ESPN - Why Manchester United are still a mess under INEOS ownership

Fair enough. But I mean, why wouldn't you? IF the story is true at all, there may be multiple reasons - maybe he wasn't interested in latest developments in the field, maybe he was sick all the time, maybe he was a pain in the ass to work with. The story paints everything in a certain light and I think, those stories shouldn't just be sipped and judged upon when we only know so little.
You’ve actually hit on what I was thinking, that they’ve used redundancy to get rid of him for whatever reason.
All of this can be true without meaning much. Maybe players wanted to get a plane back after the cup final, maybe Brailsford was a bit unfortunate with his wording at that talk, maybe some players would have preferred not staying over in Porto, maybe someone thought the Sancho and Rashford's issues could have been handled better, maybe EtHs English sometimes leads to misunderstandings. It's perfectly possible for all of these to be true, but not represent more than minor annoyances and for maybe just some of the players. Hardly compelling, even if true.

Consider also what we're not reading: Things like a lack of confidence in training methods, tactics, game management or the coaching staff, or complaints about anything fundamental really.
Very good post.
What mess that took years to rectify?

We're not talking about building the new La Massia or new stadium. Just getting functional football again.

Sack the manager, identify problematic player and tell them this is their last warning, empower the new manager to act with iron hand, results. If things dont work out, analyse from there and improve.

You dont need 3 years to know ETH is the wrong un. Keeping him is bad for the morale.

Nobody is expecting a title push, just correction of course and start doing the basic right. Then we'll see from there.

Football is no magic. You employ the right person and see improvement. The way 99.999% other clubs are doing.
Well said brother.
Anything that we would have gone on to win would have had the sense of achievement removed from it. Pointless.
As opposed to what? Not winning feck all under Ineos, but thats OK because Sir Jims a 'wurkin class lad from down t'pit?'

Enjoy being a mid-table team from now on.
Why do we need an explanation? It’s been 5 minutes since they took over, where we were in a mess.
Yes, basically. I would hate to become Manchester City. Would much rather be a genuine club.
But there was no guarantee, that under Qatar, United would have ended up like City. A lot of people just instantly jumped to the conclusion, that being owned by them would have meant United were 'soulless'.
You could easily argue the club feels soulless right now. Remember, despite Sir Jim having a stake in the club, the real owners are still the Glazers.
people are so impatient. INEOS haven’t even been here for a full season yet. Not even half a season and stuff like this is being created.
As pointed out in that article. The reason these stories are coming out is because everyone knows they fecked up by not sacking Eric then triggering his extra year and now seem to have doubled down on it and not got rid of him at the 2nd perfect opportunity.
This is one of the biggest feck ups they could have done and they are rightly being criticised for it.

They've had more than long enough to see how shite he is. They didn't need to be in office to see this. They don't need any more time than they've already had. Nobody needs 3 fecking years to see how bad someone is at their job.
No doubt the "Structure" will be brought up to defend him but if it was that terrible we wouldn't have won two cups. You can't have it both ways. I do wonder what people expect this new structure to magically do to Erik but it won't change the fact he's useless, stubborn, arrogant and delusional.

Nobody likes to see people lose their jobs but reducing the workforce obviously needed doing but the way they've handled this hasn't been great either with the work from home stuff and the I.T department being untidy when you've got Erik and the rest of the old or big contract players still picking up their millions producing shite every week. It's bound to piss people off.
Also with the Sir Alex thing, I agree he should have given it up or greatly reduced it but it then goes back to "sacking Fergie before Eric" which is again ridiculous when he's costing us every day he is here.
But there was no guarantee, that under Qatar, United would have ended up like City. A lot of people just instantly jumped to the conclusion, that being owned by them would have meant United were 'soulless'.
You could easily argue the club feels soulless right now. Remember, despite Sir Jim having a stake in the club, the real owners are still the Glazers.
I agree with this. People or should I say "some fans" looked at Qatar as though it was going to be some kind of cheat code but it wasn't because they would have had to stick to the rules the same as Ineos so the soulless part is nonsense.
The human rights side to the argument is a very different story though obviously but we're not talking about that part.
It’s mad how transparent Rashford being a source for a lot of these articles is. It could only be hidden worse if they were like “a player who did not want to be named so we will call Rarcus Mashford said…”
If INEOS were full of ruthless geniuses I can look past the sacking of the groundskeeper, who may or may not have been redundant to all the other groundskeepers, but it still strikes me as ridiculous that INEOS would sack a redundant groundskeeper whose wages are not even a rounding error on the financial statement while they’ve gotten it completely wrong with the manager whose player selections and tactics have us continuing to drift further and further down the table to the point where now have to dismiss concerns about being relegated. This was all avoidable had they taken the bitter medicine in June instead of worrying about sacking groundskeepers.
Exactly my thoughts.
What does this even mean? My manager’s manager has spoken to me before, as has done his manager. And in a company I interned (let’s call it for simplicity Mvidia), the CEO was having meeting with us.

So I do not see anything wrong with people higher up in the hierarchy speaking with the players. In fact, this was never a problem before here or in other clubs.
Personally I think it's better if everyone on every level talks to each other. Otherwise it's always going to be us and them which only helps the divide grow bigger.
Well they don't need to replace the ones they sacked, and ten hag needs a very good replacement from a tiny pool of people, where most are already hired and our ability to attract has dropped significantly.
And will continue to drop as long as they don't remove Eric. Managers want to win things as well as players so they won't look to move to a club that seems happy to be in 14th and shite in Europe and have Ajax mk2 on the pitch.
Still on the board too, so hardly frozen out.

The hysterical reaction of some in here to a clickbait article is a bit embarrassing, and very entitled.

ETH is probably going to be the worst decison, but we are seeing multiple examples of the small pool of replacements turning us down and that is a result of issues pre-INEOS. They are definitely between the rock and hard place now.

The Bruno decision is also poor, but, when you see the reaction to other alleged layoffs how do you think the optics would have been on losing the club captain after he had a decent season.

As for the first story I fully sympathise with anyone who is laid off but the story is just sensationalist. What do people expect? There aren’t members of a senior management team wandering around Man Utd facilities looking for people to console. It’s the job of that person’s colleagues and line manager, it would probably take a few layers before it got to the executive level. How this is the fault of any owner is beyond me.

Why is that?
I think we did, yeah. That's my opinion and you are obviously free to have your.

May I ask what's so bad about being owned by some people in Qatar as opposed to being owned by Jim and the Glazers?

Judging by your post it sounds like it's something horrible. Why is that? Please enlighten me.

Brilliant stuff.
And will continue to drop as long as they don't remove Eric. Managers want to win things as well as players so they won't look to move to a club that seems happy to be in 14th and shite in Europe and have Ajax mk2 on the pitch.
Who are you suggesting we get?
Not sure I believe most of it... But I definitely believe the but about Brailsford.

Man strikes me as a massive cock.
Oh my god there is some gnashing of teeth on here. Manchester United is a football club. It is also a business the aim of a business is to make money by employing people to make the business successful and PROFITABLE.
It is not a charity.
I do realise that the vast majority of our fans are die hard Labour supporters and left wing devotees but if you are not actually helping the company and justifying your wages then I’m sorry but the door is over there, toddle off now there’s a god chap/lass.

Why would you want Manchester United to make a profit? I don’t want the club to make a penny.
Why would you want Manchester United to make a profit? I don’t want the club to make a penny.
So the club can reinvest, build cash reserves to buy new players, expand the stadium etc? If we dont make money, the brand will be devalued making us less attractive to sponsors, players, fans.
Yeah, there might be good reasons for the layoffs. There really isn't much to indicate that this has been a high-performing, optimised organisation over the past decade or so. Still, that point could be made without resorting to the truly idiotic and naive claim that other than for charities, the only thing that matters in the real world is profit. That's not actually how the world works. Not even for the parts of it that is there solely to sell things, which a big football club is not.
Capitalism is what makes the world work, without profit you would have nothing no investment going forward no improvement in the company no R and D. Wages will not be improved as the company hasn’t got the money to pay wages and without that profit then lay offs happen no matter what the business.
I knew this would happen and it proves my point that the majority of Manchester United football supporters are Labour Union supporters, it’s the way of the world, years ago Ford had a factory at Old Trafford, they moved in a weekend to Dagenham, since then they have moved to Europe and have almost pulled out of the UK entirely because profit is the bottom line.
If United dont make money then we will fall foul of the rules of the PL and won’t be able to invest in new players or attract a new best in class manager.
As the old song goes, money makes the world go around.
So the club can reinvest, build cash reserves to buy new players, expand the stadium etc? If we dont make money, the brand will be devalued making us less attractive to sponsors, players, fans.

I’m not saying don’t make money. I’m saying there’s no need to be profitable.

Also, sponsors, players and fans are not attracted to profit.
Capitalism is what makes the world work, without profit you would have nothing no investment going forward no improvement in the company no R and D. Wages will not be improved as the company hasn’t got the money to pay wages and without that profit then lay offs happen no matter what the business.
I knew this would happen and it proves my point that the majority of Manchester United football supporters are Labour Union supporters, it’s the way of the world, years ago Ford had a factory at Old Trafford, they moved in a weekend to Dagenham, since then they have moved to Europe and have almost pulled out of the UK entirely because profit is the bottom line.
If United dont make money then we will fall foul of the rules of the PL and won’t be able to invest in new players or attract a new best in class manager.
As the old song goes, money makes the world go around.

This is all wrong. Football clubs should not be a vehicle for wealth generation and success is divorced from profitability.

Why would you possibly think that?

Our goal should be to make £1 profit each year and be exceptionally well run.
Not at all. Use ‘Generate’ if you like.

But football clubs should not aim to make a profit. How people find that contestable is beyond me.
So they should just lose money every year until they go bankrupt? Because that's the alternative.

I can understand not wanting to distribute profits to shareholders in the form of dividends, but the idea of being against profits that can then be retained and reinvested into the club is incomprehensible.
So they should just lose money every year until they go bankrupt? Because that's the alternative.

I can understand not wanting to distribute profits to shareholders in the form of dividends, but the idea of being against profits that can then be retained and reinvested into the club is incomprehensible.

No. Read it all. I said £1 profit annually.

Every single penny the club makes should be spent on chasing trophies and success.

That’s not some left wing idea, despite what people have said above.
Not at all. Use ‘Generate’ if you like.

But football clubs should not aim to make a profit. How people find that contestable is beyond me.

If it helps your point is very obvious and not at all difficult to understand. I've no idea why several posters think you meant we should bankrupt the club, not invest in recruitment or fail to pay players :lol:
No. Read it all. I said £1 profit annually.

Every single penny the club makes should be spent on chasing trophies and success.

That’s not some left wing idea, despite what people have said above.
So, they can make a profit, but have to reinvest it.

That's completely different from "the club shouldn't be able to make a profit".
If it helps your point is very obvious and not at all difficult to understand. I've no idea why several posters think you meant we should bankrupt the club, not invest in recruitment or fail to pay players :lol:
Because making and reinvesting profits is not the same as not making a profit.
Quality control
From ESPN (multiple journalists - Mark Ogden, Rob Dawson)

This is the article Andy Mitten was talking about last week, calling it an upcoming 'bombshell'. I think that's a big stretch but it is kinda interesting in parts.


On Brailsford:

Transport seething:

The Athletic wrote about this back in June. Apparently the transport offered by the club was a bus.

Bruno's contract:

Job cuts:

Pissing off Casemiro:

Pissing off Rashy and Sanchy:

Continuation of the #StrongMinds
Every single one of those tidbits is 100% conjecture.

The fact that all you bellends lap it up as gospel, just goes to justify the absolute shite that comes out of today's modern 'journalists'.
Oh my god there is some gnashing of teeth on here. Manchester United is a football club. It is also a business the aim of a business is to make money by employing people to make the business successful and PROFITABLE.
It is not a charity.
I do realise that the vast majority of our fans are die hard Labour supporters and left wing devotees but if you are not actually helping the company and justifying your wages then I’m sorry but the door is over there, toddle off now there’s a god chap/lass.

Is that what happened here, or did we get rid of experienced loyal staff?

The general direction these reorganizations take, is usually layoffs at lower levels and more management, leading to less efficiency and less quality.

Let’s hope that is not the case.
The readiness of people to jump on their back on the base of next to nothing is just as weird as well.

Questioning some of their decisions or communication isn't jumping on their back.
Their previous endeavours with Nice have largely been a flop and Brailsfords weird behaviour isn't new either.
I have some faith in Wilcox, Ashworth and Berrada, not so much in Jimmy and Brailsford.
Every single one of those tidbits is 100% conjecture.

The fact that all you bellends lap it up as gospel, just goes to justify the absolute shite that comes out of today's modern 'journalists'.
You've been very angry lately. With Mount injured, all your hate is going to fellow fans. You could at least tag the people you're calling "bellends".