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Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
Those three may work well with each other but no, they can't compete with Bayern's midfield. Fellaini is just nowhere near that level required.
If you play them at their own game, no, that midfield wouldn't compete. If you play them differently, pressurise differently - conserve energy, only go for the ball at key moments, use Fellaini's height and strength, use Carrick's Busquets-like match reading and Fabregas as the out-ball etc then that midfield could certainly challenge. It depends on the gameplan.

It is very rare if you go out to mimic a team that you will beat them - there is far too much talk of "competing" on a midfield by midfield basis, take the game away from the midfield, make the game about what you do when you have the ball as opposed to what you do when you're chasing the ball, etc. Teams like Barcelona/Bayern aren't unbeatable, it just takes (IMO) a very bold approach that most managers - including Sir Alex in fairness - will not go for as it is not part of their teams usual game.


Jan 7, 2009
I just don't see why we would bid if we hadn't received encouragement from the player, his club or both.
I was going to come and say the same thing. Well done Steve, you are now reaching my level of knowledge.

I still doubt this transfer will happen though.


Mes que un Rag
Oct 19, 2010
La Côte, Suisse
Surely there's a way to adapt Fabregas to the system? He's done perfectly sell for the national team consisting mainly of Barcelona players. He's certainly drifted away from Barca's style at Arsenal but I reckon it's still possibly for you to make good use of him, he's still a far better player than Song.
That was the point of the 3-4-3 that never came to fruition under Pep. Even with the NT, he was a sub until Villa was injured and then they began to use him as a support striker. Now he's a goalscorer more than a CM for La Roja. I'm not sure anyone knows how best to use him in Spain any longer.

Problem comparing him to Song is that even he has more defensive awareness than Fabregas (I know, shudder the thought). You leave Cesc deep and he's exposed, especially on the defensive end. You remove space for him and, in Spain, he has trouble. You play him too high and he lacks the pace or technical level to evade/dribble fullbacks. The practices are closed but I have no doubt that no midfielder loses possession in rondo etc. more than Fabregas


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
Those three may work well with each other but no, they can't compete with Bayern's midfield. Fellaini is just nowhere near that level required.

Gattuso was a more limited player then Felliani but he proved a valuable asset for Italy/Milan success. As I said its all about the combination between the three and Felliani-Carrick-Fabregas look quite competitive for me


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Carrick is vastly underrated here. He does everything with efficiency, little effort and has excellent passing range and vision.

Carrick is definitely not underrated on the caf anymore, if anything he's becoming overrated. Do you seriously think he'd displace anyone on the Barca or Bayern teams?


May 17, 2007
Using location as a tagline: because I'm just not
I can't see them selling him unless they've got someone else lined up - if Cesc goes Barca have Iniesta and Xavi as first team central midfielders. Unless they're looking to move one of Song/Busquets up from the defensive anchor/transitional third centre back role on a more regular basis they'd need to bring someone in.

Il Prete Rosso

Prete, the Italian Pete
Feb 11, 2012
Ospedale della Pietà
Carrick is definitely not underrated on the caf anymore, if anything he's becoming overrated. Do you seriously think he'd displace anyone on the Barca or Bayern teams?

He doesn't have to displace anyone in either of those teams to be judged as a quality midfield player. Why does everything here have to end up in a comparison?

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
Hot on the heels of the Thiago disappointment make a bid for an equally exciting CM, even if it's one that we have no chance of getting, classic move.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
That was the point of the 3-4-3 that never came to fruition under Pep. Even with the NT, he was a sub until Villa was injured and then they began to use him as a support striker. Now he's a goalscorer more than a CM for La Roja. I'm not sure anyone knows how best to use him in Spain any longer.

Problem comparing him to Song is that even he has more defensive awareness than Fabregas (I know, shudder the thought). You leave Cesc deep and he's exposed, especially on the defensive end. You remove space for him and, in Spain, he has trouble. You play him too high and he lacks the pace or technical level to evade/dribble fullbacks. The practices are closed but I have no doubt that no midfielder loses possession in rondo etc. more than Fabregas
I see. That's a good insight, I never realised he was so far off your and NT's style. Do you think you might want to sell and replace him with someone else then?

I imagine you'd have prefered to keep Thiago then. If we didn't waste our time on him and came for Fabregas earlier it'd have been better for all sides - us because we'd be getting a midfielder and you because you'd find a way to convince Thiago to stay as without Fabregas he'd be getting more time.


Full Member
Aug 20, 2003
"FFS! If you lot had told us you wanted Fabregas in the first place, we would had been able to convince Thiago to stay!"


Officially gullible
Jun 30, 2005
At the secret training camp for United Militia
Fabregas would be a great signing but I can't see why Barcelona are going to let Cesc go after just losing Thiago.

I would find it slightly amusing however if we bought Cesc, thus removing one of the obstacles which stood in the way of Thiago getting regular first team football at Barca.

For Barca however they would have lost their ready made replacement midfielder for Xavi and Iniesta in a few weeks. I think think there is more to this than first team football. The financial monopoly in Spain by Barca and RM is killing the league. Domestically it isn't competitive and top players realize this. Thiago will find Germ any similar. The PL is one of the only truly competitive leagues.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
So you think the club would come out with a statement that we have the money to bid for the best players, bid for one of the best players and then say "we couldn't go as high as what they wanted".

Yep, that'll work too.

I really wish people would actually think before they type.
No, we'll say they did not want to sell AT ALL, no matter how high we were prepared to go. Moyes will probably tell us that midfielders of sufficient quality, real top players, simply weren't available even though we tried.

Seriously, there's no other explanation. Barcelona will laugh at a 25m bid for Fábregas - and more than likely they'd laugh at higher bids as well, considering they've just lost one of their central midfielders - and I imagine those in charge of our transfers know that. So they must have some reason for lodging a bid, if indeed they've done that. They can't seriously expect this alleged bid to be successful.


Feb 1, 2012
15 pages this morning already? :lol:
At least there's an actual reason why this thread is growing so quickly, seeing as we've actually made a bid. The Thiago thread on the other hand was full of pointless speculation.

Backrow Singer

Full Member
Feb 18, 2013
Back row. Singing.
Fabregas would be a great signing but I can't see why Barcelona are going to let Cesc go after just losing Thiago.

I would find it slightly amusing however if we bought Cesc, thus removing one of the obstacles which stood in the way of Thiago getting regular first team football at Barca.

For Barca however they would have lost their ready made replacement midfielder for Xavi and Iniesta in a few weeks. I think think there is more to this than first team football. The financial monopoly in Spain by Barca and RM is killing the league. Domestically it isn't competitive and top players realize this. Thiago will find Germ any similar. The PL is one of the only truly competitive leagues.
Yeah, I was thinking that. Unless they have a target, but they will still have sold two world class players at the end of the day.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
Nobody is yet to adequately explain how this "fake bid to appease fans" actually works. How does not signing Fabregas make up for not signing Thiago? Not once did the club say they were in for Thiago, and we never made a bid. Surely if a failed bid is all it takes to appease fans we could have just bid for Thiago, knowing we weren't getting him, and announced publicly that we're interested.

What does a lowball bid by us, if we aren't interested in Fabregas, actually achieve?


Full Member
Nov 11, 2009
Elated to hear we put in an official bid but, it does seem rather low for such a player. Cynic in me says we've done it just to say we've bid on a top player but, reasonable side says we've felt out Fabregas through back channels to know he'd not kick up a fuss if Barca were to accept an offer, so we've put a bid out that would at least get a response of never ever going to happen or up your bid to XYZ and maybe we'll talk.

Can understand if all this one of our "talks" has been with Fabregas side and that we didn't go in for Thiago so as to not annoy Barca. Probably didn't count on Thiago going to Bayern if his goal was as stated to get playing time - like many of us probably didn't see why he'd leave the club he'd grown up with to go sit on the bench of another.

I wouldn't mind if we paid over the odds to make this happen.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2013
The Republik
And so the Twitter idiots are coming out saying Cesc has asked Barca to consider the offer from United :lol:

So he's gone from not wanting to leave at all, to basically saying he wants to come to United, within hours of the bid being lodged. Some people.


Full Member
May 30, 2007
Sky Sports News and BBC don't scroll 'BREAKING NEWS' on a story unless it holds some water.

At no point did SSN have anything other than 'speculation' about us being in for Thiago despite how long that dragged on. They're saying we've made a bid. Which means we've made a bid for me.

£35M for you seems a bit steep, despite your obvious qualities.

Il Prete Rosso

Prete, the Italian Pete
Feb 11, 2012
Ospedale della Pietà
That was the point of the 3-4-3 that never came to fruition under Pep. Even with the NT, he was a sub until Villa was injured and then they began to use him as a support striker. Now he's a goalscorer more than a CM for La Roja. I'm not sure anyone knows how best to use him in Spain any longer.

Problem comparing him to Song is that even he has more defensive awareness than Fabregas (I know, shudder the thought). You leave Cesc deep and he's exposed, especially on the defensive end. You remove space for him and, in Spain, he has trouble. You play him too high and he lacks the pace or technical level to evade/dribble fullbacks. The practices are closed but I have no doubt that no midfielder loses possession in rondo etc. more than Fabregas

Here's a thought...Stop playing the guy out of position.

He was never known for giving up possession nor unable to evade a player or two when he was at Arsenal...what happened since then? Song has always been a defensive minded player, in fact, he was a defender until Wenger moved him into a holding/defensive midfield role in 2007/2008. It's not quite rocket science what has happened to the Fabregas we all knew in the Premier League and what he's now asked to become at Barcelona. His correct position is where Xavi is playing and until that happens, he'll continue he the 'sub-par' player you're referring to.


Another Muppet
Nov 14, 2012
Here's a thought...Stop playing the guy out of position.

He was never known for giving up possession nor unable to evade a player or two when he was at Arsenal...what happened since then? Song has always been a defensive minded player, in fact, he was a defender until Wenger moved him into a holding/defensive midfield role in 2007/2008. It's not quite rocket science what has happened to the Fabregas we all knew in the Premier League and what he's now asked to become at Barcelona. He correct position is where Xavi is playing and until that happens, he'll continue he the 'sub-par' player you're referring to.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
He doesn't have to displace anyone in either of those teams to be judged as a quality midfield player. Why does everything here have to end up in a comparison?

True, but my original post was in reply to Devilish saying Carrick + Fellaini + Fabregas would be on par with the Bayern or Barca midfields, that's why I was comparing them. He is certainly quality but not at the level of Schweinsteiger, Martinez, Thiago, Iniesta, Busquets etc.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Nobody is yet to adequately explain how this "fake bid to appease fans" actually works. How does not signing Fabregas make up for not signing Thiago? Not once did the club say they were in for Thiago, and we never made a bid. Surely if a failed bid is all it takes to appease fans we could have just bid for Thiago, knowing we weren't getting him, and announced publicly that we're interested.

What does a lowball bid by us, if we aren't interested in Fabregas, actually achieve?
I don't think that we aren't interested in Fábregas - more like that we can't and don't realistically expect that Barcelona would be prepared to sell right now.

Therefore this bid only serves to demonstrate that we're in the market for the best players, we're trying to shop at the high end of the transfer market but sadly, there aren't a lot of midfield players of sufficient quality and none of them are available. Our image remains intact, our pulling power doesn't come into question: we just couldn't find players of real quality - or their club refused to part with those that we singled out because they are important, valued players.


Astrophysical Genius - Hard for Grinner
Jan 13, 2008
Kebab Shop
Fergie may need a face-mask of some sort as and when he's around Old Trafford. We don't him covered in pizza, it's not becoming of a club director to be all greasy and pepperoni covered in the box.

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
This forum is full of some of the most epically retarded people I've ever seen. I actually have no idea why some of you are United fans, given the low esteem many of you view the club in. It's all negative, all moaning, all criticism. Nothing the club do is right, everything is a ploy. We're nit even a professional club, we're run like amateurs.

I actually wouldn't mind us not winning stuff for a while, so some of you feck off.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
"Fabregas" is the number one trending term on Twitter in India.
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