English media thinly veiled racism

So either the press were a) being racist or b) are so unaware of their institutionalised racism that it never occurred to them that choosing to criticise and use the image of only black players, at least one of who didn't do anything wrong or even play a major part in the game, was a terrible idea/optic.

Either way it might not be the KKK lighting crosses on Mainoo's Dad's lawn but it is, at best, a ludicrously and casually clumsy and mildly racist failure to read the room.

We’ve established that this didn’t happen.
So either the press were a) being racist or b) are so unaware of their institutionalised racism that it never occurred to them that choosing to criticise and use the image of only black players, at least one of who didn't do anything wrong or even play a major part in the game, was a terrible idea/optic.

Either way it might not be the KKK lighting crosses on Mainoo's Dad's lawn but it is, at best, a ludicrously and casually clumsy and mildly racist failure to read the room.

But that’s a misrepresentation of the reality and also a good example of how an inaccurate narrative can be so easily spread.

Saka’s photograph was one among a number used across different articles. I saw just as many with Kane, Southgate, Foden and Rice. However, his has been singled out, which incorrectly but perhaps unsurprisingly leads to statements like the above.
Yep, it's both ingrained and subtle but also very hard to ascertain whether it's malicious in any isolated incident.
Thus the reason theres accusations of people playing the race card or not being able to take a joke or bants on the other end of the scale. In this day and age it’s rare that people will openly hold prejudices so it’s difficult to quantify. Also what makes it more dangerous maybe too.
But that’s a misrepresentation of the reality and also a good example of how an inaccurate narrative can be so easily spread.

Saka’s photograph was one among a number used across different articles. I saw just as many with Kane, Southgate, Foden and Rice. However, his has been singled out which, incorrectly but perhaps unsurprisingly leads to statements like the above.

I saw loads not dissimilar to the ones below and none how you describe but I may of course have missed them. And as Moses said it is hard to say it was 100% outright racism based on this event but it does appear that there is a significant recurring pattern and at best it is utterly cluless and incompetent from professional journalists. And lets face it most UK papers are fairly racist, casually or otherwise.


Predominantly then. It still happened. Again.

Not even predominantly. Good summary of back page coverage in this post. Just 2 out of the 8 main photographs featured a black player (both of them the same photo, of Saka throwing a paper aeroplane)

I don’t see how that is in any way excessive considering that 4 out of the 11 players that started the match were black or mixed race (8 out of the 11 at final whistle)

In fact, if you take those Saka photos out, no doubt someone could argue that they were being racist by not including enough photos of black players. They can’t win!
The very metaphor -"thinly veiled", implying the duplicity involved in being less clear under lights- is drenched in dark racism.