
Wonder Pigeon

'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Apr 8, 2006
Forza Shelbourne
Okay, so I want to play old videogames on my laptop, but I know absolutely nothing about compuers. Can anyone give me a step by step guide to doing this?
Where can I download ROM images from? because on my Android, there are sega SNES and NES emulator applications!
I might give it a go, it's probably just i've been getting shite roms but every N64 emulator i've tried gives a really bad picture. I'll try this one and see what happens!
I might give it a go, it's probably just i've been getting shite roms but every N64 emulator i've tried gives a really bad picture. I'll try this one and see what happens!
N64 emulation is a bit of a bitch - look around on forums for game-specific fixes, as a lot require a very specific sort of emulated graphics driver, amongst others.
Just set up my emulator on the pc. I feel like I'm back in the 90s.

So far got an N64 rom with all the classics such as Goldeneye,Mario 64,1080,Southpark etc

Also got a snes rom and have the best game ever made which is Mario all stars.

Connected it via an Xbox wireless controller as well, more reasons to spend more time away from studying during uni. Anyone else playing em?
I use MAME with an x-arcade joystick connected to an old PC and it works great. I'd love to be able to get a dedicated joystick for Ikari Warriors though.
Anyone manage to find a working old X-Men Arcade game?? The one with Cyclops, Wolverine, Dazzler, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Storm. And the old Simpson arcade game. Been trying to look for these.
Ahh man I've played loadsa N64 games on my PC, they all work fine!
Project 64 is good!
Recommend me some good games. I'm tryna find worms armageddon

I've been running SNES and Megadrive emulators for years but I only just tried Project64 today. Only played Mario Kart so far, but it's really good. I've never actually played a real N64 though so setting up my joypad (a Playstation type dual analogue one) to replicate the odd layout of the N64 has proven a bit troublesome. Can't knock it for nowt though!

I'll PM you about that game you want...
I've been running SNES and Megadrive emulators for years but I only just tried Project64 today. Only played Mario Kart so far, but it's really good. I've never actually played a real N64 though so setting up my joypad (a Playstation type dual analogue one) to replicate the odd layout of the N64 has proven a bit troublesome. Can't knock it for nowt though!

I'll PM you about that game you want...

cheers try using a different controller plugin, i think it gives you better sensitivity with the analog

Edit: Thanks for the link
It's not the analogue controller - it's the "C pad" buttons. I thought they'd be the equivalent of the main four buttons on the SNES pad, but they are not. What the hell are they? Having 6 buttons on the front of a pad is not common. Were the A & B buttons the main two?

I got the N64 emulator working, played Golden eye it's still a brilliant game.

Can't seem to get the PS1 emulator to work though. I've downloaded ePSXe but when I try to start it up it says burutter.dll was not found??
It's not the analogue controller - it's the "C pad" buttons. I thought they'd be the equivalent of the main four buttons on the SNES pad, but they are not. What the hell are they? Having 6 buttons on the front of a pad is not common. Were the A & B buttons the main two?


Yeh the c buttons were mainly control buttons or rarely used. I can only really remember it for Mario 64 to change the camera angles. Tbh I've just been playing mario all stars on the snes and the feel and sensitivity is exactly the same. Only Golden eye needs a bit touching up with a different controller plugin otherwise the majority of games work excellent.

I've only got Mario All Stars (Mario 1,2,3,Lost levels and the one with yoshi)

Street fighter turbo.

Gonna get a mega drive one soon, there was some crazy classics on that and I seem to remember more games on that then the snes.
I tend to stick to SNES (using ZSNES) and Gameboy/Gameboy Advance (using Visual Gameboy Advance) because they're both pretty much the same setup. Also anyone with a PS3 can get a driver that will allow you to plug your controller in via USB and use it as a gamepad so that's great for SNES because it's essentially the same configuration.

Certain N64 games are alright when emulated (Project 64 seemed to work the best for me) but there's so many buttons on that controller that it's annoying to figure out a good way to map it out to keyboard keys. But for games like Mario Kart 64 and Diddy Kong Racing (highly underrated in my opinion) they did just fine. Mario 64 also seemed to work pretty well. Ocarina of Time was slightly confusing. Smash Bros was also a bit confusing. Tony Hawk was nearly impossible to hit the right buttons (maybe it just took patience I didn't have). Goldeneye was fairly straightforward.
I've just spent far too much time with ePSXe and Driver. I'd forgotten how infuriatingly difficult that last level is, but it's still a pretty good game. Street Fighter Collection doesn't seem to work too well though. Also, ePSXe doesn't seem to have a shutdown button, so I have to kill it from task manager, but other than that it's pretty good.

I don't really remember playing many games on the Playstation - what do others recommend. Note I do not have the patience for things like Final Fantasy or that kind of game. Never liked Tomb Raider much either, come to think of it.

I remember also why I stopped getting newer consoles after the SNES - I hate 3D platformers. So infuriating trying to figure out what is supposed to be represented as depth on a polygonal image on a 2D screen...