Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

Musk taking Ketamine would/might explain some of the delusional behavior he puts on display every time. In some ways I hope that's what explains it bc otherwise he truly is rotten to the core.
Being an insecure twat who was treated like a messiah for years by pretty much everyone and still surrounds himself completely by sycophants also explains it.
I'll put this here, in case someone has way to much time to read a Twitter thread about someone who truly does not matter. In fact, if you even know that this person exists you've gone too far.

Well, Elon Musk has clearly put out the word that actual Nazi comic creator Hans Kristian Graebner (aka StoneToss) has to be protected at all costs, because any tweet that mentions him is getting deleted, and accounts are getting banned over it. I wonder if there's anyone here who still doesn't believe that Elon Musk is a far-right, white supremacist, Nazi-loving, stain on humanity.
Well, Elon Musk has clearly put out the word that actual Nazi comic creator Hans Kristian Graebner (aka StoneToss) has to be protected at all costs, because any tweet that mentions him is getting deleted, and accounts are getting banned over it. I wonder if there's anyone here who still doesn't believe that Elon Musk is a far-right, white supremacist, Nazi-loving, stain on humanity.

He is a lefty. But the left, center and right moved too much to the left leaving him on the far right
Musk taking Ketamine would/might explain some of the delusional behavior he puts on display every time. In some ways I hope that's what explains it bc otherwise he truly is rotten to the core.

I think he's both completely wrong in the head and prone to acting (even more of) the cnut because he's off his nut on ket.
He's gunna be attending Trump rallies before November comes around.

I was just looking at the United twitter feed to see our lineup and between our tweets were random crypto tweets. I guess cause Eric ten Hag is abbreviated to ETH and etherium or whatever is also abbreviated to ETH? Either way, why would I want to see random tweets from other users in United's feed.
Clearly a wreck head.

Indeed, but he's also clearly a spoilt child with a massive chip on his shoulder. You can tell he can't handle anyone disagreeing with him challenging him. He's so used to getting his own way and having people adore him, he hates it when they don't. He's so similar to Trump in that regard, the only difference is Trump would have lost his shit and walked out of the interview ranting at the injustice and disrespect of it all. Two peas from the same pod.

A question for those who believe in standpoint theory:

After Musk endorsed a post concerned about how Jews are forcing racial diversity to weaken White civilization, he then went on an invited tour of Auschwitz and Yad Vashem, met with Israeli leadership, got educated on the dangers of tropes, and altogether made a favorable impression on his many hosts. Since then he has been consistent about the dangers of left wing anti-semitism, especially about Israel.

The question is how anybody, especially non-Jewish people, can still call him anti-semitic, when the people best placed (and, perhaps, the only people who can make this call) embrace him?

And this isn't just about Israeli political leadership but about mainstream community anti-hate organizations like the ADL. After blaming the ADL for manipulating advertisers into leaving his site, he was praised by the ADL chief for opposing genocidal terms like "decolonization" and "from the river to the sea".

If all these mainstream organizations and the world's only Jewish state - supported by the vast majority of the world's Jewish people - were this united in their condemnation of somebody, it would oblige anybody who believes in standpoint theory to follow their lead, regardless of a small (perhaps self-hating) minority that supports that person.

It should be no different when they exonerate and praise Musk.

A question for those who believe in standpoint theory:

After Musk endorsed a post concerned about how Jews are forcing racial diversity to weaken White civilization, he then went on an invited tour of Auschwitz and Yad Vashem, met with Israeli leadership, got educated on the dangers of tropes, and altogether made a favorable impression on his many hosts. Since then he has been consistent about the dangers of left wing anti-semitism, especially about Israel.

The question is how anybody, especially non-Jewish people, can still call him anti-semitic, when the people best placed (and, perhaps, the only people who can make this call) embrace him?

And this isn't just about Israeli political leadership but about mainstream community anti-hate organizations like the ADL. After blaming the ADL for manipulating advertisers into leaving his site, he was praised by the ADL chief for opposing genocidal terms like "decolonization" and "from the river to the sea".

If all these mainstream organizations and the world's only Jewish state - supported by the vast majority of the world's Jewish people - were this united in their condemnation of somebody, it would oblige anybody who believes in standpoint theory to follow their lead, regardless of a small (perhaps self-hating) minority that supports that person.

It should be no different when they exonerate and praise Musk.

If you think a visit to Auschwitz and Israel moved him to such an extent that it cured his antisemitism, I have a bridge to sell you. To the extent that he has ended his antisemitic dog whistling on Twitter, it is only because he has recognized that it is in his own interest to do so. It was basically just a publicity tour to attempt to remove a stain from his image. He will simply move on to some other kind of bigotry based in conspiracy theories.

There are other points in your post that could be contested. For example, what is meant by Israel being supported by a vast majority of the world's Jewish people? If you are talking purely about it's right to exist, then sure. If you are talking about the actions of the current government, the act of settling the West Bank, etc. then the Jewish diaspora is not universally supportive at all.
To think there were people a year or so back who hadn't yet realised he's an absolute melt.
A huge loser, utterly despise him.
I made a comment on him that became a meme in Caf. But I genuinely think that he is, or at least was, extremely smart. I know that in this forum (and all left ones), we attribute success to everyone except the person in charge, but he truly did some marvellous things. And when you see people who have worked with him (or competed with him), they all talk with utter respect about Musk. People like Karpathy, Altman, Carmack etc.

But while he was always a bit of a psycho with hero complex, something seemed to have changed during covid. He has gone in full rabid hole, seem to believe every conspiracy, and spends more time in Twitter than we spend on Caf. Which means that he is not really running his companies anymore, and doing no technical contributions (something that people have no reason to lie and they all agree on is that he was leading the engineering in the early days of SpaceX and Tesla). He always says that he has no free time cause of work, and then tweets 100 times per day. The best he can do for himself is close his Twitter account and hire some people who challenge him, and go back to building cool shit.
To think there were people a year or so back who hadn't yet realised he's an absolute melt.
Started around the time he threatened to take Tesla private for me. started reading Plain Sites and just listening to him speak. Became obvious he was a huge bluffer.
He single-handedly created dozens of different successful companies, you should all show some respect.
But while he was always a bit of a psycho with hero complex, something seemed to have changed during covid. He has gone in full rabid hole, seem to believe every conspiracy, and spends more time in Twitter than we spend on Caf.
His thin skin and tendency for bizarre outbursts is older than covid, but he did get a lot more bitter and got a steady stream of sycophants who were very strongly politically charged and connected during that.
His thin skin and tendency for bizarre outbursts is older than covid, but he did get a lot more bitter and got a steady stream of sycophants who were very strongly politically charged and connected during that.
Yeah, I might be wrong but the peado comments were before covid. It was probably the first time he looked bitter in public, and since then, it has gone from mildly bad to the biggest jerk in twitter. Which is an achievement.

Elon was triggered by THAT? He's even more pathetic than I thought he already was.

Indeed, but he's also clearly a spoilt child with a massive chip on his shoulder. You can tell he can't handle anyone disagreeing with him challenging him. He's so used to getting his own way and having people adore him, he hates it when they don't. He's so similar to Trump in that regard, the only difference is Trump would have lost his shit and walked out of the interview ranting at the injustice and disrespect of it all. Two peas from the same pod.

If someone studying child development looks at Elon's case, she/he would probably tell you this is arguably the best example of one can be raised very poorly from a more advantageous position in quality of life. The worst thing is that more and more parents out there are raising children like this nowadays by kowtowing to their whims instead of standing a firm line of disagreement as means to teach the child a proper lesson in life.

A question for those who believe in standpoint theory:

After Musk endorsed a post concerned about how Jews are forcing racial diversity to weaken White civilization, he then went on an invited tour of Auschwitz and Yad Vashem, met with Israeli leadership, got educated on the dangers of tropes, and altogether made a favorable impression on his many hosts. Since then he has been consistent about the dangers of left wing anti-semitism, especially about Israel.

The question is how anybody, especially non-Jewish people, can still call him anti-semitic, when the people best placed (and, perhaps, the only people who can make this call) embrace him?

And this isn't just about Israeli political leadership but about mainstream community anti-hate organizations like the ADL. After blaming the ADL for manipulating advertisers into leaving his site, he was praised by the ADL chief for opposing genocidal terms like "decolonization" and "from the river to the sea".

If all these mainstream organizations and the world's only Jewish state - supported by the vast majority of the world's Jewish people - were this united in their condemnation of somebody, it would oblige anybody who believes in standpoint theory to follow their lead, regardless of a small (perhaps self-hating) minority that supports that person.

It should be no different when they exonerate and praise Musk.

Do you find it credible that the Democrats are entrenching single party rule?