Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

For a while people believed Musk to be a very clever man, but he’s worked extremely hard to prove them wrong.
That doesn't even matter any more. He's definitely not as intelligent as his hardcore fans think he is, but he's probably not particularly dumb. But I don't give a shit about that. He's one of the worst people on the planet at the moment, and when he dies the world will automatically be a little less awful. That's what matters. Feck his intelligence.
By the way, what the likes of Musk are doing isn't new, it's just more keenly felt in the "developed world" now that they've turned their sights onto their own sphere when before it was mostly targeted towards the "global south" over the past centuries. That, and the toxic mix of social media, make it even more potent - as seen in more recent colour revolutions and coups.

Just hope the extremists on either side aren't funded and armed to the teeth.
This is so true, I followed bolsonaro's rise and I have no doubt that without facebook/whatsapp he would've been just another joker in brazilian politics instead of becoming president.
I find it absolutely mind boggling that a majority of Tesla shareholders agree to pay him what he gets paid. There is no way he is an asset to any of the companies he CEOs anymore.
If we don’t start to hold social media platforms and the people running them accountable for what is on them, we won’t get this shit to stop. Musk should face jail time for his involvement in all this. He’s as responsible for the consequences of any tweet on his site as the person posting them. In the end it is his site and therefor he is the one who published all these posts.
No newspaper or book publisher would be able to publish even a tiny percentage of the shit in Twitter without facing serious consequences. The fact that social media gets a free pass is mind boggling. There’s a reason newspapers have editorial staff looking over every damn article before it gets published. We completely screwed up by holding social media to different standards.
I find it absolutely mind boggling that a majority of Tesla shareholders agree to pay him what he gets paid. There is no way he is an asset to any of the companies he CEOs anymore.
Tesla has made those people very rich. It has done x12 in the last 5 years, significantly outperforming the market (78% increase in that time), other big tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Meta or Amazon (who increase somewhere between 70%-350%). In fact, the only big company who has done better than Tesla has been Nvidia.

There is nothing particularly special about Tesla nowadays, and its shares, for better or worse, are linked to Musk's name. Him leaving Tesla would likely result in the company being in stock market just another car company, and thus the stock dropping to multiples of car companies, somewhere between 5-20 P/E instead of 56 P/E that is right now.
Tesla has made those people very rich. It has done x12 in the last 5 years, significantly outperforming the market (78% increase in that time), other big tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Meta or Amazon (who increase somewhere between 70%-350%). In fact, the only big company who has done better than Tesla has been Nvidia.

There is nothing particularly special about Tesla nowadays, and its shares, for better or worse, are linked to Musk's name. Him leaving Tesla would likely result in the company being in stock market just another car company, and thus the stock dropping to multiples of car companies, somewhere between 5-20 P/E instead of 56 P/E that is right now.
That growth was never sustainable though, and as times goes on Musk's association could be a hinderance to their fortunes. They've already had an incredibly murky start to year with their share price dropping by a quarter, mass layoffs, cars not selling and their profits taking a big hit. That'll only likely get worse with the onset of competitively priced chinese EVs flooding the market, as well as other competitors bolstering their EV range. You also have to consider the average EV buyer - most will likely be climate conscious and generally educated folk who probably hold someone like Musk in contempt. Anecdotal, but I know a fair number of people who've been put off from buying a Tesla because of his association and have opted for competitor EVs, heck I'm one of them.
I wonder what he gets out of pretending to be a church going conservative man who is out there to save western civilization?

Its ego that has since metastasized into a full blown, mildly messianic savior complex. He literally thinks he is going to save the world by colonizing Mars.

When Piers Morgan is right in an argument then you know the other person is a dumbass.

When Piers Morgan is right in an argument then you know the other person is a dumbass.

Ugh you are right, if Morgan is calling you out you definitely have to take a moment and look in the mirror.
Hopefully there can be some kind of Europe-wide action taken about it. The inbuilt lack of moderation and clear pushing of racist material is straightforward grounds, to me.
That growth was never sustainable though, and as times goes on Musk's association could be a hinderance to their fortunes. They've already had an incredibly murky start to year with their share price dropping by a quarter, mass layoffs, cars not selling and their profits taking a big hit. That'll only likely get worse with the onset of competitively priced chinese EVs flooding the market, as well as other competitors bolstering their EV range. You also have to consider the average EV buyer - most will likely be climate conscious and generally educated folk who probably hold someone like Musk in contempt. Anecdotal, but I know a fair number of people who've been put off from buying a Tesla because of his association and have opted for competitor EVs, heck I'm one of them.
I do not necessarily disagree with any of this, I am just explaining how he got those stock options in the first place (which was very reasonable considering that everyone thought that there is 0 chance of Tesla doing the 10x for those options to get exercised). I also think that was the reason why the shareholders voted to give them back to him after the judge blocked it.

At this stage, I agree that Tesla's market is saturated. The company is making money, but there is no massive room for increase, unless his robot bet pays off.

I do not think his political views will be very important on who buys Tesla cars or not. At least not as important as Tesla's car-building quality, which by all accounts is quite mediocre.
We've basically got Lex Luther in control over the media and space travel at this point. If it can't get any more obvious super villain plot he's building thousands of robots, AI cars, and brain implants.

It's time for governments to start imposing fines on Twitter for it's lack of moderation. Give the money to causes he disagrees with and he'll suddenly shut the feck up.
We've basically got Lex Luther in control over the media and space travel at this point. If it can't get any more obvious super villain plot he's building thousands of robots, AI cars, and brain implants.

It's time for governments to start imposing fines on Twitter for it's lack of moderation. Give the money to causes he disagrees with and he'll suddenly shut the feck up.

A millions times yes.
I've wanted to delete twitter for a while now. But there are so many people I enjoy following on it that I've resisted.

I've hated having to sift through Right wing stiff being plastered every where you look, I've hated Musk. But there was enough good content that I follow, (Sports, news, fpl, etc) that I held off. But Musk recently has tipped me over the edge. I'm done with it.
We've basically got Lex Luther in control over the media and space travel at this point. If it can't get any more obvious super villain plot he's building thousands of robots, AI cars, and brain implants.

It's time for governments to start imposing fines on Twitter for it's lack of moderation. Give the money to causes he disagrees with and he'll suddenly shut the feck up.

We've basically got Lex Luther in control over the media and space travel at this point. If it can't get any more obvious super villain plot he's building thousands of robots, AI cars, and brain implants.

It's time for governments to start imposing fines on Twitter for it's lack of moderation. Give the money to causes he disagrees with and he'll suddenly shut the feck up.

It would be funny if it wasn't so depressingly accurate. Would it be an exaggeration to say that Elon Musk is the most dangerous person on the planet right now?
It would be funny if it wasn't so depressingly accurate. Would it be an exaggeration to say that Elon Musk is the most dangerous person on the planet right now?
Think Trump and Putin have him beat, but he's not miles behind.
So french twitter isn't the only one that has far right and neo-nazis pushed to the front? There is also the far left but it's not as blatant. I noticed it around the time, sponsored tweets started to heavily flood the site.
I've wanted to delete twitter for a while now. But there are so many people I enjoy following on it that I've resisted.

I've hated having to sift through Right wing stiff being plastered every where you look, I've hated Musk. But there was enough good content that I follow, (Sports, news, fpl, etc) that I held off. But Musk recently has tipped me over the edge. I'm done with it.
I’m the same as you - have finally binned it. The aftermath of Southport it was genuinely disgusting. Far-right propaganda or porn everywhere - sometimes a mix of both.
Delighted to see so many of ye finally bin Twatter. I'll admit that I found it useful and interesting during the pandemic but it's been nothing but a complete and utter waste of time ever since And so so depressing. And this goes back to before Musk taking over. The nature of its algorithms means you're constantly exposed to all the worst elements of human nature. That's so bad for your mental health, irrespective of all the right wing propaganda clogging it up these last couple of years.
All of Twitter, though not for all users. It's deliberate.

Who isn't concerned? And yes, it's clearly deliberate because some of the sources are not popular in France, they are known extremist but they are niche even among the average racist or right winger.

I wonder who pays for it?
Just get ISP's to block it. You can make an argument for other social media because they're at least attempting to manage and moderate it. Elon Musk is the one of the worst sources for dangerous rhethoric. Just block it, its too easy and effective a solution.
Just get ISP's to block it. You can make an argument for other social media because they're at least attempting to manage and moderate it. Elon Musk is the one of the worst sources for dangerous rhethoric. Just block it, its too easy and effective a solution.

I see where you are coming from but surely most people know that you just have to change your DNS?
Add me to the number who have just binned their account off. Time to make more of an effort with bluesky.
I do not necessarily disagree with any of this, I am just explaining how he got those stock options in the first place (which was very reasonable considering that everyone thought that there is 0 chance of Tesla doing the 10x for those options to get exercised). I also think that was the reason why the shareholders voted to give them back to him after the judge blocked it.

At this stage, I agree that Tesla's market is saturated. The company is making money, but there is no massive room for increase, unless his robot bet pays off.

I do not think his political views will be very important on who buys Tesla cars or not. At least not as important as Tesla's car-building quality, which by all accounts is quite mediocre.

You, of all people should have seen this coming.

He was always what he really is
I see where you are coming from but surely most people know that you just have to change your DNS?
A lot of these knuckle draggers couldn't tell their arse from their elbow, pretty tall order to expect them to know how to use a VPN or change their DNS.
Who isn't concerned? And yes, it's clearly deliberate because some of the sources are not popular in France, they are known extremist but they are niche even among the average racist or right winger.

I wonder who pays for it?

You're thinking about it the wrong way, I'm pretty sure. I don't think this is a matter of someone paying Elon to push certain views, it's just a result of Elon being a far-right memelord wanker. Whether the algorithm is specifically designed to push far-right, conspiracy content, or if that's just the incidental result of it trying to push engagement (such as it has provenly been the case with YouTube and Facebook, and also pre-Elon Twitter at times)... it's academic at this point. I suspect the former.