Television Entourage

Any fans on here? Great show, some of the funniest writing on tv at the moment. Been watching Series' 3 & 4 on the net in the last few days, one of the rare shows that actually seems to get better the more I see of it.

Enjoyed series one and looking forward to watching Series 2.

How do you get it on the net?

I'm completely clueless about computer stuff and have a mac. So please don't anyone suggest bit-torrent stuff, that's way out of my league!
Enjoyed series one and looking forward to watching Series 2.

How do you get it on the net?

I'm completely clueless about computer stuff and have a mac. So please don't anyone suggest bit-torrent stuff, that's way out of my league!

PM for you.
Nice. When does season 5 come out?

Have I mentioned that Ari Gold is my fecking role model? Pure class.
stupid.. i stupidly bought season 1 and 2 without watching it first. who wants to buy it from me? $15 for both seasons. only viewed once
The big day is tomorrow (or the day after for people who aren't American!) people!
How many episodes are in this season?

12; Ace you lucky cnut, I hate living on the West Coast because of the TV times, doesnt air here till ten PM so 8.5 hrs. Colorado was the best in terms of tv times imo
Looking forward to stealing this from the interweb tomorrow.

It won`t air here for months still probably, so I`m not going to wait.
Oh shit, just realized I have an 10 HBO channels instead 9, one of which is HBO-East, T-minus 2 hours
Reckon it would be 10 pm, that's when it should air here, and we are on the same sync
i'm still trying to decide should I watch an episode every week that it comes out..

or should I just wait for the whole season to be aired and watch the whole season at one go which is always more fun?

I just don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back from downloading the episodes as soon as they air!
It's debatable, I watched seasons 1-4 of The Wire like that, but watched Season 5 of it each week and found it much better that way
Holy shit, this is awesome so far, Drama is pimping it
"It's vacation pussy, everybody get's fecked. These girls wouldnt even look at you in the States." Drama to Turtle
Quality episode. Cameo by Bow Wow, who wasn't even playing himself.
That was a sweet episode. Still managed to keep it fresh and funny.
Great opening episode... Drama is quality
Could anyone PM a way to watch the new episode online ? I'd prefer some sort of streaming website..

That had to be Hawaii where they were at, no where in the Baja looks like that
i'm still trying to decide should I watch an episode every week that it comes out..

or should I just wait for the whole season to be aired and watch the whole season at one go which is always more fun?

I just don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back from downloading the episodes as soon as they air!

Was thinking the same thing myself. The wait for every new episode is almost unbearable.

Great thing Entourage is back though! Probably the best show on TV.. well, on my laptop actually.
Justine Chapin is back tonite should make it interesting for Vinnie
Awesome episode, nice cameo by Wahlberg, and I loved the development of Vince he finally wants to become a movie star again. Drama was hilarious as usual
"Unlike your world where the bigger man bangs the smaller man from behind......" hhaha