Wonder Pigeon
'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Okay, so I want to play old videogames on my laptop, but I know absolutely nothing about compuers. Can anyone give me a step by step guide to doing this?
What console mate? Snes, NES and gameboy are all piss easy. PS1 isn't hard either, but i still haven't found a decent N64 one.
P.S Pm for you
What console mate? Snes, NES and gameboy are all piss easy. PS1 isn't hard either, but i still haven't found a decent N64 one.
P.S Pm for you
N64 emulation is a bit of a bitch - look around on forums for game-specific fixes, as a lot require a very specific sort of emulated graphics driver, amongst others.I might give it a go, it's probably just i've been getting shite roms but every N64 emulator i've tried gives a really bad picture. I'll try this one and see what happens!
Ahh man I've played loadsa N64 games on my PC, they all work fine!
Project 64 is good!
Recommend me some good games. I'm tryna find worms armageddon
I've been running SNES and Megadrive emulators for years but I only just tried Project64 today. Only played Mario Kart so far, but it's really good. I've never actually played a real N64 though so setting up my joypad (a Playstation type dual analogue one) to replicate the odd layout of the N64 has proven a bit troublesome. Can't knock it for nowt though!
I'll PM you about that game you want...
I got the N64 emulator working, played Golden eye it's still a brilliant game.
Can't seem to get the PS1 emulator to work though. I've downloaded ePSXe but when I try to start it up it says burutter.dll was not found??
Go to the shop and buy some butter then.
I got the N64 emulator working, played Golden eye it's still a brilliant game.
Can't seem to get the PS1 emulator to work though. I've downloaded ePSXe but when I try to start it up it says burutter.dll was not found??
Find me a solution Elvis. I downloaded the burrito file but it's still not working. You've no idea how much I want to play Tekken 3 right now.
It's not the analogue controller - it's the "C pad" buttons. I thought they'd be the equivalent of the main four buttons on the SNES pad, but they are not. What the hell are they? Having 6 buttons on the front of a pad is not common. Were the A & B buttons the main two?
Pete Sampras Tennis was good on the Megadrive.
Can't beat Killer Instinct on WinMAME though.
So far got an N64 rom with all the classics such as Goldeneye,Mario 64,1080,Southpark etc
Also, ePSXe doesn't seem to have a shutdown button, so I have to kill it from task manager, but other than that it's pretty good.