even Galad are not really that important to make an impact.
Moiraine technically was a big least till she come back in the penultimate book. First big death when she vanished in the terangreal, I suppose.

For argument, who else can be killed or not:

If they even consider Mat, I'd burn down the studio.

Jokes apart, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne Aviendha, Nynaeve and Lan are central and tied to too many threads.
Min maybe? Or Thom?
Faile, Loial, Tam, Gawyn and even Galad are not really that important to make an impact.
When you read the Thom's letter, you instantly realize that everyone's favorite witch is alive.

I wouldn't mind if they chop Min and Avienddha relatively early in the story. Elayne too, I liked her for the first few books, but my God, she was totally dumb. Also all the characters in the third group you mentioned are quite kill-able without ruining too much of the story.


The problem is that the heroes go in too many dangerous situations and you always know that they will survive. Just remember how many times Elayne the stupid does dumb things which should result with an insta-death, but you always know that the bitch will survive.
I need to read this Wheel of Time series so I can get properly enraged when the tv show comes out.

I've been reading Winter Warriors by David Gemmell this last week or so. It's been damn good so far, it's familiar Gemmell and a nice break after binging on Abercrombie for months.
Moral of the story: Art and Krovv are fools! Name of the Wind is amazing!

I'm 2/3rds of my way through it and enjoying it. I know what Art is saying though, it gets a little bit predictable at times with his constant "and I did this because I am amazing and people reacted like this because they were in awe".

I dont know if this has been posted but it's a great response from Patrick Rothfuss about Book 3:

While it's nice to see folks out there giving this book five stars, and in some cases even reviewing it, I'll admit that I'm kinda puzzled.

After thinking it over for a while, I've realized there's only one explanation for this:

Time travelers love my books.

This is strangely reassuring, as it lets me know that, eventually, I do finish my revisions, and the book turns out good enough so that I still have a following out there in the big ball of wibbly-wobbly.... timey-wimey.... stuff that I like to think of as the future.

I would also like to say, future readers, that I appreciate your taking time to read and review my books. It's really flattering knowing that even with time-travel technology at your disposal, you'd rather read my stuff and mention it here on goodreads, rather than, say, hunt dinosaurs, get drunk with da Vinci, or pants Hitler.

Secondly, I'd like to say if you're The Doctor, and you're reading this, I would make an excellent traveling companion. I know you normally tend to hang out with pretty young women and robot dogs. And honestly? I respect that.

Still, I bring certain things to the table. Humor, witty banter, and a beard that will allow me to blend in seamlessly with any pre-industrial Germanic culture. I'm also an excellent kisser and play a mean game of Settlers of Catan.

Just throwing it out there.

Lastly, if any of you happen to have a digital copy of the book you'd like to e-mail me, I'd really appreciate it. I'd love to see the five-star version of the book, because right now, the one I'm toiling away at is about a three an a half-in my opinion. It would save me a lot of work if I could just skip to the end and publish it.

Sincerely yours,

When you read the Thom's letter, you instantly realize that everyone's favorite witch is alive.

I wouldn't mind if they chop Min and Avienddha relatively early in the story. Elayne too, I liked her for the first few books, but my God, she was totally dumb. Also all the characters in the third group you mentioned are quite kill-able without ruining too much of the story.

Aviendha is the future leader of the Aiel. Killing her will leave a big vacant spot as Aiel has a big role in Dragons Peace document.
Elayne? Then who will be the leader of the last battle? There are not other leaders left in the kingdoms to take her place.

The 3rd group characters really have no kill-impact at all. Don't see value in killing them frankly.

The one which makes sense would be Min and then make Rand a darker character.
I'm 2/3rds of my way through it and enjoying it. I know what Art is saying though, it gets a little bit predictable at times with his constant "and I did this because I am amazing and people reacted like this because they were in awe".

I dont know if this has been posted but it's a great response from Patrick Rothfuss about Book 3:
Indeed, it was an amazing response three years ago.

Three years later though - and with no sign of the book which apparently was finished before he published the Name of the Wind - he looks like a dick instead.
Aviendha is the future leader of the Aiel. Killing her will leave a big vacant spot as Aiel has a big role in Dragons Peace document.
Elayne? Then who will be the leader of the last battle? There are not other leaders left in the kingdoms to take her place.

The 3rd group characters really have no kill-impact at all. Don't see value in killing them frankly.

The one which makes sense would be Min and then make Rand a darker character.
I know that, but you can change the details. Though I probably would hate the changes anyway, considering that I hated them in Game of Thrones.

Still some changes were nice. Like:

Talissa/Jayne dying. A real shock moment. Or the battle with Whitewalkers.
Indeed, it was an amazing response three years ago.

Three years later though - and with no sign of the book which apparently was finished before he published the Name of the Wind - he looks like a dick instead.

Aye. He's doing a bunch of writing for other people isn't he? And it's been commissioned as a TV/Game series.
Aye. He's doing a bunch of writing for other people isn't he? And it's been commissioned as a TV/Game series.
Nothing that I know. He's just enjoying the life as a millionaire.

I think that he is writing a miniquest in Torment: Tides of Numenara which coincidentally, was to be released at the end of the last year (and there are no signs of it getting released). So, I guess that whatever he touches, it becomes slow.

Fun fact: apparently he needed 9 years to get his bachelor degree in English.

And yep, I think that they will milk the shit out of it, by making a Tv show with movie spinoffs and a video game.
Indeed, it was an amazing response three years ago.

Three years later though - and with no sign of the book which apparently was finished before he published the Name of the Wind - he looks like a dick instead.

I always thought Wise Man's Fear was a cheat as it never furthers the storyline, just Kvothe's character. No progression on, stone door or Amyr or Chandrian or even any reference to a king (kingkiller) was there in the book. It should be a duology with WMF being a add-on giving light to Kvothe.
I always thought Wise Man's Fear was a cheat as it never furthers the storyline, just Kvothe's character. No progression on, stone door or Amyr or Chandrian or even any reference to a king (kingkiller) was there in the book. It should be a duology with WMF being a add-on giving light to Kvothe.
Didn't mind it. It doesn't progress the story much, but it progresses Kvothe's character, and behind the lines, there is some progress on the story.

Like my favorite theory there:

Mister Ash, Cinder and that guy who guides Kvothe when he goes to that almost king (have completely forgot the names), being the same person. Also, I think that it progresses Denna story too.

All in all, it was an okay book, though no where as near as good as Name of the Wind.
When you read the Thom's letter, you instantly realize that everyone's favorite witch is alive.

I wouldn't mind if they chop Min and Avienddha relatively early in the story. Elayne too, I liked her for the first few books, but my God, she was totally dumb. Also all the characters in the third group you mentioned are quite kill-able without ruining too much of the story.


The problem is that the heroes go in too many dangerous situations and you always know that they will survive. Just remember how many times Elayne the stupid does dumb things which should result with an insta-death, but you always know that the bitch will survive.

I don't think it's a problem. Not like killing Elayne will make one bit of difference in any case.

Besides, the concept of Tavern is the reason why none of them die so it's kinda the plot in itself. I don't like deaths for the pure purpose of shocking. It's terrible writing.

The forsaken can be given more screen time though. They probably weren't given enough time. Demandred felt more like a plot device than a character.
I don't think it's a problem. Not like killing Elayne will make one bit of difference in any case.

Besides, the concept of Tavern is the reason why none of them die so it's kinda the plot in itself. I don't like deaths for the pure purpose of shocking. It's terrible writing.

The forsaken can be given more screen time though. They probably weren't given enough time. Demandred felt more like a plot device than a character.
Demandred has actually a very good backstory (in one of Sanderson's short stories) and I posted here a great theory about him.

Agree definitely that the Forsaken should get more screen time.
I always thought Wise Man's Fear was a cheat as it never furthers the storyline, just Kvothe's character. No progression on, stone door or Amyr or Chandrian or even any reference to a king (kingkiller) was there in the book. It should be a duology with WMF being a add-on giving light to Kvothe.

It's a very poor book. Waste of pages for large parts of it.
I am almost certain that he was wanking most of the time while he wrote the Feluria or whatever it is called part. It is the only explanation.
Demandred has actually a very good backstory (in one of Sanderson's short stories) and I posted here a great theory about him.

Agree definitely that the Forsaken should get more screen time.

Not in the books. Randomly appears in the last book out of nowhere with zero build up.

Properly done this could be great but I'm not quite convinced it will be. It has some of the best battles in any fantasy series and one power should be visually a great viewing.
Tbh, I can't think of a book to tv adaption that hadn't disappointed, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

That said, I've never read WOT, so feck knows.
Game of Thrones is actually a good adaptation, especially the first four seasons. Not perfect, but decent.
Whens the next Stormlight Archive book coming out? I cant handle Sanderson going soft on me (In the metaphorical sense. The guy is very fat).
Whens the next Stormlight Archive book coming out? I cant handle Sanderson going soft on me (In the metaphorical sense. The guy is very fat).
End of the year the third book will be released, while the fourth and fifth book within 2022. The second cycle of it will start a few years later, so expect Stormlight to end by 2035-2040.
I'm still trying to pick up #3 of the Long Price Quartet. Ripped through first two book and then stopped abruptly.

Re-reading bits and pieces of Malazan again. Toll the Hounds, Memories of Ice, Bonehunters, Night of Knives, Gardens of the Moon it's just so powerful and gripping!

If he could have cut down some parts and made it a bit leaner, this would be #1 in my all time list.
A one trick pony?
Interesting stories where the story becomes progressively more complex and with twists, but quite weak characters, but mediocre writing and cringeworthy dialogue. In like all his books.
Interesting stories where the story becomes progressively more complex and with twists, but quite weak characters, but mediocre writing and cringeworthy dialogue. In like all his books.
Hmmm. I wouldn't say that about The Stormlight Archives. The characters are great in it (Much better then the Mistborn series) and the dialogue for the most part is as good as any. Its a complete step up from his other books that I have read, although a slower burner too.
Started on The Kharkanas Trilogy, a prequel to Malazan...but set so long ago that apart from some familiar names, it becomes a standalone series.

Very interesting back story through. Never realized that Caladan Brood was part of Azathanai, the race of elder gods, K'rul, Mael, Errant etc!
Finished the Dagger and Coin series.

Overall really enjoyed the series though I do think it had the potential to be more expansive. As it is, it's quite tightly knit, a small set of PoV characters and the plot moves around rapidly. IIRC he covers ~6 years in 5 books. A lot of races were barely touched upon and I hope he's planning to write something more in the same world. The epilogue certainly leaves it very open.

Good stuff from Abraham. Has become one of my favourite authors with this. Onto the Tawny Man trilogy now.