Squirtle. Venosaur's strongest attack takes two turns.![]()
too late I went for bulbasuar
Squirtle. Venosaur's strongest attack takes two turns.![]()
I just downloaded pokemon red and a game boy emulator but cant decide whether to pick bulbasaur or squirtle
I remember I used to always try and collect three magnet balloons to try and get the strongest magnet.
The magnet is fecking useless.
too late I went for bulbasuar
Oh you fool! Even Charmander would've been a good choice because Brock and Misty's Pokémon are resistant to fire so it would force you to level up even further which makes the rest of the game a breeze.
Now you're going to have an easy time at first and get your arse kicked later on.
where can i download pokemon emulatorS?
where can i download this gameboy emulator?
I'm up to the safari zone and havn't struggled/died once.
I got lucky and caught some very decent rare pokemon early on like as Abra and Pikachu and now they are beasts.
Your probably right about Charmander in the long run simply because I like to have a selection of different types and it is difficult to find a decent fire type or a decent flyer.
I'm really struggling to get this to work. Is there a simple step by step guide anywhere? I remember I had a Pokemon emulator a while back, but I could have sworn that was just a simple download a program and run jobbie.
I downloaded ePSXe, and decorativeed sent me a PM with a bios in which I copied to the bios folder, but when trying to config it, it didn't come up.
You've tried going into the config menu > bios > select bios file, then locating that file, right?
Visual Boy Advance runs Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance roms. Maybe that's the one you're thinking of.
Ok perhaps I have done it right. Where can I download games from?
Yeah that's the one I was using! Is it more basic than ePSXe?
There's loads of Pidgeys early on to be your flyers. But yes it's definitely hard to get a proper fire type if you don't pick Charmander. I recommend getting the Eevee from the north entrance of the Celadon mansion and then buying a fire stone from the department store. Then use them to get a Flareon.
Then again if you're playing blue I think the grassy areas near the entrance to Diglett's cave near Vermillion have Vulpixes. They have Growliths in Red which are badass but Take Down is a suicide maneuver.
I've never used ePSXe. For VBA you just go into the File menu and click Load and browse for the rom file for the game. About as intuitive as any other Windows program.
I have Pokemon on an emulator on my Blackberry so I can play it at work or wherever I am.
Hmmm I'm not sure, haven't used emulators for years. I think CoolROM was a good site.
It's weird playing Pokemon after all these years!
I never played it. Don't actually know what kind of game it is. Thought it was a kids cartoon spin-off.
Where's a good site to download VBA from because everyone I've tried so far has attempted to get me to fill out a survey and then proceeded to give me a virus?
I see. I've just read a bit about it and it looks like by the time the games were released in English, the cartoons had started to be show here too, hence my obvious confusion.
I've only seen a few screen shots from the games and they don't give much away about what you are supposed to do in them. Maybe you have to be of a certain age and grown up with them to enjoy them properly. I read a bit about the gameplay and managed to be bored and confused in equal measure.
I have an evee turned it to flareon but its only just come good, taught it fire blast need to train it up a bit and it will be a beast.
Magaged to catch the elusive articuno aswell which solved my flying problem.
Wish there was somewhere decent i could train up before taking on the elite 4, need to improove them stats.
Cheers Olly. Any good sites to download games for it?