EU discussion / and other European countries

Not much gained for the right-wing in Denmark, based on the latest exit polls. One such party established since the last EP election takes around 8%, but partly from another very similar party that goes back 4%. Arguably biggest story of the night, is that a left-wing party takes the most votes, which is usually reserved for the center-left party currently in government.
What a surprise... a country in which other parties take the issues seriously that are reserved for right wing parties in other countries, the right wing parties don't have a chance... how I wish it would be that way here in Germany as well.
Not much gained for the right-wing in Denmark, based on the latest exit polls. One such party established since the last EP election takes around 8%, but partly from another very similar party that goes back 4%. Arguably biggest story of the night, is that a left-wing party takes the most votes, which is usually reserved for the center-left party currently in government.
I’d say the fact that Denmark has very strict immigration and asylum policies plays a big part in staving that off.
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What a surprise... a country in which other parties take the issues seriously that are reserved for right wing parties in other countries, the right wing parties don't have a chance... how I wish it would be that way here in Germany as well.
I’d say the fact that Denmark has very strict immigration and asylum policies plays a big part on staving that off.

Sure, the center parties have moved a lot to the right on this issue over the last decade or two. It's also not like the right-wing populist parties got nothing. The two of them got around 14% combined.
This seems very concerning right now. At what point does it become terrifying? Will that be 7 July when Le Pen gets in?
This seems very concerning right now. At what point does it become terrifying? Will that be 7 July when Le Pen gets in?
Things are pretty awful now tbh.

If Le Pen win then they will do what most far right parties have done when in power which is to continue and make worse the already existing liberal policies.
So why has Macron called an election?

He's running a minority government and takes a risk, probably a wrong one, to try and get a better position.

The EU elections were ridiculous though.
There were 38 different lists of candidates - not 38 candidates , 38 lists.

Most people had never heard of most of them I would think and Macron's rep was Hayer who probably few had heard of.
But Bardella heading the RN list is one of the few names people would recognise.
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The cycle of life continues!

He's running a minority government and takes a risk, probably a wrong one, to try and get a better position.
It seems like an absolutely mad gamble and I don't expect it to work, but he's definitely a bold politician, you have to give him that. I wonder what makes him think this will work. Maybe he just resents the idea of being a de facto lame duck president too much.
It seems like an absolutely mad gamble and I don't expect it to work, but he's definitely a bold politician, you have to give him that. I wonder what makes him think this will work. Maybe he just resents the idea of being a de facto lame duck president too much.

He says he has to react and give the voice to the people daring them to vote for Le Pen / Bardella. At the moment Le Pen has 89 seats out of 577 in 2nd place. Seems a bad risk but he's probably fed up with it.

At least in their last presidential election, it's similar in France too, where Le Pen is the choice of the young and middle-aged, Macron is the choice of the middle-aged and old, while Melenchon was confined to young voters alone.
Millennials have become the new boomers.

The only countries with a strongly leftist youth are the US and UK (based on their Labour-Conservative or Dem-GOP split and their support for Corbyn/Bernie* within those parties).
In Europe, the youth vote seems to be (or used to be, till ~2019) heavier for the far-right, Greens, and Left.

*it will be interesting to see what happens to this vote with the Left totally dead in both countries.
He says he has to react and give the voice to the people daring them to vote for Le Pen / Bardella. At the moment Le Pen has 89 seats out of 577 in 2nd place. Seems a bad risk but he's probably fed up with it.
That's what he says, but it's really not true though, is it? He does it because he wants to and probably because he thinks there's a decent chance it could work. I wonder what voter data etc he is basing this on. They must have seen it coming and planned for this. Maybe he's banking on a record high turnout.
He says he has to react and give the voice to the people daring them to vote for Le Pen / Bardella. At the moment Le Pen has 89 seats out of 577 in 2nd place. Seems a bad risk but he's probably fed up with it.
People across Europe have had enough of the same old shit, a change is as good as a rest even if the change is worse.
That's what he says, but it's really not true though, is it? He does it because he wants to and probably because he thinks there's a decent chance it could work. I wonder what voter data etc he is basing this on. They must have seen it coming and planned for this. Maybe he's banking on a record high turnout.

Not sure, his popularity has fallen. Internet trolls have been on overtime. Don't really see why he should think that his position will improve.
People across Europe have had enough of the same old shit, a change is as good as a rest even if the change is worse.

But if the change is worse then you get to the UK situation where nobody's got the guts to get them out of it and you end up with someone as weak as Starmer which is another change but gets you nowhere.
Not sure, his popularity has fallen. Internet trolls have been on overtime. Don't really see why he should think that his position will improve.
True. Well, if this gamble should somehow pay off, I wonder what he'll focus on with a renewed mandate. An EU ban on TikTok should certainly be on the list.
Sure, the center parties have moved a lot to the right on this issue over the last decade or two. It's also not like the right-wing populist parties got nothing. The two of them got around 14% combined.
Yes but those parties won’t, or at least shouldn’t, have the same fertile ground to grow on that their equivalents in other European countries have. That’s the trade-off.
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People across Europe have had enough of the same old shit, a change is as good as a rest even if the change is worse.

Change for the sake of change. There is only one "change" on offer, and it benefits the people who want to negativley change things for the majority in order to gain advantage for themselves.

The other change, the one which benefits the majority, isn't allowed to be discussed because that might actully change things.
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Yes, but those parties won’t and shouldn’t have the same fertile ground to grow on that their equivalents in other European countries have. That’s the trade-off.

I guess it depends on if the person objecting to the far-right party objects to their policy or to their aesthetic.
Yeah, you’d like to think when Der Spiegel points out that they’ve been cavorting with neo-Nazis that it would turn people away, but here we are.
Nah. The AfD has been massively growing since 2015, a few scandals were never going to change that. The rot lies very deep and will expand further in the coming years.

These European election results are absolutely not surprising and it's not specific to Germany. Europe steers firmly to the far-right.
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The only countries with a strongly leftist youth are the US and UK (based on their Labour-Conservative or Dem-GOP split and their support for Corbyn/Bernie* within those parties).
In Europe, the youth vote seems to be (or used to be, till ~2019) heavier for the far-right, Greens, and Left.

*it will be interesting to see what happens to this vote with the Left totally dead in both countries.

Why that claim? based on what? I don't think is like this, but I don't have numbers to back it up. Is there an statistics outside european parliament that people barely votes? I would not dare to say that comparing with nordic countries. Also ideologically a leftist from europe vs a leftist in US? I would dare to say that a democrat would be a centrist at best
Unfortunately, I’m seeing a stark rise in right wing support among young folks myself. Mainly among the high school aged boys I’m around. They’ve very much been influenced to the right by social media.
Yeah I've witnessed it myself. I've noticed even blocking umpteen channels and down voting things somehow continues to force right wing force feeding to come through. I'm not a conspiracy theorist usually but it is odd.
The leftwing greens won the Euro elections, that's great.

Our local alt right nazi party Forum voor Democratie got 0 seats. So sad for them.
The leftwing greens won the Euro elections, that's great.

Our local alt right nazi party Forum voor Democratie got 0 seats. So sad for them.

That is good news, but not what was predicted? Or feared maybe?
That is good news, but not what was predicted? Or feared maybe?
Wilders is still big in Europe, but his voters don't really turn out for European elections. Think only half of his voters showed up compared to the general election.

FvD is even worse than Wilders though, but they (and mostly their frontman Thierry Baudet) went off the deep end into conspiracy maga style crap that they lost their entire voter base. We might also be making an alarming turn to the right, but we're not yet susceptible to that level of idiocy.
Not sure, his popularity has fallen. Internet trolls have been on overtime. Don't really see why he should think that his position will improve.

You probably know more about this than me, so feel free to correct.

But it does make sense splitting the parliamentary elections from the presidential. Maybe he feels there is a chance he could squeeze this result, or if the far right does win, then he is still president and can moderate their worst excesses especially in foreign policy etc and give them a couple of years to prove that they can not deliver, rather than limp on for two years and face a Tory style annihilation with a far right president and parliament.

EDIT: either way it's a big gamble
The only countries with a strongly leftist youth are the US and UK (based on their Labour-Conservative or Dem-GOP split and their support for Corbyn/Bernie* within those parties).
In Europe, the youth vote seems to be (or used to be, till ~2019) heavier for the far-right, Greens, and Left.

*it will be interesting to see what happens to this vote with the Left totally dead in both countries.

The Greens and the FDP were actually the most popular parties among young voters in the last federal election. They received 23% respectively 22% of the votes of young voters (18 - 25 years). In the European elections, the Greens lost a whopping 23% compared to the last one among the 16 - 24 year olds. It's honestly shocking. I really hope this has more to do with voter turnout and isn't a sign of an ideological shift.

fecking populism. I absolutely hate that it really pays off for the selfish opportunistic and lobbyst assholes at the CDU/CSU.