Ari's Wife: Tell me that it's exiting, and that if I did it I would be good
Ari: It's a soap opera baby... there is no good, there's just degrees of bad.
Ari's Wife: Well, then tell me that I would be pretty. As pretty as the day I left the show.
Ari: Well you left the show when you were 25 baby and now they shoot everything in hi-def
Listen, Lloyd. Do you want to make it or do want to fold shirts at a Chinese laundry?
Ari Gold: Lloyd, what are you doing? You and me, we have a special bond, come on let's go.
Lloyd: Ari, swear to me that you will never again say anything offensive to me about my race or my sexual orientation.
Ari Gold: I can't swear to that, but I promise I will always apologize afterward.