Fantasy Premier League 23/24

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Told you lot that Newcastle away are not reliable, and this is without considering the defensive injuries.

I love it personally because every one of my rivals has Trippier and some more.
The Bruno captain punt did not quite go to plan.

Trippier, Son, Saka and Martinelli not doing that much either considering the fixtures.

Same **** different week.

Ahhh well, next season will be mine :)

Im going to act like ETH, watch crappy performances every week and spin it as progressing !
Saliba did great.
Saka captain not so good, but at least not a blank so..
Martinelli i did a -4 to get so that backfired, but might be good in the long run.
Everyone has Trippier so dont care to much about his 1 pointer.

Salah, Mitoma and Ferguson can stay quiet tomorrow while Diaby and Alvarez scores big and i will be a happy camper.
Of course Mitoma gets benched the second I bring him in. I had a feeling this will happen but made the transfer anyway.
Digne... This is the last time you troll me you absolute shitc**t.

Swapping him for Saliba.
Bowen scores and yet I am still losing because fecking Ward-Prowse is going score more for my ML leader.
I'm gonna rage transfer Digne out the way I rage transferred him in.

Absolute, monumental waste of time he has been.

What the feck was I thinking... Oh yeah, I wasn't thinking :mad:
After a disastrous, error-ridden season in which I have dropped to 3,500,000ish I've managed 64 points with Alvarez still to play and I'm fecking happy about it. Everything I touch has turned to shite so far.
This season feels very luck based compared to most.
Must have forgot to confirm my team when I benched Tsimikas and started Lascelles. Got the reverse happening instead.

That was a happy mistake!

Think I'm on 66 when the bonus points get added with just Haaland to come. Made the right captain pick with Salah for once.

Good to see Watkins back on the scoresheet.

Nobody else really contributing much. Disappointing from Martinelli, Bowen was one of the other two I considered to replace Maddison. Wrong call there.

Cash is becoming a waste of space isn't he? Areola useless too.
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