Music Eurovision 2023

Germany could've had Electric Callboy, but went for these guys...
This sounds familiar, is this song already a hit, I swear I've heard it few times already?
I like this Ukrainian entry more than the one that won last year.
Funny how that works, I thought last year's song was very good and this one was pretty lame. But then I also liked France's entry last year, and the Czech and Norwegian ones just now. I like that folk touch.
The Norway song sounds so familiar. I’m trying to place it - I swear I have heard that chorus before.
Funny how that works, I thought last year's song was very good and this one was pretty lame. But then I also liked France's entry last year, and the Czech and Norwegian ones just now. I like that folk touch.

The Ukraine entry needs more keyboards, am I right? ;)
I am pretty sure different country has one of these shite metal songs every year, it's hard to understand how they are so popular but there you go.

It's so strange, cause there's so much good metal out there, but pretty much never in Eurovision.
I think Norway had a good one once, but that's more glam rock than metal. The ones who had the intro to the series Peacemaker.
Man this year it’s been a bit shite