Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

Seriously this guy is top 3 the biggest threat to democracy right now. Legislation needs to be set to curb all social media influence, but his especially.

*Update* sod it, I had the top 2 being Trump and the Far Right but Musk readily enables them and spreads their misinformation to an incomparable audience.

Seriously? So we go the Chinese route and all become nationalists?
Seriously? So we go the Chinese route and all become nationalists?

If the alternative is to just allow some douchebag to have control over an orgy of disinformation and extremist rhetoric, then yes, maybe that’s the route to go do.

As he himself said, ‘If the truth is suppressed, it is impossible to make an informed voting decision.’ - likewise HE is one of the largest sources of disinformation and misinformation due to the following he’s got. He posts from the leader of Britain First, citing a fake article suggesting Starmer is pushing for detainment camps in the Falklands, and more than a million people saw it in 15 minutes!!!

It is dangerous to allow any single individual that kind of power to decide what is or isn’t appropriate (take for example the post riddled with the n-word that, after being reported, was decided didn’t break any of their rules, yet someone fairly challenges a politician HE likes and the post gets blocked.

I’m not talking about necessarily banning it, but it needs HEAVY regulation and PERSONAL liability for content, to the point where it isn’t worth him allowing these threats to (a) national security, (b) democracy, (c) the truth to stay on his platform.
If the alternative is to just allow some douchebag to have control over an orgy of disinformation and extremist rhetoric, then yes, maybe that’s the route to go do.

As he himself said, ‘If the truth is suppressed, it is impossible to make an informed voting decision.’ - likewise HE is one of the largest sources of disinformation and misinformation due to the following he’s got. He posts from the leader of Britain First, citing a fake article suggesting Starmer is pushing for detainment camps in the Falklands, and more than a million people saw it in 15 minutes!!!

It is dangerous to allow any single individual that kind of power to decide what is or isn’t appropriate (take for example the post riddled with the n-word that, after being reported, was decided didn’t break any of their rules, yet someone fairly challenges a politician HE likes and the post gets blocked.

I’m not talking about necessarily banning it, but it needs HEAVY regulation and PERSONAL liability for content, to the point where it isn’t worth him allowing these threats to (a) national security, (b) democracy, (c) the truth to stay on his platform.
Enjoy that opinion. I don't think the reality will be to your liking.
If you think extremists stuff is exclusive to X you're wrong. Twaitter was full of misinformation etc prior to Elon buying it. It's just how social media works, I don't believe repressing everything is good for society.
Elon from the little I've taken notice of is now picking up decade old stories and stirring to drive interaction of X. I don't agree with it.
Would he have been put away for 4 years if he were though?
If he committed rape like the beach volleyball player, yes.

I cannot find anything that isn't originating in the Mail about Rashid being convicted of rape. It seems more likely it was the offence of sexual activity with a child. Happy to be corrected by anyone willing to keep digging.

If a child is under the age of 13 (as the girl was with the Dutch athlete), the law assumes that they cannot consent, and the offence is rape.

If a child is 13 or over, then if they consent the offence is not rape, but sexual activity with a child.

Odd that Elon picked this example, when there are others of people being convicted of rape also being spared jail:


Although that defendant's conviction was quashed due to a judicial misdirection, but the sentence is important.


One from the US:


The Government controls the sentencing guidelines, and can change them through an Act of Parliament. We are sending climate protestors who conspire to jail for five years, so you will have no objections from me if we do the same for sexual offences.
Enjoy that opinion. I don't think the reality will be to your liking.
If you think extremists stuff is exclusive to X you're wrong. Twaitter was full of misinformation etc prior to Elon buying it. It's just how social media works, I don't believe repressing everything is good for society.
Elon from the little I've taken notice of is now picking up decade old stories and stirring to drive interaction of X. I don't agree with it.
In no way am I saying it’s ‘only X’ but this is a thread about Elon Musk, so he and Twitter is the topic of conversation.

Regarding the bold element, it probably a lazy trope to fall back to, but I feel it’s appropriate, regarding the paradox of tolerance, or the tolerance of intolerance.

If you allow, through the flag of tolerance, intolerant people to rise and thrive, then only intolerance will survive. As Karl Popper put it:

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from scrutiny or consequence. For example it’s illegal to shout FIRE in a cinema, I wonder if you’re worried about the suppression of that particular freedom?

Put it seems that social media is the only platform free from scrutiny, take slander / libel as an example:
- if a caller says something libellous on a TV or radio station, it’s the station that is liable
- if a writer says something in a newspaper article, not the writer and the newspaper are potentially liable

Social media is the Wild West in comparison, with a clown in charge saying “I offer a platform for free speech” no matter if it’s racist, inciteful of violence or hatred.
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If he committed rape like the beach volleyball player, yes.

I cannot find anything that isn't originating in the Mail about Rashid being convicted of rape. It seems more likely it was the offence of sexual activity with a child. Happy to be corrected by anyone willing to keep digging.

If a child is under the age of 13 (as the girl was with the Dutch athlete), the law assumes that they cannot consent, and the offence is rape.

If a child is 13 or over, then if they consent the offence is not rape, but sexual activity with a child.

Odd that Elon picked this example, when there are others of people being convicted of rape also being spared jail:


Although that defendant's conviction was quashed due to a judicial misdirection, but the sentence is important.


One from the US:


The Government controls the sentencing guidelines, and can change them through an Act of Parliament. We are sending climate protestors who conspire to jail for five years, so you will have no objections from me if we do the same for sexual offences.
Personally wouldn't try to justify any adult having sex with a 13 year old. Nor do I agree with allowing someone to walk free on the grounds of 'I didn't know that law'
How are they “incompatible”?
No cultures are incompatible. Individual people can be. But more importantly those who benefit from dividing people want to convince everyone that they are incompatible. The RW movement (world over) is pure evil.
No cultures are incompatible. Individual people can be. But more importantly those who benefit from dividing people want to convince everyone that they are incompatible. The RW movement (world over) is pure evil.
Actually one caveat: except for that teeny tiny island that hasn't had contact with the outside world ever, beyond contact with boats at a distance and also the missionary that swam over and was swiftly killed.
Actually one caveat: except for that teeny tiny island that hasn't had contact with the outside world ever, beyond contact with boats at a distance and also the missionary that swam over and was swiftly killed.
I remember that fecking jackass.
It will happen to you two as well. Mine was fine for the longest time, until one day it wasn't. There's nothing you can do to avoid it, no setting that will revert.

I think this happened to me today :(

Suddenly every second or third post is from knobs with monikers like "European Invasion", "TrumpisMegaGod" and "BritishPatriot88". I purposefully don't follow any political accounts, but yesterday one of these turned up in my "for you" and I blocked it. Seems like that was the trigger to inundate me with far right bullshit.

Free speech my arse. This is forced speech.
yep, my personal feed is now full of Maga loons and elon fan boys. its a full on cesspit now.

also i dont follow tommy robinson, and yet x seems to enjoy sending me notifications about every piece of racist nonsense he tweets.
yep, my personal feed is now full of Maga loons and elon fan boys. its a full on cesspit now.

also i dont follow tommy robinson, and yet x seems to enjoy sending me notifications about every piece of racist nonsense he tweets.
Follow who you like & just use the 'Following' tab. I've literally had one issue over the past few months.
Follow who you like & just use the 'Following' tab. I've literally had one issue over the past few months.
It’s frustrating because I always used to do this, then they switched it so that the for you tab automatically came up first. Now I can’t get out of the habit of checking it.
It’s frustrating because I always used to do this, then they switched it so that the for you tab automatically came up first. Now I can’t get out of the habit of checking it.
Weird, mine always goes into 'Following.'
BlueSky is easily as populated as Twitter was when it started to get REALLY big and sort of an essential default for consumption.

I joined over a year ago and it was dead and very echo chamber-y.

Having deleted Twitter recently and started opening BlueSky daily, it’s perfectly functional for News, Politics, Football.

There’s certainly not as much there. But how much do you need? If you look at Twitter for an hour a day, or BlueSky, you’re still using an hour of your day, but one will make you angry about the state of the world, the other won’t.

If people don’t vote with their feet and eyeballs and move elsewhere, nothing changes.
BlueSky is easily as populated as Twitter was when it started to get REALLY big and sort of an essential default for consumption.

I joined over a year ago and it was dead and very echo chamber-y.

Having deleted Twitter recently and started opening BlueSky daily, it’s perfectly functional for News, Politics, Football.

There’s certainly not as much there. But how much do you need? If you look at Twitter for an hour a day, or BlueSky, you’re still using an hour of your day, but one will make you angry about the state of the world, the other won’t.

If people don’t vote with their feet and eyeballs and move elsewhere, nothing changes.

The trouble with Bluesky is there aren't sufficient official and/or key influencer accounts active enough to drive the platform. Simply having a steady flow of casuals browsing around is one thing, but most big accounts are still posting on Twitter, so until that changes, Bluesky will struggle to fully take flight.

Also, the fact that Jack Dorsey has ditched the platform and moved on to start something else isn't helping.
The trouble with Bluesky is there aren't sufficient official and/or key influencer accounts active enough to drive the platform. Simply having a steady flow of casuals browsing around is one thing, but most big accounts are still posting on Twitter, so until that happens, I think Bluesky will struggle to fully take flight.

Also, the fact that Jack Dorsey has ditched the platform and moved on to start something else isn't helping.

Yeah the Dorsey point is fair.

I’d softly quarrel the official/key influencer account point though. Mainly because I get what I need, with no idea of what you need.

With regards to stuff I consume, many accounts have started using auto-post-to-Bluesky workarounds. If that process grows, it’s easier to adopt the new platform. I really don’t feel like I’m missing anything important anymore.

I think if folks could guarantee they could press a button to transfer all their followers and the people they follow, to BlueSky, folks would. But that’s never happening. It’s still chicken and egg. All the advertisers that spent dickloads of money on Twitter would love a new space to open up to hose money at. But if people don’t make that soace valuable, the money doesn’t show up.

I quite liked this exchange (probably not even viewable here) : https://bsky.app/profile/alexvont.bsky.social/post/3kzjd5s5s7l2g
wow. why?

He claims it was because Bluesky began moderating content and was on its way to becoming another Twitter. He then started donating to a new platform called Nostr, which is apparently a crypto-driven social network. He's also gone a bit Joe Rogan by only following three accounts on Twitter - Stella Assange. Edward Snowden, and Musk.

Dorsey is one of the few people comparably up their own arse to Musk.
He appparently attempted to conceal his participation in the PAC by delaying his first investment until after 1 April, meaning it wouldn't show up in filings until the October filings were published.

Websites that monitor other websites outages are reporting spikes in outage reports around 8pm Eastern/1am UK which is when it was due to start.

Not saying it isn't a stunt, but a few independant sites are reporting there are issues with X tonight.