Erik ten Hag - Manchester United manager


Full Member
Feb 19, 2011
How is he wrong?
It's a terrible, intentional misrepresentation of the point; nobody is claiming SAF wouldn't have been probably the greatest manager ever if we hadn't given him time.

The Hilton

Full Member
Mar 22, 2011
Well I must say I didn't notice several people being negative. I was too busy enjoying the win and the aftermath.
Fair play, although that makes you more rational than plenty of folks in the "manager out" camp.

No it's a fact mate if you think about it. Outside of posdibly a few lunatics. If any United fan who thinks we should have a different manager it's because they don't think the manager we have is good enough, is the right man for this job or both.

I doubt anyone woke up one day and suddenly out of the blue developed an irrational dislike for a football manager that is for some reason more important to them than the fortunes of the club they've supported for years/decades.

Be serious mate.
You're right that any United fan who thinks we should have a different manager, does so because they think ETH isn't the man for the job. But multiple fans in that camp, who are posters on here, would rather we lose in order to feel vindicated for taking that position, as evidenced by their inability to celebrate the FA Cup win, preferring instead to belittle the achievement and mock our league finish.

Those are obviously not fans who put the club first. Instead their hatred of the manager, or perhaps it's just desire to be right, comes ahead of club success for them. I get that that torpedoes your attempt to paint your position as that of the better fan, which is probably frustrating, but while you may well be the type of fan who puts the club first, plenty of those in your camp clearly aren't. That serious enough for you?


Full Member
Jun 20, 2017
So many people just trying to jerk each other off in an attempt to blindly support the manager in an attempt to prove they are the truest fan or something ha


Might have a bedwetting fetish.
Jan 11, 2015
Disgusted with alot of delirious comments in this thread. Clearly so many posts are from non Utd fans who are playing Red Cafe.

Ten Hag is by far the best Utd manager since Fergie. You do not win 2 pieces of silverware in your first 2 seasons and having to put up with the chaos at Utd without having fantastic management skills.

I'm 100% behind him. Can you imagine what he'd do with decent backing in the boardroom and with proper football people around him.

Any wonder the ABUs and imposters on this forum are targeting him relentlessly.
Other managers didn't have us finishing 8th and performing like a bottom half side.

Must be on a wind up.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2017
So many dumb posts from ETH apologists, they will have you believe we are about to sack a Pep regen, what a shit show


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
Even if he is the best since Fergie, who cares? Mourinho was clearly the best since Fergie at the time, and he was sacked because it was not good enough.


Might have a bedwetting fetish.
Jan 11, 2015
Even if he is the best since Fergie, who cares? Mourinho was clearly the best since Fergie at the time, and he was sacked because it was not good enough.
Mourinho was far better than Ten Hag and we didn't hear nonsense like "he deserves a chance under a new structure".


New Member
Jul 1, 2021
Linton Travel Tavern
I am still ten hag out, despite our fa cup victory. I know we have had alot of injuries, but against some teams, we really were utter utter shite. I'm not furious like some, but I have seen enough. However, if he stays and proves me wrong, I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
You guys are so rattled it's hilarious. Back out with the name calling I see :lol:
Not as rattled as a lot of people will be if Ineos follow through on their well researched, well prepared plans, do what our new football directors have clearly asked for, and sack him.


New Member
Mar 3, 2010
Good managers don't have United performing like a borderline relegation candidate. Stop the wind up.
Gee, here was me thinking this manager got us to 3 Cup finals in 2 years, winning 2 of them, one against the greatest manager (supposedly) and best football team (supposedly) of all time!

Im not on a wind up but I see posts like your and I can take a calculated guess as to who is!

Your a Chelsea fan or perhaps a Liverpool fan right?


Might have a bedwetting fetish.
Jan 11, 2015
Gee, here was me thinking this manager got us to 3 Cup finals in 2 years, winning 2 of them, one against the greatest manager (supposedly) and best football team (supposedly) of all time!

Your a Chelsea fan right or perhaps a Liverpool fan right?
Yeah you're too obvious.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Fair play, although that makes you more rational than plenty of folks in the "manager out" camp.

You're right that any United fan who thinks we should have a different manager, does so because they think ETH isn't the man for the job. But multiple fans in that camp, who are posters on here, would rather we lose in order to feel vindicated for taking that position, as evidenced by their inability to celebrate the FA Cup win, preferring instead to belittle the achievement and mock our league finish.

Those are obviously not fans who put the club first. Instead their hatred of the manager, or perhaps it's just desire to be right, comes ahead of club success for them. I get that that torpedoes your attempt to paint your position as that of the better fan, which is probably frustrating, but while you may well be the type of fan who puts the club first, plenty of those in your camp clearly aren't. That serious enough for you?

I don't believe I've said that I'm a better fan once on here.

There are likely a few loons on both sides of the discussion who want to be right. Just like anything there are always extremists.


Full Member
May 3, 2012
Millwall, Saint-Etienne
Only a small club would consider domestic cups that important. Especially the League Cup which is a Mickey Mouse competition, really.
Nonsense. Only clubs that never win anything don't care about winning domestic cups.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
We were never close to relegation under fergie, terrible bait.
We weren't close to relegation with Ten Hag either. Unless you want to talk about early doors when we finished 3rd, in which case it's you with the terrible bait. Keep up.
Not as rattled as a lot of people will be if Ineos follow through on their well researched, well prepared plans, do what our new football directors have clearly asked for, and sack him.
Name me one poster that said if INEOS do a well thought out and prepared audit, and decide to sack, then we would have a problem.

You probably can't, and if so, once again you're caught up in hyperbole nonsense. Continue being a conversational extremist, it's your thing. "Worshipping" managers, christ you're rattled :lol:


Full Member
Jun 17, 2006
Nonsense. Only clubs that never win anything don't care about winning domestic cups.
In reality it's only really the clubs that win them that year that care about them. Even that's questionable with the League Cup.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
Disgusted with alot of delirious comments in this thread. Clearly so many posts are from non Utd fans who are playing Red Cafe.

Ten Hag is by far the best Utd manager since Fergie. You do not win 2 pieces of silverware in your first 2 seasons and having to put up with the chaos at Utd without having fantastic management skills.

I'm 100% behind him. Can you imagine what he'd do with decent backing in the boardroom and with proper football people around him.

Any wonder the ABUs and imposters on this forum are targeting him relentlessly.
hoping for your sake that you're just wumming here

The Hilton

Full Member
Mar 22, 2011

I don't believe I've said that I'm a better fan once on here.

There are likely a few loons on both sides of the discussion who want to be right. Just like anything there are always extremists.
Well at least now you're acknowledging the existence of the loons on the "manager out" side of the discussion now.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2014
A Whale’s Vagina
The headline and the quote is misleading. ETH is referring to the price paid. He's right, he can say he wanted Antony but he wasn't the one saying we should pay £90m. Ultimately he probably doesn't really care about the value and just making sure he gets his target.
How is this even responsible conduct for a manager? If Antony was £10 billion and it would cause United to go bankrupt, but Ten Hag was like, “nope, I want him” that is patently stupid. Of course this would affect the rest of the transfer targets.

There seems to be a horribly narrow view in the Caf that budget and negotiations are kept at arms length to the manager, but every company on earth works on a budget when purchasing capital assets. To claim he had no knowledge of the price we would have to pay for Antony is ludicrous.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
Surely the assessment of the season could and should have been ongoing for a while now, nothing really changed. This dithering is showing a real lack of conviction and decisiveness.
Yeah it certainly is and that's not a good look


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Name me one poster that said if INEOS do a well thought out and prepared audit, and decide to sack, then we would have a problem.

You probably can't, and if so, once again you're caught up in hyperbole nonsense. Continue being a conversational extremist, it's your thing. "Worshipping" managers, christ you're rattled :lol:
I hope they stick with their already completed audit and already made decision and then we'll see who has a problem.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
Why would any united fan mock ronaldo who helped the club win more than our current manager and also banked the club 80 million while our manager spent that on Anthony.

Lads, the ass kissing of ten hag is beneath all of you.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2022
Why would any united fan mock ronaldo who helped the club win more than our current manager and also banked the club 80 million while our manager spent that on Anthony.

Lads, the ass kissing of ten hag is beneath all of you.
Because Ronaldo is a narcissistic cnut who doesn't give a flying feck about the club.


Full Member
Nov 4, 2013
Why would any united fan mock ronaldo who helped the club win more than our current manager and also banked the club 80 million while our manager spent that on Anthony.

Lads, the ass kissing of ten hag is beneath all of you.
Wow, relax mate, it's a joke. Also I'm ten Hag out but we won a trophy a week ago while our ex-players who exited the club (well Sancho only on loan) in a bad fashion (never mind how much of it was theirs fault) lost. Shame for Sabitzer though.